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According to HubSpot Survey, 71% of sales associates state their primary concern is to close more deals.

Sales closing is the phase in the sales procedure when the customer or prospect chooses whether to buy a product/service. A closing phrase can be the last strategy a sales rep can use to convince a customer or lead to buy the product.

There are four types of sales closing phrases generally:

  • Assumptive: When the sales rep delivers an assumptive close, they use the phrase assuming the sale is over. For instance, "When should I visit you for a complimentary software demo"?
  • Urgency: An urgency sales closing phrase involves a limited timeline. For instance, "Our prices change daily depending on market conditions. This price is only for today".
  • Option: Using an option closing phrase, the sales rep asks the customer to select between two options. For instance, "depending on your needs, do you think a one-month or three-month subscription is ideal for you"?
  • Suggestive: The closing phrase means the sales rep suggests a product depending on their conversation with the client. For instance, "it appears that our premier package is the best fit for you and your business. Do you think the same?"

Why is the sales closing phrase important?

Closing a sale is essential as it is that part of the sale procedure where you're about to convince your lead to commit to your given offer. To reach this phase, a sales rep should possess skills like active listening, negotiation, and overcoming objections to reach the final step, where the client or customer eventually says yes.

A good closing helps you win the sale. Irrespective of your style, it is essential to know the steps involved in closing a deal. It will prepare you to combat all sorts of situations- no two prospects are the same, and you may have to try several closing techniques on various prospects.

To find out which technique is relevant, gaining knowledge about your client's needs and interests is vital before making the sale. Identifying pain points is the key to winning sales, and 28% have a higher chance of closing the sale and hitting the quota.

This is why effective sales closing phrases are designed to ensure you make the deal and bring a protracted sales process to a good end.

Sales closing phrases techniques for 2023

There are several approaches and techniques associated with sales closing phrases. Some of them are given below:

1. Hard closing

The hard closing phrase includes pressure selling. It is when you come out early asking for the sale and consistently aggressively asking even before establishing your product's value. It makes it appear that you only wish to meet your quota.

Hard closing can only be used if you're sure the customer will indeed proceed with the purchase if they find the deal slipping from their hand.

For instance, "I'm afraid if you don't go for the deal today, it will not be available tomorrow."

2. Soft closing

A soft close is a gentle approach to presenting the advantages of a product and gauging a prospect's interest. It involves neutrally presenting the benefits and then asking a low-stakes question to determine their willingness to learn more.

For instance, "If I could demonstrate a reduction in widget maintenance by 25% and an increase in widget productivity by 15%, would you be open to exploring further?" or, "If I shared with you information on how we can lower widget maintenance by 25% and boost widget productivity by 15%, would that align with your company's objectives?"

This method avoids making demands or direct requests and provides a non-threatening way to learn more about their business needs.

3. Assumptive closing

The assumptive close is a powerful selling strategy that leverages the principle of confidence to secure a sale. By acting as if the deal is already done, salespeople create a sense of certainty and foster a positive mindset. This approach involves closely observing the client's reactions and interests and assuming a positive outcome from the start.

To put the assumptive close into practice, you might ask questions like, "Does this seem to be something your company would need?" After addressing your client's requirements, you could proceed with statements like "When can we start – Monday?" or "When shall we deliver it to you?" These statements assume that the client is ready to proceed with the sale, creating a sense of momentum and increasing the likelihood of a successful close.

How to write effective sales closing phrases: tips & tricks

1. Do proper research

Understand your company's offering and your prospect's business nature to present them with the solutions that will work for them. So, conducting profound research is essential throughout the sales process.

Discuss it with your point of contact and other concerned team members at the company's different departments to learn about it deeply. It will give you a better picture of the working of the prospect's company and its needs and preferences. 84% of buyers are likely to purchase from a company that understands their goals.

2. Mark expectations

Remember, not all opportunities get closed. Hence, it is essential to set realistic expectations. Ask your lead questions about their budget, objective, and timeline before offering them your product demonstration or trial.

Once their objective and budget align with your product, you can build a good rapport with them and earn their trust. Remember, different industries have different close ratios. Some of them, according to the industry, are:

  • Finance: 19%
  • Computers: 23%
  • Business and industrial companies: 27%

3. Share a story

Agree or not, storytelling is the best way to cast an impression on a lead. People remember stories more than any information.

As a sales rep, you have a specific time to cast an impression in the closing stage of the sale. Ensure to use it wisely.

Also, do not make irrelevant stories that customers can easily make out. 90% of the decisions are based on emotion and not logic. Hence, a story is an excellent way to tap into emotions.

  • Successful and true stories: Share a story about a client who has benefitted from your service. Share how your product has been helpful to their company.
  • Personal Testimony: If a prospect shows worry concerning their company's reputation, the competence of the product, or round-the-clock support, provide personal testimony to assure them that they will be in the right hands.

