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Progressive businesses cannot run on spreadsheets! Technology is the way forward to provide superior experience to internal and external stakeholders. These technologies can either be self-built or can be adopted from the market. The choice is always yours!

However, here's the cost-benefit analysis for adopting a #Gamification software from the market like Compass. Here are some logical facts and perspectives that can help you make a decision.

  1. Need for Gamification
  2. Business Impact
  3. Solution
  4. Costs Analysis

Need for gamification

1. Salesman’s perspective

Monotony in sales attributes to significant business loss. Salesman faces the following challenges -

1. Pushy goalsheets

  • No Recognition for intermediate achievements
  • Low Motivation to sell

2. Non-engaging schemes & contests

  • Tough to get Scorecards
  • Lack of contests awareness
  • Errors & Delays in disbursals

2. Regional manager’s perspective

Delays and errors in publishing contests, scorecards and disbursals make salesmen demotivated. This leads to attrition and productivity losses. Some of the problems of program-admins are -

1. Tracking live performance

  • Performance of self, salesman and skip-level repartees
  • Leaderboards of performers, non-performers and inactive users

2. Visibility of contests & offers

  • Unawareness about contests & offers
  • Mapping eligible contests with different segments

3. Communication

  • Striking earning-based conversations
  • Tough to nudge objectively

3. Program administrators

Clear and instant visibility of performance data, contests and incentive plans, and goal sheets can help managers in striking bang-on conversations. However they face challenges in -

1. Publishing contests & incentive plans

  • Design, Publish and Broadcast Contests
  • Track Contest performance

2. Timely calculations & disbursements

  • Error-free calculations
  • Adjustment requests
  • Timely disbursal

3. Draw actionable insights

  • Inform the salesforce about target gaps
  • Insights on contests

Business impact in your business

Hundreds of companies across the globe have trusted Compass. Here are some of the visible impacts that hamper your business -

1. Opaque communication

Businesses usually launch performance programs over WhatsApp or Emails. These are static ways to publish programs which require significant effort in re-publishing scorecards, leaderboard and nudges at regular intervals. This makes the sales engine slow and contributes to significant productivity loss.

2. Non-engaging incentive plans

Businesses usually launch incentive plans and contests to encourage salesmen. However with lack of real-time visibility - the programs become static and not-so-interesting. This means you make spends on incentive without much accelerated sales.

3. Long processing time

Incentive processing needs attention of the entire company’s ecosystem. This starts from Program-Admins to Finance to Leaders to Sales team themselves. According to gartner - A Salesman spends 15% of his time in understanding, and calculating incentive programs.

4. Budget leakage

Companies over-spend ~20% of total budgeted payouts due to errors, delays, non-redemptions, and friction-led attrition. Overall companies face over 50% productivity loss due to manual processing of goal sheets, incentive plans, nudging at the right time, budget leakage etc.

Digitising sales programs as a solution

The software should have capability to publish salesmen’s goal sheets, incentive plans and contests and let them track his performance LIVE. Ready-made templates can enable publishing programs in less than 10 minutes. The product should do real-time calculations, generate scorecards and nudge at the right time. Here are a few basic capabilities of the software.

  1. Publish Contests & incentive Plans
  2. Live Scorecards
  3. One-click payments
  4. Groups & Communities
  5. Nudges & Notifications
  6. Trends & Insights

Cost Analysis

The need of the product is not just to calculate incentives but it helps you to bring data-transparency that matters to your salesmen and team managers. Compass integrates with your CRM and helps your business in following ways -

  1. 100% Clear & Transparent Communication
  2. 80% Increase in Sales Productivity
  3. 90% Saving On Processing Time
  4. 15% Savings On Budgets
  5. 20% Impact in Attrition rates

If you have realised the need of the product - here are the minimum cost components you will need to build the solution yourself

Compass would however cost you 1/3rd of the setup and license fee (as shared above). Compass has a 100+ member staff with 35 software developers, 5 product managers, 4 Game Designers, 10 testing professionals, 10 implementation support staff, 10 customer support staff, 10 sales and marketing professionals, 5 managers and 10 others managing different admin & finance functions. The entire team is dedicated to providing you Gamification software in its best avatar in the globe! This means you get -

  1. Free lifetime software upgrades as per best market standards
  2. No coding, development and maintenance hassles
  3. Zero errors on calculations guaranteed
  4. Free Insights and Trends to make incentive program smarter
  5. Tech-support experts always at your disposal

No matter how simple or complex your incentive plans, Compass can handle it!

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