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Sales can be stressful and tense for both the salesperson and the client. Adding a bit of humour to your sales pitch can help break the ice and create a more relaxed atmosphere. Humour also helps to build rapport with clients and makes the presentation more memorable. Plus, who doesn't like a good laugh?

How to crack sales jokes

Here are some tips to keep in mind when cracking sales jokes.

1. Understand your audience

Before cracking a sales joke, it is important to know your audience. What type of humor will they find amusing? What are their cultural and societal norms? Knowing your audience will help you choose the right type of joke and avoid any potential offence.

2. Know the appropriate timing

Timing is everything when it comes to cracking jokes during a sales pitch. Make sure you wait for the right moment and avoid interrupting the flow of the presentation. You don't want to come across as unprofessional or distract from the main message.

3. Use self-deprecating humour

Self-deprecating humor is a great way to break the ice and show that you don't take yourself too seriously. It also helps to build rapport with clients and create a more relaxed atmosphere. However, make sure to avoid making fun of your company or your colleagues.

4. Avoid clichés

Avoid using the same old sales jokes that everyone has heard a hundred times before. Your clients are likely to tune out or roll their eyes. Instead, try to come up with something original and tailored to the situation.

Best sales jokes of all time

1. The one about the golf clubs

A man walks into a golf store and asks the salesperson, "Do you have any golf clubs for someone who doesn't golf well?" The salesperson replies, "Sure, we call those 'left-handed clubs'".

2. The one about the motivational speaker

A motivational speaker asks the audience, "Who here wants to be a millionaire?" Everyone raises their hand. He then asks, "Who here has a great idea for a new business?" Half the audience raises their hand. Finally, he asks, "Who here knows how to implement their great idea?" Only a few people raise their hand. The speaker then says, "Congratulations, you're the ones who will become millionaires."

3. The one about the new product launch

A salesperson is presenting a new product to a group of clients. He asks, "Who wants to try our new product?" Everyone in the room raises their hand. The salesperson then says, "Great, it's $100 a bottle."

4. The one about the sales rep and the farmer

A sales rep is trying to sell a farmer a new tractor. The farmer asks, "Does it come with air conditioning?" The sales rep replies, "No, but it comes with a built-in radio." The farmer asks, "What good is a radio when I'm out in the fields?" The sales rep responds, "Well, it will keep you company while waiting for the tow truck."

5. The one about the car salesman and the nun

A car salesman is showing a nun a new car. He tells her, "This car is so quiet, you'll forget the engine is even running." The nun replies, "I'm sorry, I can't drive a car without hearing the engine." The salesman says, "Well, in that case, we have a great deal on earplugs."

More sales jokes to make you laugh

  1. What did the grape say when it got stepped on all day? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.
  2. I've got a great new product, but it's still in development. It's a solar-powered flashlight.
  3. Did you hear about the salesman who sold a refrigerator to an Eskimo? He said it was perfect for keeping things warm.
  4. I'm not saying my product is life-changing, but it did get me a second date with my wife.
  5. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  6. I once sold a parachute to a guy who didn't think he needed one. He ended up coming back to buy a second one.
  7. Did you hear about the salesman who sold a vacuum cleaner to a blind man? He said it was the best view he had ever had.
  8. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.
  9. I'm not great at math, but I'm pretty sure my product equals success.
  10. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it was feeling crumbly.
  11. I tried to sell my old car, but the buyer just kept haggling. In the end, I just gave in and threw in the steering wheel. It was a great deal.
  12. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.
  13. I'm not a magician, but I can make your sales numbers disappear.
  14. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn't peeling well.
  15. Did you hear about the salesman who sold a watch to a snail? He said it would help him keep track of time.
  16. I'm not saying my product will change your life, but it will make it easier.
  17. Why did the tomato turn green? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  18. I once sold a computer to a caveman. He said it was perfect for his "stone age" business.
  19. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two tired.
  20. I'm not saying my product is the best, but it's definitely in the top one.
  21. Why did the salesman cross the road? To get to the other side of the deal.
  22. What did the sales manager say to the new hire? "If at first you don't succeed, lower your expectations."
  23. Why did the salesperson bring a ladder to the sales meeting? They wanted to reach new heights in sales.
  24. What do you call a salesperson who can sell ice to an Eskimo? A top performer.
  25. How many salespeople does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but they have to want to change.
  26. Why did the salesman cross the road? To get to the other side of the deal.
  27. What do you call a salesperson who has just lost their job? Re-tired.
  28. Why did the sales rep bring a ladder to the sales meeting? To reach the next level.
  29. How many salespeople does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but it takes at least five follow-up calls to close the deal.
  30. Why did the customer buy a vacuum cleaner? Because it really sucked them in.


Cracking a sales joke can be a great way to lighten the mood during a sales presentation and create a more relaxed atmosphere. However, it's important to know your audience, choose the right timing, use self-deprecating humor, and avoid clichés. With these tips, you can add some humor to your sales pitch and leave a lasting impression on your clients.


What if I'm not good at telling jokes?

Not everyone is a natural comedian, but that doesn't mean you can't add some humor to your sales pitch. Try to think of funny anecdotes or stories related to your product or service. Just make sure they are appropriate and not offensive.

Is it okay to make fun of my competitors during a sales pitch?

No, it's not okay to make fun of your competitors during a sales pitch. It's unprofessional and can make you come across as petty and insecure. Instead, focus on the strengths of your own product or service.

Can I use humour in every sales pitch?

While humour can be effective in some sales pitches, it's not always appropriate. It depends on your audience, the product or service you're selling, and the tone of the presentation. Use your judgment, and don't force it if it doesn't feel natural.

What if my joke falls flat?

Don't worry if your joke falls flat; it happens to the best of us. Just move on and continue with the presentation. Don't dwell on it or try to force more jokes.

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