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A report by Gong has shown that 80% of sales representatives agree that they feel motivated at work. However, 17% of salespeople have otherwise found that it becomes hard to stay motivated in this field.
Dampak dari demotivasi di sektor dinamis yang mengharuskan seseorang untuk menunjukkan keberaniannya berdampak pada retensi karyawan. Mereka yang sangat setuju bahwa mereka tetap termotivasi di tempat kerja memiliki kemungkinan 2,6 kali lebih kecil untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan mereka saat ini. Hal ini menekankan para manajer dan pemimpin untuk menjaga agar karyawan tetap termotivasi.
Tujuan dari setiap anggota tim penjualan di setiap organisasi cukup jelas: menjual lebih banyak! Oleh karena itu, blog ini bertujuan untuk memberikan lima aspek yang dapat membuat perwakilan penjualan termotivasi dan mendorong untuk menjual lebih banyak lagi.
What is sales motivation?
Sales motivation is the drive, enthusiasm, and determination that push sales representatives to achieve their targets and perform at their best. It’s influenced by both internal factors (like personal ambition and job satisfaction) and external factors (such as financial incentives, recognition, and career growth opportunities).
A motivated sales team is more engaged, resilient, and proactive in closing deals. Whether it’s through competitive commissions, goal-oriented challenges, or a supportive team culture, keeping sales professionals motivated is essential for consistent performance and business growth.
Key drivers of sales motivation
Here are some key drivers of sales motivation:
- Personalized incentives: Tailored rewards make sales reps feel valued and driven to achieve more.
- Empowerment and autonomy: Giving reps control over their strategies fosters ownership and motivation.
- Purpose and meaning: Connecting sales efforts to a bigger vision keeps reps engaged beyond commissions.
- Instant feedback and coaching: Regular feedback helps reps improve and stay motivated.
- Social recognition: Publicly celebrating wins creates a sense of achievement and drives performance.
- Gamification: Leaderboards, challenges, and point-based rewards make sales fun and engaging.
- Trust and transparency: Clear expectations and honest communication build motivation and commitment.
- Flexible work environment: Giving reps the freedom to manage their schedules increases motivation.
- Positive peer influence: A motivated and energetic team inspires others to push harder.
- Winning mindset: Encouraging self-belief and resilience helps sales reps stay driven even in tough times.
Why motivate sales reps and what are the benefits of it?
Sales representatives are the driving force behind revenue generation, making their motivation a critical factor in business success. Sales is a demanding field that requires persistence, confidence, and resilience. Without proper motivation, sales reps may struggle with burnout, disengagement, or underperformance.
A well-motivated team is more likely to stay focused, meet targets, and contribute positively to the company’s overall success. Keeping them engaged and inspired leads to higher performance, better customer interactions, and long-term business growth. Here are some of its benefits:
- Increased productivity – Motivated sales reps put in more effort, leading to higher sales volumes and revenue growth.
- Higher job satisfaction – Engaged employees are happier and more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover rates.
- Improved customer relationships – When sales reps are motivated, they provide better service, leading to stronger customer loyalty.
- Greater innovation – Encouraged employees think creatively and find new ways to close deals or improve processes.
- Stronger team morale – A motivated team fosters collaboration, creating a more positive and productive work environment.
By investing in sales rep motivation through incentives, recognition, career growth opportunities, and a positive culture, companies can maximize performance and drive long-term success.
Bagaimana cara memotivasi tim penjualan?
In sales, an executive’s performance is constantly monitored against targets. Achieving targets mean one has to shed all inhibitions to approach new prospects and explain the product and features in detail, all while being completely aware that the person on the other side can say no to the proposition at any point.
Pada saat yang sama, seseorang dapat tersenyum sebagai balasannya, mencoba meyakinkan prospek lebih banyak, bernegosiasi atau melepaskan prospek sama sekali....hanya untuk mencoba lagi dengan prospek berikutnya dengan tingkat antusiasme yang sama. Sekarang ulangi hal ini seratus kali selama beberapa bulan. Bagaimana?
