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15 Cara Efektif untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Penjualan

Boosting sales productivity isn’t just about working harder—it’s about working smarter. This guide explores 15 practical ways to improve sales productivity, helping you streamline processes, enhance customer engagement, and close deals more efficiently.

Written by Compass Team, 4 Mar 2025

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Sales teams often find themselves caught between prospecting, follow-ups, and closing deals—yet, productivity isn’t just about working longer hours. It’s about working smarter. Knowing how to improve sales productivity means focusing on efficiency, eliminating roadblocks, and using the right strategies to close deals faster.

Consider that only 39% of a sales rep's time is spent interacting with prospects or nurturing leads. The rest goes into unproductive activities, prospecting, and administrative tasks that don’t involve direct selling. This highlights the need for a structured approach to increase sales productivity, ensuring that time is spent where it matters most.

From optimizing outreach methods to leveraging automation tools, small changes can lead to significant results. 

In this guide we will share actionable ways to improve sales productivity, giving you the tools to maximize efficiency, improve engagement, and drive better sales outcomes.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan produktivitas penjualan?

Sales productivity measures how effectively an organization utilizes resources, tools, and processes to achieve business goals while minimizing the time and cost required to close deals. Businesses that focus on how to improve sales productivity ensure that sales teams spend more time selling and less time on unproductive tasks.

Productivity refers to how efficiently results are achieved within a given timeframe. For example, if a task originally takes four hours but can be completed in two, productivity has doubled.

In sales, productivity is measured by how well teams use available processes, resources, and time to drive revenue growth. Organizations that implement the right strategies to increase sales productivity can enhance efficiency, optimize workflows, and improve overall sales performance. Productivity can be tracked at various levels, from individual sales reps to entire departments, ensuring consistent improvements in results and revenue.

Produktivitas penjualan sebagai intinya

At its core, improving sales productivity can be boiled down to four operational principles that govern people and processes. While universal, it's easy to overlook these core principles in the virtual sales environment. They are as follows:

1. Konsistensi dalam pengoperasian

To set up an environment conducive to productivity, it's essential to set up a firm organizational sales structure. The basic system acts as a framework but still allows individual reps the autonomy to change minor things to adapt to their style. 

Setting up the schedule and structure for the rep's day and sales practices can go a long way in establishing good sales habits. Lessons learned from it can be applied to others and improve the process.

2. Fokus dan gangguan

Sales reps are only sometimes in their element to perform their best with the prospects throughout the day. Removing distractions and moving unproductive tasks to other parts of the day is essential to ensure they utilize their best hours. Anything that interferes with the focus must be dealt with quickly, or productivity can drop rapidly.

3. Inovasi yang konstan

After some time, sales reps fall into a grove or pattern and meet their assigned quotas. They will also tell you things are going well when asked about their job. This is the first sign of stagnation, as bad habits and inefficiencies can quickly creep into the sales process. 

With the sales industry changing rapidly, it's essential to innovate across multiple sectors, such as the tools used, operations, sales rep training and everything else that can perform better.

4. Budaya kerja

A great work culture can mean the difference between sales productivity and a slump in performance. Sales reps work in a high-stress environment, dealing with client rejections and meeting sales quotas. 

While healthy competition and gamification can raise productivity, watching for burnout is essential. A motivating work culture that maintains high levels of engagement is needed to keep productivity up.

Faktor-faktor apa saja yang memengaruhi produktivitas penjualan?

Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja penjualan, seperti:

  • Ketidakkonsistenan dalam strategi penjualan dan perencanaan proses penjualan yang buruk
  • Pelatihan penjualan yang tidak efisien atau pelatihan yang buruk meninggalkan kesenjangan pengetahuan dan keterampilan di antara para perwakilan
  • Tekanan yang berlebihan untuk berprestasi dan ekspektasi yang tidak realistis
  • Penjadwalan dan perencanaan rute yang tidak tepat
  • Kurangnya komunikasi dari atas ke bawah atau lintas departemen
  • Prioritas aktivitas penjualan yang tidak jelas
  • Penolakan untuk mengadopsi alat atau teknologi atau penggunaan alat yang berlebihan yang menimbulkan kekacauan
  • Kurangnya keselarasan antara penjualan dan pemasaran dan komunikasi yang buruk
  • Profil pelanggan ideal (ICP) yang samar-samar ditetapkan
  • Mengubah dinamika dalam saluran penjualan
  • Gangguan dan proses yang tidak efisien yang membuang waktu para reporter
  • Budaya penjualan yang buruk, hal negatif yang menimbulkan ketidakpercayaan dan kebencian

Drive Sales Productivity with Smart Incentives

Compass automates commissions, provides real-time insights, and keeps your team motivated with gamification. Boost efficiency, track performance effortlessly, and turn sales goals into achievements.

