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According to Brent Cassell, Advisory VP, Gartner, collecting and including feedback in the conversation allows managers to share a holistic picture of the employee is performance. That said, sales feedback is a critical component that can make or break a sales team's success. 

While positive feedback is always welcomed and celebrated, negative feedback also holds immense value. It serves as a tool for improvement, helping sales professionals identify areas for growth and refinement. 

A research conducted by Gartner has shown that a 14% increase in employee performance is noticed when peers with interconnected work and shared goals evaluate employees. 

In addition to this, 99% of the employees said that direct evaluation of managers creates an impact on employee performance. This blog will explore some examples of negative feedback for sales teams, highlighting how they can pave the way for growth and excellence.

20 voorbeelden van negatieve feedback voor verkoopteams 

Here are 20 negative feedback examples for sales teams to provide constructive feedback.

1. Onvoldoende productkennis

Negatieve feedback: "Tijdens de presentatie aan de klant had je moeite om hun technische vragen over de functies en voordelen van ons product te beantwoorden. Het leek alsof je niet goed voorbereid was."

Implication: Insufficient product knowledge can be a significant barrier to sales success. This feedback highlights the need for salespeople to understand their product inside out, enabling them to address client concerns and showcase the value proposition effectively and confidently.

Improvement action: Regular training sessions and access to comprehensive product materials can help sales professionals deepen their product knowledge. Encouraging them to ask questions and discuss can also enhance their expertise.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps with inadequate product knowledge include:

  • "Your product knowledge is lacking, evident in your recent sales calls. You couldn't explain our products' key features and benefits, which left the client feeling uncertain about their purchase decision."
  • "Your limited product knowledge is affecting your credibility with clients. You must invest time in learning our products inside out to instill confidence in potential customers."
  • "Your inadequate product knowledge is causing missed opportunities. You missed a chance to upsell a more suitable product to a client because you weren't aware of the additional features it offered."
  • "Your lack of product knowledge has resulted in errors and incorrect information provided to clients. This reflects poorly on our company and may deter future business. It's crucial to improve in this area."
  • "Clients have expressed dissatisfaction due to your inability to answer basic product questions. To excel in sales, you must make it a priority to master our product offerings."

2. Slechte luistervaardigheden

Negatieve feedback: "Tijdens het klantgesprek onderbrak je de klant meerdere keren en begreep je hun pijnpunten niet volledig. Dit belemmerde je vermogen om een oplossing op maat te bieden."

Implicatie: Bij effectieve communicatie hoort actief luisteren. Niet aandachtig luisteren kan leiden tot misverstanden en gemiste kansen om relevante oplossingen te bieden.

Verbeteractie: Verkopers kunnen baat hebben bij training in actieve luistertechnieken. Rollenspellen waarin ze empathisch luisteren oefenen en verduidelijkende vragen stellen, kunnen hun vermogen om de behoeften van klanten te begrijpen verbeteren.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps with poor listening skills include:You often cut clients off during client meetings

  • "Your listening skills need improvement. You often cut clients off during client meetings and fail to address their specific concerns. This can be off-putting and hinder effective communication."
  • "You frequently exhibit poor listening skills by not fully understanding client needs. This resulted in a recent missed opportunity where you offered a solution that didn't align with the client's requirements."
  • "Your inadequate listening skills have led to miscommunication and frustration among clients. To excel in sales, it's essential to listen, paraphrase, and validate their concerns actively."
  • "Your lack of listening skills impacts your ability to build rapport with clients. Building rapport requires understanding and acknowledging their challenges and needs."
  • "Clients have expressed dissatisfaction because they feel unheard during your interactions. To be a successful salesperson, you must make an effort to listen actively and respond appropriately."

3. Gebrek aan follow-up

Negatieve feedback: "Je hebt nagelaten om na de eerste ontmoeting contact op te nemen met de klant, waardoor we een potentiële deal zijn misgelopen. Klanten waarderen consistente communicatie."

Implicatie: Tijdige follow-up is cruciaal voor het onderhouden van een sterke klantrelatie en het sluiten van deals. Het verwaarlozen van follow-up kan leiden tot gemiste kansen en het verlies van vertrouwen bij de klant.