4. Pitch benefits instead of product

Ever heard this, "people don't want to purchase a half-inch drill; they desire a half-inch drill?" Keep this in mind when working with a prospect.

Focus on the benefits of the product. Remember, the lead is not looking ahead to purchasing what you sell; they wish to resolve an issue they are facing. So, whether you're marketing convenience, quality, or anything else, market your benefits.

It will further help you combat a low-cost provider, which is a significant challenge to overcome in this field.

5. Deal with objections

If a prospect raises a concern about your product, address it proactively. Listen to them and answer their objections. Clarify all their doubts and make sure to respond thoughtfully.

6. Move the deal ahead

As soon as you are confident that the solution is apt for the buyer, ask for the sale. Ensure the buyer feels comfortable, but communicate all urgencies possible to move the deal ahead.

Examples of sales closing phrases in action

Making an in-action close is tricky. You need to work your phrase right so you don't sound too aggressive in your approach. You don't want to create unwanted stress on your lead.

Here are some examples of sale closing phrases in action to help you get the deal ahead:

1. When do you want to start with the implementation?

Like many action phrases, this one is entirely in action, as the prospect will instantly move into action and may respond within a specific timeframe. However, ensure you don't use it too early, or it may erode their trust.

2. When should I get it delivered?

This is yet another well-timed action phrase to help you earn the sale confirmation. However, if the prospect has some questions, answer them peacefully before putting up with this closing phrase.

3. Do you want to go with A or B?

This may be a better action-selling question to ask- it helps measure the commitment they are about to make. In a good situation, they'll immediately close when you ask this. If they haven't decided yet, you will have some concrete numbers.

4. Send me your details so that I may proceed with the paperwork.

If the prospect is prepared to purchase, they will provide you with this information. However, if they aren't ready, they will get in a slightly uncomfortable position explaining why they can't hand over the information to you.

5. Whose name will the invoice be made on?

It is a softer closing phrase than above and will go well with the prospect.

6. If we offer the product at a particular price, would you do business with us?

It is a trick. Once the client answers yes, the rep can meet their objections without any problem.

7. If we could resolve your objections, would you sign the deal?

Doubts kill the deals. Hence, it is important to give customers a commitment that the company can resolve their problem by a suggested time.

8. The product appears to be a perfect fit for your company. Do you think the same?

The question makes potential client consider their reasons for buying your product. Also, it appears genuine instead of prompting.

9. Why don’t you give it a try?

It is a pretty simple question. Rather than making a commitment, you can just allow the prospect to give your product a chance.

10. Would you consider doing business with us?

A direct ask. It is the best closing technique showcasing the firm command of the salesperson over the situation.

11. Ready to move ahead? Should I get the contract?

Well, it is like progressing. If the prospect is happy with your presentation, they will happily sign the contract.

12. You find the A and B features interesting. By starting today, you will be running up at the right date.

It reminds the prospect that the sooner they make a decision, they will have a new solution by their side.

13. Would it be a good recommendation for your next quarter? If yes, I could follow up.

If the salesperson feels that the prospect wants to push the deal for some time. Then this is the perfect closure.

14. Are you satisfied enough to sign the contract today?

Once all the objections are encountered, the salesperson can question this.

15. Have I done sufficient to earn your business?

It is a humble question, where the prospect will answer yes if their objections are dealt with.

Here are some tips to follow after closing the deal:

  • Log the deal in your software: Believe us, your sales leader will be grateful to you. Logging your deal will keep your team updated.
  • Offer an introduction to the following department: Closing the deal is one part of the customer journey with your company. They have been onboarded. Ensure you introduce them to the following department for a smooth transition.
  • Follow-up with them: Check in to see if your customer feels good about their purchase. It will help you win their trust and loyalty. If any issue arises, ensure to address it immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about sales closing statements

1. What are some of the best closing sales questions?

  • What are you looking forward to before committing forward?
  • If you get everything you want, are you ready to make the next move?
  • When can we expect you to make the final decision?

2. What is an essential part of closing a sale?

As a buyer, it is trust. It is influential when purchasing something, and economic considerations come next.

3. What are the tips to keep in mind when closing a sale?

  • Consider selling and closing as two distinguished things
  • ask early and often
  • Always be ready to answer objections
  • Ask them for trials
  • Be flexible in your approach

4. What is the primary skill needed to close a sale?

Successful selling needs good listening. The best sales reps consistently ask questions to boost engagement and listen to the prospect's response. Even at closing, asking and answering questions is an excellent way to finalize the sale.

5. What are the rules for closing a sale?

  • Recognize the closing opportunities
  • Help your customer to come to a conclusion
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