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Bagaimana pemimpin penjualan dapat mengukur produktivitas penjualan?

Mengukur aktivitas penjualan penting untuk mengetahui seberapa baik strategi penjualan bekerja dan bagaimana kinerja perwakilan dan tim. Ketika tenaga penjualan Anda produktif, hal ini akan terlihat di berbagai metrik dan indikator kinerja utama. Berikut adalah cara mengukurnya:

1. Lihatlah jumlah dan kualitas interaksi pelanggan

Meskipun perwakilan Anda mungkin sibuk menelepon, mereka mungkin membutuhkan percakapan yang lebih bermakna yang berakhir dengan konversi. Sangat penting untuk melacak metrik telepon seperti jumlah panggilan, lama obrolan (terutama dengan prospek yang memenuhi syarat), dan janji temu. Alat penjualan yang baik atau CRM dapat melacak dan mengukur email dan panggilan serta menyaring interaksi pelanggan yang berkualitas tinggi.

2. Mengamati kemajuan pipa

There needs to be more than a vague idea about the opportunity in the pipeline. Reps need a better resolution on the opportunities at each stage to forecast the revenue for the quarter accurately. The important pipeline metric is how many opportunities prospected are qualified for closure.

3. Mengukur bisnis yang diperkirakan vs bisnis aktual

Sales forecasts done with reliable metrics can be fairly accurate. It offers a solid baseline for the reps to follow and test their strategies and skills in closing deals. A good coherence between the two indicates high productivity.

Setiap prospek yang dihasilkan di bagian atas corong tidak akan terkonversi lebih jauh ke bawah. Namun, angka tersebut bertindak sebagai garis dasar untuk mempelajari seberapa baik Anda dalam mendorong sebagian besar dari mereka melalui corong. Ukur kualitas prospek, tingkat konversi prospek, dan analisis khusus industri untuk menentukan produktivitas tim.

Dampak produktivitas penjualan yang positif terhadap bisnis dan perwakilan

Setelah kita mengetahui apa itu produktivitas penjualan dan bagaimana cara kerjanya, kita akan melihat apa yang terjadi ketika Anda meningkatkan produktivitas penjualan.

1. Berdampak pada keuntungan

Produktivitas memiliki dampak yang paling penting terhadap keuntungan perusahaan. Peningkatan produktivitas menghasilkan pendapatan yang lebih signifikan dan, dalam jangka panjang, kesuksesan dan kelangsungan hidup perusahaan. Hal ini juga memastikan pertumbuhan yang dapat diprediksi dan berkelanjutan, menjadikan organisasi sebagai pemimpin pasar.

2. Menghentikan hilangnya uang

Mempertimbangkan semua uang yang diinvestasikan ke dalam sumber daya dan tumpukan teknologi, akan sangat disayangkan jika tidak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Sebagai contoh, perwakilan yang menggunakan alat penjualan yang diberikan kepada mereka secara penuh akan melihat peningkatan produktivitas. Namun, produktivitas yang buruk berarti uang yang digunakan untuk membeli alat tersebut terbuang sia-sia.

3. Meningkatkan kepuasan karyawan

When your reps are productive, it translates into greater sales, higher commissions and more incentives. Success also brings a sense of satisfaction and the desire to continue performing well and grow. The overall effect is that sales reps are more engaged, improving the sales process. In an industry that has one of the highest attrition rates, employee engagement is critical for success.

9 Kiat bagi manajer untuk meningkatkan produktivitas penjualan

Good sales productivity means consistently and predictably meeting or exceeding sales expectations. Here nine tips on how to increase sales productivity:

1. Mulailah dengan membangun tumpukan teknologi yang kuat

Having a reliable tech stack for sales has more benefits than you realize. According to a GetAccept survey, 67% of respondents used between 4 to 10 sales tools, while 97% answered to have used at least one. Having specialized sales tools can automate processes and reduce unproductive administrative work for the sales reps.

