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Did you know an average sales representative spends 21% of their weekdays writing emails? With McKinsey revealing that email is one of the most effective forms of communication to target and reach new customers, it’s unsurprising that 80% of sales representatives use emails to reach their potential customers. 

In the sales world, prospecting is a crucial process involving reaching out to potential customers to generate new business opportunities. One of the most effective ways to do this is through email marketing.

A study by Forbes has shown that the open rate of email for small businesses is 65%. Meanwhile, the average open rate staggers between 11% to 50%. In addition, 70% of marketers believe email marketing is an effective channel to convert leads. However, one must write a compelling email stating every pitch aspect to ensure the conversion.

Although writing effective sales prospecting emails can be a challenging task, to help you with this process, there are several sales prospecting email templates available that have been proven to be successful. This article will look closely at 20 sales prospecting email templates people want to follow. Whether you are a seasoned sales professional or starting, these templates can help you craft effective emails to generate leads and close deals.

What is sales prospecting?

Sales prospecting is a process to initiate and develop new businesses through identifying and contacting new customers, clients, or buyers for your products or services. It is an important tool for commercial expansion, and it helps you to understand a prospect’s pain points to serve them better, thereby increasing the chances for your business to be successful.

Bonus tip: Incorporating client gifts into your sales prospecting strategy can be a smart investment, as it can have a high ROI in the long run. However, ensuring that the marketing gifts are thoughtful, relevant, and aligned with your brand's values and messaging is important marketing gifts.

Importance of sales prospecting email templates

Sales prospecting requires you to be vigilant and swift so that you don’t miss on the precious opportunities that can be crucial for the growth of your planned business. This is where email templates come into play. They play a key role in ensuring the smooth workflow of a business. Let’s look at some of their benefits.

  • Saves time: With email templates, you don’t have to enter all the details again and again, including images and HTML coding. This saves the employees a lot of valuable time, thereby increasing their productivity.
  • Reduces stress: According to the reports, most employees can only handle about fifty emails daily. Beyond this point, the more emails increase, the more stressful they become. Email templates effectively reduce that stress, as they can send more emails without excessively mulling over what to write in each email.
  • Minimum margin of error: Since email templates lessen employees' time and stress while sending out emails, the margin of error also decreases significantly, and so does the need to type and re-typing the email repeatedly.
  • Enhances communication: With a low margin of error and optimal precision, email templates help you improve communication with current or potential clients.
    It leaves a positive impression on the clients, which, in turn, creates opportunities for your business to bloom.

Since we have discussed the importance of email templates in business marketing, let’s talk about the crucial factors that create good email prospecting templates.

What makes a good sales prospecting email template?

A good sales prospecting email plays an important role in the growth of your business in its nascent stage. But to do that, you have to remember certain points to craft it. Let’s take a look at them.

  • Personalisation: The first and most important goal of email prospecting is to convert a potential client into a loyal buyer or customer. To do that, personalization is perhaps the most efficient way of all. Including the recipient’s first name, job title, and company is a nice way, but you need to put more into it, such as specific details of a potential client’s life.

    You can do a thorough background check on the prospect’s employer about the firm they work at. This will not only be a good conversation starter but will tell them that you are genuinely interested in building a professional relationship.
  • Examples of personalisation in the email: You can personalise your emails in many ways. For example, one way is to use the potential client's name. It is a straightforward technique but can be helpful when sending in bulk. But try not to overdo it, or else it can become annoying. You can also use the client’s profile, trigger event, compliment, or the prospect’s interest. Visual representation also helps a lot.
  • Attention-grabbing subject lines: What does the receiver notice while opening an email? The subject line. So, it becomes impervious to write catchy and attention-grabbing subject lines that can persuade the client to open the email. Personalize the subject line or add a friendly tone to improve open rates. A Leadium study revealed that four-word or fewer subject lines performed best. Moreover, a source has revealed that emails with personalised subject lines have a 50% higher opening rate.
  • Clear and concise messaging: While writing the body of an email, apart from personalising it, one other thing must be kept in mind. It is to keep the messaging clear and concise. A clear and concise email won’t make the reader bored. Emails with less than 300 words will tend to have a greater chance of evoking a response than, say, 1000 words.
  • Call-to-action (CTA): A call-to-action is a short line at the end of an email to urge the recipient to move forward. It can either contain an email address, phone number, or a hyperlink to direct the user to the intended website. A study suggested that strong CTAs that ask the recipient their thoughts see a 20% increase in response rate.