Verbeteractie: Het implementeren van een systematisch opvolgingsproces, dat geautomatiseerde herinneringen en gepersonaliseerde opvolgingsberichten kan omvatten, kan ervoor zorgen dat potentiële leads op de juiste manier worden gekoesterd.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Your consistent failure to follow up with clients after initial meetings is problematic. Several leads have gone cold because of this. You need to prioritize follow-up to maintain engagement."
  • "The lack of follow-up is a major concern. It reflects poorly on our company's commitment to client service and could lead to missed opportunities. You must create a systematic follow-up process."
  • "Your inconsistent follow-up has resulted in clients feeling neglected. This impacts our client retention and could damage our reputation. Effective follow-up is a critical aspect of sales."
  • "Opportunities are slipping through the cracks due to your inadequate follow-up. A proper system, like setting reminders and using a CRM, should be in place to ensure no leads are lost."
  • "You missed a significant opportunity because you didn't follow up with a warm lead promptly. Consistent follow-up is vital in nurturing leads and closing deals. Let's work on this aspect of your sales approach."

4. Feedback van klanten over het hoofd zien

Negatieve feedback: "Een paar klanten uitten hun bezorgdheid over een specifiek aspect van onze service, maar jullie gingen niet adequaat op deze zorgen in in jullie interacties."

Implicatie: Feedback van klanten negeren of bagatelliseren kan leiden tot ontevredenheid en omzetverlies. Verkoopteams moeten zorgen van klanten direct erkennen en aanpakken.

Actie voor verbetering: Door verkoopmedewerkers aan te moedigen om actief feedback van klanten te verzamelen en deze door te geven aan de relevante teams, kun je laten zien dat je streeft naar voortdurende verbetering. Dit versterkt ook de relatie tussen het bedrijf en zijn klanten.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps overlooking customer feedback include:

  • "You've been overlooking valuable customer feedback, which can be a goldmine of insights. Your reluctance to engage with customer feedback surveys and reviews is affecting our ability to improve our products and services."
  • "Ignoring customer feedback is detrimental to our business. There was a recent trend in negative reviews about a specific product issue that could have been addressed earlier. We must take customer feedback seriously to enhance our offerings."
  • "Failing to acknowledge and act upon customer feedback is a missed opportunity. We had several clients express concerns about a particular aspect of our service, but no action was taken. This could lead to customer churn."
  • "By not paying attention to customer feedback, we're jeopardizing our reputation and customer satisfaction levels. It's vital to actively engage with feedback and work on resolving issues raised by our clients."
  • "Your disregard for customer feedback is hurting our ability to adapt and improve. To thrive in sales, we need to consider customer opinions and be responsive to their needs and concerns."

5. Opdringerige verkooptactieken

Negatieve feedback: "Je paste verkooptactieken onder hoge druk toe tijdens de pitch, waardoor de klant zich ongemakkelijk voelde. Deze aanpak kan onze reputatie schaden en klanten wegjagen."

Implicatie: Agressieve of opdringerige verkooptactieken kunnen potentiële klanten van zich vervreemden en het imago van het bedrijf schaden. Het opbouwen van vertrouwen en een goede verstandhouding is cruciaal voor succesvolle verkoopinteracties.

Improvement action: Training sales teams to adopt consultative selling approaches, focusing on understanding the client's needs and providing tailored solutions, can lead to more positive outcomes.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Your aggressive and pushy sales tactics have led to complaints from clients. It's important to balance assertiveness and respecting the client's preferences. We need to build trust, not pressure."
  • "Your pushy sales approach has resulted in several clients feeling uncomfortable and, in some cases, canceling orders. We should shift our approach to a more consultative and customer-centric one to foster better relationships."
  • "Pushing too hard for a sale can alienate clients. We should aim for a more collaborative approach, actively listening to their needs, and guiding them to the best solution."
  • "Your pushy tactics have been counterproductive. Several leads have gone cold due to the high-pressure approach. It's essential to be more flexible and adapt to the client's pace."
  • "Pushy sales tactics can harm our long-term relationships and reputation. It's important to adjust your approach and focus on understanding the client's needs and providing value rather than pushing for a quick close."

6. Onnauwkeurig delen van informatie

Negatieve feedback: "Tijdens de klantpresentatie gaf je onjuiste informatie over onze prijsstructuur en voorwaarden. Dit veroorzaakte verwarring en wantrouwen."

Implicatie: Het verstrekken van onjuiste informatie kan de geloofwaardigheid schaden en het vertrouwen van de klant in het product en de verkoper ondermijnen.