Melakukan hal ini berulang kali dapat menguras motivasi bahkan tenaga penjualan dengan performa terbaik sekalipun. Ditambah lagi dengan faktor eksternal seperti waktu yang tidak tepat untuk menjual di pasar atau krisis pribadi (fisik, mental, atau psikologis) dalam kehidupan salah satu anggota tim Anda, maka akan terjadi hari-hari dengan penjualan yang rendah atau bahkan tidak ada penjualan dan keterlibatan yang rendah.
Untuk menjaga produktivitas, fokus, dan intensitas tetap tinggi, penting bagi para manajer untuk menjaga tim mereka tetap termotivasi untuk memberikan yang terbaik setiap hari. Namun, apa yang membuat seseorang termotivasi berbeda-beda dari setiap orang. Sebagai seorang pemimpin penjualan, semakin Anda mengenal tim, ekspektasi, dan kebutuhan mereka, semakin baik Anda mempelajari apa yang memotivasi mereka dan menerapkannya dalam praktik.
Sales motivation is more than just offering bonuses or organizing contests—it’s about understanding what motivates sales reps at different performance levels. A one-size-fits-all compensation plan often fails to maximize sales potential, so companies must tailor incentives to drive results across the entire team.
1. Motivating core performers
Core performers, the backbone of any sales team, are often overlooked. Since they have the potential to move the needle, targeted incentives can push them toward greater success. Multi-tier targets work well by providing progressive goals, helping them aim higher without feeling overwhelmed. Sales contests can also engage core performers when prizes cater to their diverse preferences rather than being solely cash-based.
2. Motivating laggards
Laggards require structured motivation to improve. Quarterly bonuses keep them engaged by setting short-term goals, while natural social pressure—such as the presence of a strong talent pipeline—encourages better performance. Public recognition programs, when implemented thoughtfully, can also inspire laggards to stay competitive without creating a negative work environment.
3. Motivating top performers
Many companies limit their highest achievers with capped commissions, discouraging them from going the extra mile. Instead, offering overachievement commissions ensures that what motivates sales representatives—the drive to outperform—is rewarded. Multiple-winner contests also push stars to excel without fostering resentment among the broader team.
4. Shifting the sales performance curve
Understanding what sales motivation is requires data-driven insights. Companies should analyze their sales force’s performance curve and conduct controlled experiments to refine their compensation plans. The key is to test strategies in small groups before rolling them out company-wide, ensuring they align with the sales culture and drive sustained results.
A well-designed sales compensation plan—built on real evidence rather than assumptions—ensures that every rep, from laggards to top performers, stays engaged, motivated, and ultimately drives greater revenue.
5 Ide motivasi tim penjualan yang harus dicoba
Setelah memahami mengapa, mari kita bahas bagaimana caranya. Anda bisa menggunakan lima prinsip panduan berikut untuk memotivasi tim penjualan Anda agar bekerja lebih baik:
1. Insentif
This is hands down the most important factor that correlates to sales motivation. It was relevant a thousand years ago and will continue to be relevant for the foreseeable future. Making your own money based on your performance (in terms of sales or targets) motivates many people to join sales in the first place. A study by IRF has suggested that 90% of the top-performing companies use incentive programs to reward their sales employees accordingly.
Insentif dapat berbentuk apa saja: moneter dalam bentuk imbalan tunai, komisi, bonus, dll., non-moneter dalam bentuk hadiah, liburan, tiket perjalanan, hadiah pribadi, dll., atau kombinasi keduanya, semuanya tergantung pada industri tempat organisasi beroperasi, anggaran mereka, dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah sesuai dengan aset terbaiknya, yaitu karyawannya.
Namun, di banyak organisasi, insentif dipandang sebagai biaya yang sangat besar dalam sistem, tanpa menyadari manfaat jangka pendek dan jangka panjang dari struktur insentif yang dirancang dengan baik.
When executed seamlessly, a well-designed incentive plan with the organization’s goals in focus stimulates the sales teams' desired behaviors, which undoubtedly enables higher sales and serves as a tool for motivation and recognition. A report by IRF has revealed that properly structured incentive programs can easily enhance employee performance by 44%.