20 Sales prospecting email templates

Here are 20 sales prospecting email templates that you can use to garner clients,

1. Company announcement

Hi [First name],

Your week’s announcement about [topic] has me intrigued. To help you with it I have found an article one [related topic] that may be of interest to you and your company.

Here’s the link to read it: [article link]

Probably you don’t need it, but if you want some more insight to improve [related business value], I am happy to assist.

Hope you find this article resourceful.

Warm regards,

[insert email signature]

2. Offering services

Hi [First name],

Ours is an over [number of years] old organization, specialized in providing services and solutions in [field of specialization].

We have developed strong relationships with leading business(es) such as [name of business(es)], and that’s only because of our motto; stability, security, innovation. They have helped us tackle any problem that can affect the business.

We hope your business is in excellent condition, but if you are facing some difficulties, we are happy to help.

Please feel free to contact us at [phone number] or at [email address].


[insert email signature]

3. Congratulating and offering help to further enhance their business

Hi [First name],

Congratulations on sealing the deal with [company’s name] and on getting promoted as [the post]. We are elated to see your success and wish you the best. Congrats!

This is only the beginning of a glorious future, and if you need [product/service] that can help you to achieve that, we have the exact solution that you are looking for. Feel free to contact me, I can explain it a bit in detail.

Congrats again! Look forward to working with you.


[insert email signature]

4. Making personal connection

Hi [First name],

We recently met at a conference, and I am happy to make your acquaintance!

While browsing through your LinkedIn recently, I found that you went to [college/university], same as me! Great town, especially [popular attraction]. Did you like the place?

I also found out that your company deals in [product/service]. Our company provides solutions for the same. Can we connect sometime in the next week for lunch, so that we can talk about this more? Let me know if you are interested.



[insert email signature]

5. Sharing expert insight

Hi [First name],

I’ve researched the companies like you who specialize in [recipient’s company specifics], and I have discovered [problems/pain points] bother you the most.

These are a few articles that help you understand them better.

  • Link to article 1 [description of content]
  • Link to article 2 [description of content]
  • Link to article 3 [description of content]

If these are up to your satisfaction, let’s meet for half an hour to see if [my

Company] can help you solve the problem.

Let me know what date works the best for you.


[Your name]

6. Referencing mutual connection

Hi [First name],

I met our mutual connection [connection’s name] yesterday. He told me about your company [company's name] and that you are looking for a way to enhance your business. Here are some of my favorite resources that you will like to read.

  • Resource 1
  • Resource 2

I would also like to inform that my company offers services for the same to help

accelerate business like yours. Companies like [mention companies’ name] have

our services to achieve satisfactory results.

If this has piqued your interest, I would like to discuss more in person. Please let

me when you are free.


[Your name]

7. Reaching out to sell a new product

Hi [First name],

It’s a pleasure to meet you. Our company [company’s name] manufactures [type of product], and it has come to our attention that you also rely on such products to run your business.

We are happy to provide you the same at a more affordable price than the standard market rates. And I would like to have a discussion with you about the same so that I can explain it in more detail.

P.S. Here is a short explainer about Freshsales.


[insert email signature]

8. Warming up cold email

Hi [First name],

It’s great to see that your company is giving a phenomenal performance. Also, I have been trying to reach you for a week but so far, we haven’t got a chance to communicate.

Would you be able to spare a few minutes over a call so that I can explain my purpose of contacting you?


[Your name]

9. Straightforward communication

Hi [First name],

I won’t be wasting your time since I know you’re quite busy these days. Our organization [company’s name] helps tackle problems like [problem types], something your company faces on a daily basis.

So far we have worked with esteemed companies like [companies’ name] in tackling these problems, and would like to collaborate with yours.

If this interests you, I would like to discuss the same with you one a call.


[insert email signature]

10. Follow up email

Hi [First name],

Did you get a chance to go through the email that I sent you recently? If not, please go through it so that we can discuss it in depth.