Verbeteractie: Verkoopprofessionals aanmoedigen om informatie te verifiëren voordat ze deze delen en een duidelijk systeem hebben om toegang te krijgen tot nauwkeurige en actuele gegevens kan verkeerde informatie voorkomen.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Sharing inaccurate information with clients is damaging our credibility. You recently provided the wrong pricing details to a client, which led to confusion and mistrust."
  • "Inaccurate information sharing can lead to disputes and dissatisfied clients. It's vital to ensure the information you provide is up-to-date and accurate to build trust and credibility."
  • "Your inability to provide accurate information is a significant concern. We need to ensure that clients have full confidence in our expertise and the accuracy of the information we share."
  • "The inaccurate information shared in the last client meeting resulted in a missed opportunity. It's crucial to double-check all details before providing information to clients."
  • "Inaccurate information affects the client's trust and can lead to disputes. Let's focus on improving accuracy and ensuring that all the information we share is correct."

7. Gebrek aan personalisatie

Negatieve feedback: "Je communicatie met de klant voelde algemeen aan en miste personalisatie. Ze hadden niet het gevoel dat je hun specifieke behoeften begreep."

Implicatie: Als het verkooppraatje niet is afgestemd op de unieke vereisten van de klant, kan dit leiden tot een gemiste kans om op een dieper niveau contact te leggen.

Verbeteractie: Door verkopers te trainen in het onderzoeken en begrijpen van het bedrijf en de pijnpunten van de klant vóór interacties, kunnen ze persoonlijkere en overtuigendere pitches maken.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Your sales approach lacks personalization. Clients have expressed feeling like just another number. It's essential to tailor your interactions and recommendations to their specific needs."
  • "Clients have mentioned a lack of personalization in their interactions with you. We need to show a genuine interest in their unique challenges and preferences to build stronger relationships."
  • "Not personalizing your approach makes it difficult to establish meaningful connections. It's important to learn about the client's background and needs to provide more tailored solutions."
  • "Your one-size-fits-all approach is impacting our ability to address client needs effectively. To improve, focus on personalizing your recommendations and communication."
  • "Lack of personalization is preventing us from truly understanding the client's desires. Let's work on building more personalized relationships to foster trust and loyalty."

8. Gemiste deadlines

Negatieve feedback: "Je beloofde de klant een voorstel voor een bepaalde datum, maar leverde het niet op tijd. Dit doet afbreuk aan onze betrouwbaarheid."

Implicatie: Het missen van deadlines kan het vertrouwen ondermijnen en de indruk wekken dat het bedrijf geen prioriteit geeft aan de behoeften van de klant.

Verbeteractie: Het implementeren van beter timemanagement en het stellen van realistische deadlines kan verkoopteams helpen om hun afspraken consequent na te komen.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Missing deadlines is detrimental to our reputation. We recently failed to deliver a promised proposal to a client on time, which eroded their confidence in our reliability."
  • "Your consistent failure to meet deadlines is harming our relationships with clients. Reliability and timeliness are crucial in sales. We must work on this aspect."
  • "Clients have expressed frustration due to missed deadlines, causing dissatisfaction and even contract cancellations. It's imperative that we honor our commitments."
  • "Missing deadlines can result in lost opportunities. To excel in sales, we must improve our time management skills and ensure we meet all agreed-upon deadlines."
  • "Your inability to meet deadlines affects our client relationships and sales efficiency. Let's prioritize punctuality to rebuild trust and meet our goals consistently."

9. Verwaarlozing van ondersteuning na de verkoop

Negative feedback: "After closing the deal, you could not reach for post-sale support. The client felt abandoned, and this affected their overall satisfaction."

Implicatie: Klanten negeren na de verkoop kan leiden tot ontevredenheid en het potentieel voor upselling en herhalingsaankopen belemmeren.

Verbeteractie: Verkoopprofessionals moeten begrijpen dat hun verantwoordelijkheden verder gaan dan de verkoop. Het bieden van voortdurende ondersteuning en het controleren of klanten tevreden zijn, kan de klantervaring verbeteren.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Your lack of follow-up after closing a deal is affecting our customer satisfaction. Customers have reported feeling unsupported after making a purchase."
  • "We've received complaints from clients about the absence of post-sale assistance. It's vital to maintain the relationship beyond the sale."
  • "Neglecting post-sale support is costing us potential repeat business. We need to address this issue to retain customers."
  • "The lack of post-sale engagement is harming our reputation. Let's work on improving our customer support."
  • "Post-sale support is a crucial part of our sales process, and your neglect in this area is impacting our customer retention rates."