Alat berbasis AI juga dapat sangat membantu dalam menghasilkan prospek yang berkualitas, sehingga mengurangi waktu yang dihabiskan untuk mencari prospek. Yang harus dimiliki dalam tumpukan teknologi penjualan adalah CRM, intelijen penjualan, alat manajemen email dan konten, serta alat kompensasi penjualan.

2. Menetapkan proses orientasi yang efektif

Like all other industries, sales continuously evolves to meet customer needs. While face-to-face interactions were the norm earlier, in the digital sales environment, reps must master new skills to survive and perform well in the sales environment.

Sering kali perusahaan merekrut tenaga penjualan dan berharap mereka dapat bekerja sebaik yang mereka lakukan di organisasi sebelumnya. Namun, memberikan hasil yang diinginkan hanya mungkin jika mereka diikutsertakan secara menyeluruh untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka.

3. Mempekerjakan talenta yang tepat

While most people can become good at sales with extensive training, some are naturally good at it. These people are highly driven to succeed, competitive, and meticulous at tasks, making them great candidates for sales teams.

They quickly make it up to the group's top performers, inspire others to perform better, and strive to reach or exceed expectations. A team entire of driven salespeople can increase revenue and bring a lot of positivity to the atmosphere. Of course, it’s not always possible to hire the talent you need locally, and if you cannot source the expertise required, it could be worth casting a wider net. 

Owing in part to the remote working revolution, global employment is far more commonplace (and easier to undertake) than ever before, so don’t be afraid to look further afield should you encounter recruitment difficulties.

4. Mengembangkan ketajaman bisnis pada perwakilan penjualan

Your sales reps must understand how your prospects' business runs. This ensures their pitch is clear and has no gaps that create doubts in the prospects' minds. Trust is a critical component in the sales business, and the reps must show a firm grasp of the target market and how their product is a perfect fit for the clients.

Mendemonstrasikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang bisnis dan fungsinya dengan cepat membangun kepercayaan pada prospek. Bagi para pemain terbaik, hal ini dapat memperluas pengetahuan mereka di berbagai bidang.

5. Buatlah rencana penjualan yang hebat

All businesses aim to increase sales and revenue, and it only works if a solid plan utilizes the rep's training and talent. Sales plans should involve essential metrics to measure success and deadlines to meet assigned sales quotas.

Dengan memberikan lebih banyak struktur dan mendefinisikan bagaimana kesuksesan diukur, perwakilan penjualan dapat fokus pada prospek yang memenuhi syarat dan menggunakan strategi penjualan yang sudah ada untuk mendapatkan tingkat konversi yang tinggi. Rencana tersebut juga harus melibatkan lingkaran umpan balik di mana perwakilan dilatih dan dilatih ulang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar yang terus berubah.

6. Merampingkan upaya penjualan dan pemasaran

Pursuing their ends, marketing and sales teams can often fall out of sync, especially with poor communication. Promoting products without adequately consulting the sales can create confusion for the leads. Therefore, the two must work together to improve the bottom line. You can start by creating a process for marketing and sales where inputs from both departments go into making a comprehensive action plan.

7. Buatlah gamifikasi proses penjualan

Gamification of the sales process is bringing the design principles of games into non-gaming environments. The idea behind gamifying is to introduce friendly competition for motivation and increase the zest for the task. Gamification can be performed using specialized tools that bring all the reps and teams on the same platform.

Pemimpin tim dapat mengatur parameter dan hadiah serta menampilkan skor di papan skor umum untuk dilihat semua orang. Jika dilakukan dengan benar, gamifikasi secara efektif memotivasi tenaga penjualan dan mendorong keterlibatan.

8. Menciptakan budaya pembinaan yang berkelanjutan

Terlepas dari seberapa baik kinerja staf penjualan, mereka selalu bisa sedikit meningkat. Budaya di mana staf penjualan terus dilatih untuk meningkatkan keterampilan baru dapat bermanfaat bagi semua orang. Mirip dengan cara kerjanya di semua organisasi, hanya 20% perwakilan teratas yang berkinerja tinggi, sementara sisanya dapat menggunakan banyak pelatihan dan motivasi untuk berkinerja lebih baik.