Eagerly waiting for your reply.


[Your name]

11. Follow the follow ups

Hi [First name],

Hope you are doing well. It seems you are busy, since you haven’t replied to my previous emails. Hence, I’m writing you this email again to draw your attention that I’m still enthusiastically waiting to hear your views about the offer I made to you regarding the solutions I can provide to tackle your ongoing problem.

I’m confident that our company can replicate the success for [prospect’s company] as we had done for others.

Would you be able to give 15 minutes of your time? Look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your name]

12. To establish credibility

Hi [First name],

I work with [company’s name] for many reputed organizations, and am enthusiastic to work with your esteemed company too.

I would love to introduce [your product] for you to evaluate if we can meet your expectations or not. Can we have a discussion on it in the coming week?


[Your name]

13. For an internal referral

Hi [First name],

I’m looking for the person who works as [designation] in your organization.

If it’s okay, can you point me in the right direction?

Thank you in advance for your help.


[insert email signature]

14. Referring to a social media post

Hi [First name],

I recently saw your post on LinkedIn about wanting to work with a business solution company to tackle [pain point] that you face regularly.

I’m happy to tell you that our company [company’s name] specializes in dealing with the same. So far we have worked with a few leading companies, and would love to work with you. So, if you are interested, please feel free to contact me.


[Your name]

15. Referring to a new role

Hi [First name],

Congratulations for incorporating a new division in your company. Probably, you are looking to boost your performance and outcome during the first few months. I work for a company that does exactly that.

We have helped other firms to their satisfaction. We would like to do the same for you.

If you are interested, I would love to set up a quick call for you. Eagerly waiting for your reply.


[Your name]

16. Opportunity for [The Potential Client]

Hi [First name],

Congrats on your new Startup! Hope it will be a great success!

I recently saw your LinkedIn post where you asked about how to jumpstart your

Startup. Here at [your company’s name] we provide the solution for the same.

Here are some of the solutions that we worked on with other startups. You might

Find it helpful.

  • [Solution 1]
  • [Solution 2]
  • Solution 3]

If these solutions interest you, then feel free to contact me. I would be happy to

answer your queries.


[Your name]

17. Content promotion

Hi [First name],

Hope you are doing well. I have come across your careers page and found out that you are currently looking for content promotion. Our company [your company’s name] does content promotion and marketing for various companies.

So far, we have worked with renowned companies, and we have done research about yours too. I think there are some areas that your company needs to invest in.

[Mention the point(s)]

If it piques your interest, please free to contact me at [phone number]


[Your name]

18. Mentioning an interest

Hi [First name],

It’s great to see that you like to execute your tasks objectively, rather than relying on the emotions. This is what I too believe in, and I believe you like someone who will tackle your problems objectively. I can help you with that.

If interested, please feel free to contact me.


[Your name]

19. AIDA email template

Hi [First Name],

Do you know that the [paint point] you face can be solved? It’s true! Within a year [company’s name] managed to overcome the obstacle to achieve [X%] success, by adapting to our [service/module].

If you are interested in tackling your problems and boosting your business, I can help you with that.

Please let me know if you can connect this week.


[Your name]

20. App performance email

Hi [First name],

Have you launched an app with the hopes to disrupt the prevailing ‘App Marketplace’, but bugs and glitches are taking your dream away?

Don’t worry, our team of experts at [your company’s name] work hard to identify and solve such bugs and glitches. So far, we have worked for renowned ventures like [insert the name of the companies].

If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.


[Your name]


Sales prospecting emails are crucial in engaging potential customers and generating business opportunities. Crafting compelling and effective email templates can significantly increase the chances of capturing the attention of your prospects and enticing them to take the desired action.

In this blog, we have explored 20 sales prospecting email templates designed to resonate with people and elicit positive responses. These templates offer a variety of approaches, from personalised introductions to value-driven offers, demonstrating the importance of tailoring your messages to your target audience's specific needs and preferences.

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Nagma Nasim

Nagma Nasim

Nagma is a content writer who creates informative articles, blogs, & other engaging content. In her free time, you can find her immersed in academic papers, novels, or movie marathons.