An organization can create many different types of sales incentive plans depending on the sales process, challenges, and business objectives. These days, many organizations provide services to automate sales incentive plans, including customizations for sales representatives at different levels. These automated incentive plans enable the following:
- Perhitungan kompleks yang bebas dari kesalahan.
- Efisiensi operasional.
- Pembayaran tepat waktu.
- Wawasan digital yang mudah dipahami mengenai struktur pembayaran dan cakupan peningkatan.
- Memaksimalkan ROI dalam penjualan dan di seluruh tenaga kerja Anda menghasilkan produktivitas yang lebih tinggi dan tingkat gesekan yang lebih rendah.
To resolve this, they partnered with Compass to implement an automated, real-time incentive management system. This solution centralized data, automated calculations, and provided transparency, allowing sales reps to track their earnings instantly. The impact was significant as errors dropped by 98%, processing speed improved by 99%, and employee satisfaction soared, driving a 30% boost in sales performance.
2. Gamifikasi
Employing this technique is not only motivational for your teams but fun, too. Gamification is a process of using game design principles in a non-game environment. According to McKinsey, “gamified components, financial and non-financial rewards” have proven to be effective elements that can drive motivation.
Most of the reps in sales across organizations are ambitious and competitive people. Whether this trait is extrinsic (the desire to be better when compared) or intrinsic (the desire to improve your skill set) in your team members, friendly competition through sales gamification is great for the team’s morale.
Hal ini memungkinkan berbagai proses penjualan, termasuk target sebagai tantangan dalam permainan di tingkat individu, tim, atau organisasi. Sistem ini mengaitkan kinerja dalam tantangan-tantangan tersebut dengan sistem penghargaan, sehingga mendorong perilaku yang mendukung tujuan bisnis.
Based on the organization’s budget and your team’s personality types, you can implement a gamification solution and see your teams infused with vigor, celebrating wins while chasing points on the scoreboard, unlocking bigger rewards, or growing their gamified avatar as they will be able to see clearly how winning in the game is also enabling them to tick necessary items in their daily to-do lists.
Menggunakan alat gamifikasi memperkuat rasa harga diri anggota tim dan membantu mendorong tim penjualan Anda yang sudah termotivasi untuk mencapai tujuan berikutnya dengan memungkinkan:
- Papan Peringkat Visual menunjukkan peringkat seseorang dibandingkan dengan anggota tim lainnya.
- Konten yang dapat dibagikan di media sosial untuk memenangkan tantangan.
- Budaya pengakuan dan penghargaan atas kemenangan kecil.
- Rasa memiliki tujuan organisasi yang lebih besar.
Features like leaderboards, scorecards, and mobile access increased transparency and motivation. Gamified elements, including quizzes, badges, and points, drove adoption and enthusiasm. As a result, quota attainment rose by 20% in 90 days, incentive program qualifiers grew by 22%, and platform adoption increased by 73%.
Suggested Read: Raise Your Sales Game with these Sales Contest Ideas
3. Empowerment & coaching
Setiap kali seseorang dalam tim berjuang dengan suatu masalah, biasanya sebagai manajer, reaksi pertama yang muncul adalah bersikap kritis atau ikut campur untuk menunjukkan cara memperbaikinya. Namun kedua pendekatan ini diketahui dapat mengurangi motivasi karyawan.
Alih-alih menawarkan solusi, Anda bisa memandu mereka untuk mencari solusi sendiri sambil meyakinkan bahwa Anda ada di sisi mereka, untuk berjaga-jaga jika ada situasi yang sulit. Hal ini akan membangun kepercayaan pada anggota tim Anda bahwa Anda percaya pada mereka dan potensi mereka, yang membuat mereka berusaha lebih keras untuk membuat Anda bangga.
Criticism in any form adds to demotivation, whereas positive feedback is a simple and one of the most effective ways to boost an attitude of learning in your teams. As per a Gallup survey, 67% of employees whose managers focus on positive characteristics are engaged at work, compared to 31% of employees who report their managers focus on their weaknesses.