Sesi pelatihan biasanya dijadwalkan untuk karyawan yang berkinerja buruk sekali atau dua kali dalam setahun. Namun, mempromosikan budaya di mana para manajer sering melakukan pembinaan dan mendorong pembinaan antar rekan kerja bisa sangat bermanfaat.

9. Merangkul otomatisasi

Automation across various tasks can significantly boost efficiency in the sales process. Automated tools for lead generation can cut down prospecting times significantly and even assign the most qualified leads to the right sales reps. Sales and conversational intelligence tools can track and monitor interaction with prospects to glean essential insights that can help reps nudge them through the sales funnel.

Automation can also free up sales reps from administrative tasks and save time by sending emails, scheduling meetings, and offering suggestions for the right sales approach to increase close rates.

6 Kiat bagi tenaga penjualan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas penjualan

Setelah kita melihat peningkatan produktivitas dari para manajer, kita akan membahas bagaimana tenaga penjualan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas mereka.

1. Mulailah dengan pola pikir yang benar & terorganisir

Produktivitas penjualan yang baik dimulai dari tingkat individu, dan itu berarti dimulai dengan pola pikir yang positif dan rencana untuk tetap terorganisir. Penjualan terkadang bisa menjadi tugas yang sangat mendemotivasi karena penolakan dari prospek dan tantangan umum yang terkait dengan peran tersebut. Tetap optimis adalah kunci untuk melewati penolakan dan tetap termotivasi.

Being organized also becomes essential as there's a tendency for all people to get distracted from work. Sales reps are only sometimes at their peak throughout the day. So the organization is essential to ride this wave and close deals.

2. Menetapkan target dan sasaran harian

Sales is a role that often attracts ambitious professionals who constantly strive to shatter their expectations. However, it's important to distinguish between goals and dreams. While setting high and ambitious targets is great, ensuring the goals are realistic is essential. To stay productive, write down your specific goals and define metrics to track the progress.

Tangani prospek yang paling menantang sebagai hal pertama saat tingkat energi Anda tinggi, dan ide-ide mengalir dengan bebas. Ketahui batas kemampuan Anda dan tetapkan target harian yang sesuai sehingga Anda tidak akan melewatkan satu pun dan menumpuk pekerjaan.

3. Buatlah rencana pengembangan pribadi

To stay on top of your game in sales, you need to learn and grow with your job at every stage. Creating a personal development plan might help to streamline your growth trajectory. It is a dynamic plan that defines the skill you need to learn and the time frame to achieve it.

First, create a monthly plan to learn one skill and record your progress. You can also add more skills depending on how quickly you can learn and master them. When you're in doubt, you can always talk to your manager for input on the skill they think you need to know.

4. Belajar dari pelatih atau mentor penjualan

A mentor or sales coach can help you hone your skills as a sales rep. While you may have picked up a lot of skills on the job and working with your peers, a mentor can give you précis insights into your strengths and weaknesses and help you work on them.

Bantuan ini bukanlah sesuatu yang bisa diberikan oleh manajer atau teman Anda di tempat kerja. Selain itu, seorang mentor dapat memberikan perspektif luar yang sangat baik tentang situasi yang mungkin berguna di tempat kerja.

5. Melacak kemajuan Anda

Sangat penting untuk melacak kemajuan Anda baik secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Dengan mengawasi angka-angka dan mendengarkan intuisi Anda tentang bagaimana kinerja Anda, Anda dapat terus memantau kemajuan Anda.

Menuliskannya dalam rencana pengembangan Anda setiap minggu dan setiap bulan akan memberikan panduan yang pasti tentang kemajuan Anda sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan pemahaman yang tepat tentang posisi Anda. Bagikan pemikiran Anda dengan manajer dan mentor Anda dan dapatkan masukan dari mereka tentang di mana Anda dapat bekerja lebih baik atau dapatkan bantuan mereka dalam mengembangkan metrik yang lebih baik.

6. Berkreasilah dengan pendekatan Anda

Salah satu hal yang sangat dihargai oleh manajer dan klien adalah pendekatan kreatif terhadap penjualan. Meskipun Anda harus mematuhi pedoman untuk mencapai kinerja yang baik, terkadang Anda dapat melemparkan ide-ide Anda ke dalam campuran untuk mengejutkan prospek Anda.