10. Inadequate afhandeling van bezwaren

Negatieve feedback: "Tijdens de onderhandelingsfase had je moeite om de bezwaren van de klant effectief aan te pakken. Je antwoorden waren vaag en namen hun zorgen niet weg."

Implicatie: Als je bezwaren niet overtuigend aanpakt, kan dat resulteren in een verloren deal. Klanten moeten er zeker van kunnen zijn dat hun zorgen serieus worden genomen.

Verbeteractie: Verkoopteams kunnen baat hebben bij een training in het omgaan met bezwaren, waarbij ze leren te anticiperen op bezwaren en goed gestructureerde, zelfverzekerde antwoorden te geven die direct ingaan op de zorgen van de klant.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Your inability to handle objections effectively is leading to lost sales opportunities. We must improve in this area."
  • "Customers are expressing frustration because their concerns aren't being addressed. We need to work on objection handling skills."
  • "Inadequate objection handling is a significant roadblock to closing deals. Let's focus on training to improve this aspect of our sales approach."
  • "Objections are a natural part of the sales process, but we can't continue to lose potential clients due to poor objection handling."
  • "Our competitors are better at addressing objections, and this is affecting our competitiveness. We need to step up our game in this area."

11. Gebrek aan proactieve communicatie

Negatieve feedback: "Je wachtte tot de klant contact opnam in plaats van proactief contact op te nemen om updates te geven. Dit gaf de indruk dat je niet in hun bedrijf investeerde."

Implicatie: Proactieve communicatie is van vitaal belang voor het opbouwen van sterke relaties met klanten. Wachten tot de klant het voortouw neemt, kan een gebrek aan initiatief en betrokkenheid uitstralen.

Improvement action: Encouraging sales professionals to maintain regular communication, even without immediate updates, demonstrates attentiveness and dedication to the client's needs.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Clients have noted our lack of proactive communication. We need to be more responsive and engage them before they have to reach out."
  • "Proactive communication is vital for nurturing client relationships. We need to show more initiative in keeping clients informed."
  • "Our competitors are better at keeping their clients updated. We should improve our proactive communication to stay competitive."
  • "We've had instances where clients felt neglected because we weren't proactive in our communication. Let's address this."
  • "Your lack of proactive communication hinders our ability to upsell and cross-sell. We need to be more proactive in identifying opportunities."

12. Onopgeloste klachten van klanten

Negatieve feedback: "De klant uitte ontevredenheid over onze service en ondanks dat hun zorgen onder jullie aandacht werden gebracht, ondernamen jullie geen effectieve stappen om ze aan te pakken."

Implicatie: Het negeren of verkeerd afhandelen van klachten van klanten kan leiden tot klantenverlies en de reputatie van het bedrijf schaden.

Verbeteractie: Het opzetten van een duidelijk proces voor het afhandelen van klachten van klanten en het betrekken van de nodige teams om tijdig oplossingen te vinden is essentieel voor het behouden van klanttevredenheid.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "We've received several complaints from clients that haven't been resolved promptly. This reflects poorly on our customer service."
  • "Unresolved client complaints damage our reputation and risk losing clients. We must address these issues promptly."
  • "Failing to resolve client complaints is hurting our customer satisfaction scores. Let's prioritize quick and effective resolution."
  • "Clients are frustrated because their issues are not being resolved to their satisfaction. We need a more effective process for handling complaints."
  • "We can't afford to let unresolved client complaints pile up. They can lead to lost business and a tarnished brand image."

13. Inconsistente waardepropositie

Negative feedback: "In different conversations, you presented our product's value proposition differently, confusing clients about what we actually offer."

Implicatie: Een inconsistente waardepropositie kan leiden tot gemengde berichtgeving en het vestigen van een duidelijk merkimago belemmeren.

Verbeteractie: Door ervoor te zorgen dat alle verkoopprofessionals een gestandaardiseerd begrip hebben van de waardepropositie en berichtgeving van het bedrijf, kunnen discrepanties worden voorkomen en kan een uniforme verkoopaanpak worden gecreëerd.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "The inconsistency in our value proposition is confusing potential customers. We need to ensure a clear and consistent message."
  • "Inconsistent messaging about our value proposition is making it hard for customers to understand our unique selling points. This needs to be addressed."
  • "Our value proposition should be crystal clear, but it's not. Let's work on refining and delivering a consistent message."
  • "Inconsistency in our value proposition weakens our brand identity. We need to ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page."
  • "Inconsistent value propositions make it challenging for customers to trust our offerings. We need to unify our messaging to gain their confidence."