Selain itu, tim yang memiliki hubungan kerja yang baik dengan manajernya dan manajernya lebih berperan sebagai pelatih daripada atasan bagi mereka, terbukti lebih tangguh dan bertahan di masa-masa sulit. Berdayakan tim Anda seperti seorang pelatih, dengan memuji, mengembangkan, meningkatkan, dan secara strategis membimbing mereka untuk memperbaiki kesalahan.
Beberapa cara lain untuk memberdayakan anggota tim Anda adalah:
- Ciptakan pengaturan kerja yang fleksibel.
- Memeriksa kesejahteraan pribadi dan keluarga mereka.
- Mengenali inisiatif dan ide baru.
- Mendiskusikan peluang karier dan pertumbuhan.
4. Sales training
Untuk motivasi penjualan yang langgeng, perasaan kompeten dan keyakinan terhadap produk atau layanan yang dijual oleh perwakilan penjualan Anda adalah hal yang sangat penting.
As sales leaders, you need to ask and assess the skill-sets that different reps in your team individually need to learn or upskill to perform well in their sales executive roles and responsibilities. For example, active listening, negotiation, contract management, closing deals, building a product story, etc. Encourage your reps to learn more and make time to attend training that benefits their role and develops an overall personality.
Sales training for new hires, especially at the time of onboarding, is very crucial and serves as an essential weapon for recruits to pick up knowledge on market trends, competing products, the company’s vision, and mission, and usually infuse them with the knowledge to approach clients with confidence.
Anda juga dapat meminta seluruh tim penjualan Anda untuk menghadiri seminar virtual dan di luar kantor yang ditawarkan oleh organisasi Anda, atau beberapa acara industri, sehingga dapat mendorong pembelajaran kelompok dan meningkatkan keakraban. Para perwakilan merasa dihargai ketika para manajer tertarik pada pertumbuhan pribadi mereka dan bukan hanya pada peningkatan jumlah penjualan. Pemimpin penjualan dapat memandu rekan-rekan satu tim mereka ke subjek yang membantu mereka berkembang di tempat kerja dan dalam kehidupan.
Ini bisa jadi:
- Memberi hadiah atau menyarankan sebuah buku.
- Sebuah podcast.
- Laporan atau infografis tentang tren pasar.
- Manajemen stres atau lokakarya kesadaran.
Suggested Read: How can your Sales Training Program Stack up with your Peers
5. Pembangunan tim
Setiap kali penjualan dipertimbangkan, persaingan yang sehat dan melakukan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan rekan kerja lainnya dalam hal pengakuan, bonus, atau promosi adalah komponen utama; jika persaingan ini tidak sehat dan tidak diimbangi dengan latihan pengembangan tim penjualan, hal ini dapat menyebabkan suasana permusuhan, toksisitas, dan ketidakpuasan.
Sebagai manajer penjualan yang menginginkan tim penjualan yang termotivasi dan berenergi, Anda perlu menumbuhkan suasana kolaborasi dan bukan hanya kompetisi. Dua pesan utama yang perlu disampaikan kepada tenaga penjualan Anda adalah bersaing dengan kompetitor, bukan dengan satu sama lain, dan yang kedua, semua tenaga penjualan ibarat bagian dari sebuah mesin, dan setiap bagian harus bekerja sama agar mesin dapat berfungsi dengan baik.
Karena sebagian besar tenaga penjualan melakukan panggilan penjualan dan bekerja dari jarak jauh, sulit bagi mereka untuk merasa menjadi bagian dari tim yang lebih besar dan membentuk ikatan kerja sama. Oleh karena itu, pembangunan tim menjadi penting tidak hanya untuk motivasi tetapi juga untuk kepuasan kerja.
Untuk mendorong pembangunan tim, Anda dapat memulai dengan memberikan penghargaan atas berbagi pengetahuan, mentoring, dan upaya untuk saling membantu dalam mengatasi persaingan. Selain itu, melakukan aktivitas team building secara online dan offline dengan tim penjualan Anda yang tersebar dapat meningkatkan semangat kerja dan pola pikir karyawan melalui kolaborasi.