Promosi penjualan yang menarik atau pendekatan yang tidak biasa selalu menyegarkan dan membantu Anda tampil beda. Namun, untuk bereksperimen dengan sesuatu yang unik, Anda harus memiliki pengalaman dan latar belakang untuk melakukannya dan keberanian untuk mengambil risiko.

Bagaimana cara mempertahankan produktivitas selama krisis?

Whether it is a crisis in the organization, in the industry, or globally, as it was with the pandemic, every sales organization will inevitably find itself in a crisis at some point. The question for leadership then goes from how to increase sales productivity to how to maintain it. Here are some tips:

1. Prioritaskan pelanggan Anda yang sudah ada

According to one survey, you have already observed that most of your sales come from your existing customers, 65% to be more precise. Your existing customers are also the most likely to buy from you again. Therefore, your crisis strategy must incorporate changes that favor your existing customers.

2. Hindari pendarahan dana

Depending on the nature of the crisis, you can slash costs everywhere to ensure you don't bleed too many funds. In sales, you can cancel subscriptions to tools and services that are the least used or the ones that are not too important. Instead, focus on what gives the most bang for the buck.

3. Membingkai ulang presentasi Anda sesuai dengan situasi

Krisis global berarti semua orang masuk ke mode penghematan untuk meminimalkan kerugian dan mempertahankan margin mereka. Pikirkan kembali penawaran Anda kepada klien Anda dan ubah presentasi Anda untuk menyoroti manfaat menggunakan produk Anda selama pergolakan global. Anda juga dapat mengubah penawaran Anda untuk melayani klien yang paling berharga selama masa krisis.

4. Memaksimalkan komunikasi digital

During the covid pandemic, digital mediums honestly had their moment to shine as the world went into a lockdown. Change your pitch and approach to suit the digital methods and make them more appealing to existing and new customers. Use popular digital channels and platforms to communicate with your clients, making it easier for them to communicate with you.

5. Fokus pada membangun hubungan

While business ties can sever during a crisis, relationships always endure. Instead of calling your prospects or customers solely to book the next meeting, contact them to ask how they are doing. Even if the call is brief, send them a thank-you note and links to resources they find helpful.

6. Jadilah kreatif dalam pendekatan Anda

Sometimes, you have to go off the script as the situation demands to stand out and make an impression on your clients. Instead of cold calling them about a deal, you could also include other people in the sales call- take them on a quick tour of the office to meet the rest of the team if they have the time.

7. Jangan berhenti mencari prospek

Kecuali jika hal tersebut kontraproduktif, Anda sebaiknya hanya melakukan prospek selama krisis. Sementara Anda menjaga aliran pendapatan tetap berjalan dari klien yang sudah ada, Anda harus mengkompensasi defisit dengan klien baru.

8. Tetap optimis

It's important to remember from the works of Martin Seligman- the father of modern psychology, that optimism breeds success. From his research, he stated that optimistic salespeople sold 37% more than their pessimistic counterparts, and their sales production was also 88% higher. During times of crisis, optimism is something everybody can use more of.

Drive sales productivity with innovative incentives

Compass - Commission dashboard

Sales productivity isn't just about working harder—it’s about working smarter. Compass helps sales teams maximize efficiency by automating processes, tracking real-time performance, and motivating reps with data-driven incentives. 

Here’s how Compass improves sales productivity:

✅ Automated incentive management

Sales teams perform better knowing exactly how their efforts translate into rewards. Compass automates commission calculations, ensuring fair and timely payouts without manual tracking.

✅ AI-driven sales insights

Instead of relying on guesswork, Compass provides real-time analytics on sales performance. Managers can identify bottlenecks, adjust strategies, and ensure reps focus on high-impact activities.

✅ Gamification for motivation

Compass turns everyday sales tasks into engaging competitions with features like leaderboards, achievement badges, and personalized challenges. This keeps reps focused, competitive, and motivated to exceed targets.

✅ Streamlined performance tracking

Compass eliminates the hassle of manual reporting by giving sales teams a transparent view of their progress. Reps and managers can track performance metrics, forecast revenue, and make data-driven decisions.

💡 Boost your sales team’s productivity with Compass—Get started today


It's essential to understand that to increase sales productivity, managers need to start from the individual sales rep level. By building good sales habits, a positive mindset, and an attitude that is ever open to learning, sales reps can increasingly become better at their work. The focus can then be shifted to improving the teams by adopting enablers such as sales tools and processes instructing good sales behaviors.

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