14. Verwaarlozing van het opbouwen van relaties

Negatieve feedback: "Je richtte je alleen op de transactie en investeerde geen tijd in het opbouwen van een band met de klant. Dit leidde tot een gebrek aan vertrouwen en verbinding."

Implicatie: Verkoopinteracties moeten verder gaan dan de directe verkoop en zich richten op het opbouwen van duurzame relaties. Het verwaarlozen van het opbouwen van relaties kan het potentieel voor herhalingsaankopen en verwijzingen belemmeren.

Verbeteractie: Verkoopteams moeten prioriteit geven aan het opbouwen van een authentieke band met klanten, de tijd nemen om hun doelen en uitdagingen te begrijpen en oprechte interesse tonen in hun succes.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "You're missing opportunities to build lasting relationships with clients. It's crucial for repeat business and referrals."
  • "Neglecting relationship building is limiting our long-term customer loyalty. We should focus on cultivating stronger connections."
  • "Strong customer relationships lead to trust and more sales. We need to place greater emphasis on building and maintaining them."
  • "Our competitors excel in relationship building, and we need to catch up. Neglecting this aspect is hurting our sales potential."
  • "Long-term customer relationships are the lifeblood of our business. We need to invest more in nurturing these connections."

15. Onwil om zich aan te passen

Negatieve feedback: "Ondanks de veranderende marktdynamiek bleef je verouderde verkoopstrategieën gebruiken. Dit belemmerde je vermogen om aansluiting te vinden bij klanten en in te spelen op hun huidige behoeften."

Implication: The sales landscape constantly evolves, and an unwillingness to adapt can lead to missed opportunities and decreased effectiveness.

Verbeteractie: Verkoopprofessionals moeten worden aangemoedigd om op de hoogte te blijven van trends in de sector en open te staan voor nieuwe strategieën en benaderingen die aansluiten bij de huidige marktomstandigheden.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Your resistance to adapting to changing market conditions is affecting our sales numbers. We must be more flexible in our approach."
  • "The industry is evolving, and your unwillingness to adapt to new sales techniques and tools is hindering our competitiveness."
  • "Our competitors are quick to adapt, and your reluctance to change is putting us at a disadvantage. We need to be more agile in our strategies."
  • "We need to stay relevant in the ever-changing market, and your unwillingness to adapt hinders our ability to do so."
  • "Unwillingness to adapt means we miss opportunities. Let's be more open to change and innovation to stay ahead."

16. Leads niet kwalificeren

Negatieve feedback: "Je hebt leads nagestreefd die niet geschikt waren voor ons product, waardoor je kostbare tijd en middelen hebt verspild aan prospects die waarschijnlijk niet zouden converteren."

Implicatie: Het niet goed kwalificeren van leads kan leiden tot inefficiënt gebruik van bronnen en gemiste kansen bij meer geschikte prospects.

Verbeteractie: Het implementeren van een robuust leadkwalificatieproces dat verkoopteams helpt bij het identificeren van prospects met de hoogste kans op conversie, kan de efficiëntie verbeteren en het conversiepercentage verhogen.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Failing to qualify leads properly is causing us to waste time and resources on prospects who are unlikely to convert. We need to refine our lead qualification process."
  • "Our sales pipeline is cluttered with unqualified leads, making it harder to focus on high-potential prospects. We need to improve our lead qualification criteria."
  • "We're losing efficiency due to a lack of lead qualification. Let's ensure we're investing our efforts where it matters most."
  • "Qualifying leads is essential for a more productive sales process. Your failure to do so is affecting our bottom line."
  • "Unqualified leads are clogging up our pipeline and affecting our conversion rates. We must address this issue urgently."

17. Ineffectieve verkooppresentaties

Negative feedback: "Your sales presentation lacked structure and failed to highlight our product's key benefits and features. The client was left unclear about what sets us apart."

Implicatie: Een slecht uitgevoerde verkooppresentatie kan resulteren in gemiste kansen om het waardevoorstel effectief over te brengen.

Improvement action: Providing sales teams with templates and guidelines for creating compelling presentations and training on effective storytelling and engaging delivery can enhance their presentation skills.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Your sales presentations are falling short of engaging and convincing potential customers. We need to enhance our presentation skills."
  • "Our sales presentations are not effectively conveying the value of our products. Let's work on creating more compelling and persuasive presentations."
  • "Ineffective sales presentations are causing us to lose sales that we should be winning. We need to improve our presentation content and delivery."
  • "Our competitors are winning deals with more engaging presentations. We must step up our game in this area."
  • "Customers are often left with questions after your presentations. We need to ensure our presentations answer their concerns and objections."