Tim penjualan harus bekerja sama dengan banyak departemen dan pemangku kepentingan organisasi lainnya. Sikap kolaborasi mungkin akan berguna dalam interaksi semacam itu.
Beberapa kiat yang dapat diterapkan oleh para manajer meliputi:
- Pujilah tim Anda di depan umum dalam rapat atau berteriaklah ketika semua anggota tim hadir.
- Promosikan liburan, makan siang, atau tamasya tim.
- Hilangkan ambiguitas apa pun pada wilayah penjualan dan cara kerja.
How can Compass help in executing these sales team motivation ideas?
Here’s how Compass can help drive sales motivation through incentives, gamification, and team-building strategies.
1. Incentives: Automate and optimize sales compensation
A well-structured incentive program is essential to what motivates sales reps. Compass simplifies and automates incentive compensation management (ICM), eliminating manual errors and payout delays. With fully no-code tools, sales leaders can effortlessly design, publish, and manage IC plans for any role.

- Automate commission calculations with pre-built templates, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
- Establish hierarchies for approvals and escalations, preventing miscommunication and ensuring reps receive what they’ve earned.
- Provide clear, real-time insights into payout structures, helping reps stay motivated by understanding their earnings potential.
2. Gamification: Drive engagement and boost productivity
Sales gamification software transforms repetitive tasks into exciting challenges, making work enjoyable while increasing productivity. By integrating gamified leaderboards and contests, Compass ensures reps stay engaged and competitive.

- Run contests based on KPIs that directly impact commissions, reinforcing what motivates sales representatives.
- Offer quota attainment visibility through personalized dashboards and public leaderboards, fostering accountability.
- Encourage social recognition and friendly competition to enhance performance and morale.
3. Team building: Strengthen collaboration and motivation
While competition fuels performance, collaboration is equally important. Compass helps build a cohesive, motivated sales team by offering:

- Live-streamed sales contests on TV screens to celebrate achievements and boost morale.
- Custom competitions, from one-on-one challenges to team-based races, ensuring continuous engagement.
- AI-powered nudges and communities, encouraging knowledge-sharing and mutual support.
By leveraging Compass, organizations can streamline incentives, gamify sales processes, and foster collaboration, ensuring sales motivation stays high and teams remain engaged. Book a demo, now!
Pada titik ini, Anda pasti tahu bahwa memotivasi tim penjualan membutuhkan banyak usaha. Langkah selanjutnya adalah menerapkan beberapa atau semua prinsip-prinsip ini dan membuat tim Anda termotivasi dan bahagia. Anda bisa meluangkan waktu, dan tidak mudah untuk menerapkan setiap taktik yang beragam ini secara langsung.
Start with something small, and it’s alright, even if it feels insignificant. Your team will sense you are moving in the right direction and respond accordingly. In time you can tackle the bigger challenges, and there are many amazing sales incentives solutions to get you going from the ground up, end-to-end. Always remember, the higher the motivation, the better the sales team. Good luck selling.
Pertanyaan Umum
1. How to be motivated in sales?
Stay goal-oriented, celebrate small wins, and maintain a positive mindset. Set clear targets, seek continuous learning, and stay inspired by success stories. Surround yourself with supportive colleagues and use incentives as personal motivators.
2. What method do you use to motivate your reps?
A mix of financial and non-financial incentives works best. Commission structures, bonuses, and contests drive performance, while recognition, career growth opportunities, and team-building activities boost morale and engagement.
3. What is the best motivator for a sales team?
Clear and achievable incentives, both monetary (commissions, bonuses) and non-monetary (recognition, promotions, personal growth). A strong company culture, transparent goal setting, and leadership support also play a key role.
4. What to say to encourage a sales team?
“Your hard work makes a difference! Keep pushing, stay focused, and trust your skills. Every ‘no’ brings you closer to a ‘yes.’ Success is just one sale away—let’s go make it happen!