18. Te veel beloven en te weinig leveren

Negatieve feedback: "Je deed beloftes aan de klant over de mogelijkheden van ons product die we niet konden waarmaken. Dit leidde tot teleurstelling en ontevredenheid."

Implicatie: Het overdrijven van de functies van een product kan onrealistische verwachtingen wekken en het vertrouwen van de klant schaden als die beloften niet worden waargemaakt.

Verbeteractie: Verkoopprofessionals moeten worden getraind om accurate en transparante informatie te geven over de mogelijkheden van het product, zodat beloften overeenkomen met wat het product kan leveren.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Overpromising and underdelivering is causing customer dissatisfaction. We need to set realistic expectations and meet them consistently."
  • "We can't afford to lose credibility by overpromising and underdelivering. Let's be more transparent and honest in our sales pitches."
  • "The practice of overpromising and underdelivering is harming our reputation. We must ensure we can deliver what we promise."
  • "Customers are frustrated because our products or services don't live up to the hype. We need to align our promises with what we can realistically deliver."
  • "Our competitors are more reliable in delivering on their promises. Let's focus on building trust by delivering as committed."

19. Concurrentieanalyse verwaarlozen

Negatieve feedback: "Je leek niet op de hoogte van het aanbod van onze concurrenten tijdens het verkooppraatje, waardoor het moeilijk was om ons product effectief te positioneren."

Implicatie: Het negeren van het concurrentielandschap kan resulteren in gemiste kansen om het product te differentiëren en de zorgen van de klant over alternatieven weg te nemen.

Improvement action: Sales teams should conduct a thorough competitive analysis to understand the strengths and weaknesses of competitors' offerings, enabling them to position their products effectively.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Our lack of competitive analysis is causing us to miss valuable insights and opportunities. We need to be more informed about our rivals."
  • "Neglecting competitive analysis is putting us at a disadvantage. Let's start monitoring and understanding our competitors more closely."
  • "We can't remain competitive if we're unaware of what our rivals are doing. It's time to prioritize competitive analysis."
  • "Our competitors are outmaneuvering us because we're not keeping up with their strategies. We need to be more proactive in our competitive analysis."
  • "Neglecting competitive analysis is a major gap in our strategy. We should be better informed about our competitive landscape to make informed decisions."

20. Inflexibele onderhandelingsaanpak

Negatieve feedback: "Je was niet bereid om te onderhandelen over de voorwaarden, zelfs toen het duidelijk was dat enige flexibiliteit de deal had kunnen sluiten. Deze starre aanpak heeft ons een potentiële verkoop gekost."

Implicatie: Onbuigzaam zijn tijdens onderhandelingen kan leiden tot gemiste kansen om een gemeenschappelijke basis te vinden en tot wederzijds voordelige overeenkomsten te komen.

Verbeteractie: Het trainen van verkoopprofessionals in onderhandelingstechnieken, waaronder het vinden van win-win oplossingen en begrijpen wanneer concessies te doen, kan hun onderhandelingsvaardigheden verbeteren.

Some of the negative feedback examples for sales reps in this scenario include:

  • "Your inflexible negotiation approach is costing us deals. We need to be more adaptable and responsive to client needs."
  • "Clients have expressed frustration with our rigid negotiation stance. Let's work on being more flexible to meet their requirements."
  • "Inflexible negotiation can lead to missed opportunities. We should tailor our approach to better accommodate the unique needs of each client."
  • "Our competitors are more accommodating in negotiations, and this is affecting our ability to close deals. We must adopt a more flexible approach."
  • "Inflexible negotiation can hinder our ability to reach mutually beneficial agreements. We need to be more open to compromise and creative solutions."


Negative feedback might initially seem discouraging, but when viewed as an opportunity for growth, it becomes a powerful tool for improving sales team performance. By addressing areas of weakness highlighted in negative feedback, sales professionals can enhance their skills, build stronger client relationships, and ultimately contribute to the organization's success. 

Negatieve feedback omarmen als een opstapje naar uitmuntendheid is een kenmerk van een goed presterend verkoopteam.

Ontsluit het grootste geheim van betrokkenheid om uw toppresteerders te behouden.
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