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Your customer service team plays a pivotal role in shaping the customer experience and driving your brand's success. However, like any workforce, customer service agents require motivation and clear direction to excel.
With 65% of customers now holding higher expectations for support than just a few years ago, it is essential to implement effective incentives that enhance agent performance. As customer experience increasingly influences revenue generation, aligning agent effectiveness with corporate objectives has become critical.
In light of these evolving demands, we have crafted this comprehensive guide to assist you in developing an impactful customer incentive program. This program will not only elevate employee morale and satisfaction but also significantly enhance overall performance, ensuring your team is equipped to meet and exceed customer expectations.
Why are customer support incentives important for your team?
Customer support incentives play a pivotal role in enhancing team performance and driving business success. Research from Gorgias, encompassing data from over 10,000 merchants, indicates that implementing a customer service employee incentive program can elevate overall revenue by 1%. This statistic underscores the profound impact that well-structured incentive plans can have on an organization.
The primary advantage of customer service incentive programs is their ability to significantly improve agent performance—by as much as 44% when designed effectively. These programs not only enhance individual capabilities but also align with broader company goals, ensuring that the uplift in performance is directed toward areas that yield the greatest impact. Let’s understand why they need the incentives to begin with:
- Unreasonable targets: Employees face computer-generated targets that are often unrealistic. Mentoring and support to help meet these targets are frequently lacking.
- Impersonal culture: High employee turnover is common. Many workers do not form connections with colleagues, as they may not be present the next day. This creates a lack of motivation for camaraderie.
- Difficult job description: Employees often deal with angry customers and rude interactions. Many callers mistake them for bots, offering little appreciation for their efforts. However, those passionate about customer service may find this role rewarding.
- Identity crisis: Employees must adopt foreign cultural codes and mimic overseas personalities. This can lead to confusion and self-perception issues when psychological safety is absent.
- Disrupted biological clock: Irregular shifts disrupt natural sleep patterns. This can lead to serious health issues, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, and burnout.
- Lack of career vision: Many employees feel their work lacks significance. They desire a clear career path that allows them to make a meaningful impact. Unfortunately, this sense of purpose is often missing in the sector.
The call center is frequently overlooked by strategic leaders, which contributes to these challenges. Addressing these issues is essential for fostering a supportive and productive work environment. For this, you need ten customer support incentive ideas that resonate with your team.
14 Best customer service incentive ideas to incentivize your team
Program insentif layanan pelanggan memiliki manfaat yang sangat besar, namun bagaimana cara memulainya? Lihat beberapa contoh insentif terbaik yang telah diverifikasi untuk melibatkan dan meningkatkan semangat karyawan dalam jangka panjang.
1. Pemberian bonus dalam bentuk cuti berbayar
Cara terbaik untuk menghormati dan menghargai perwakilan layanan pelanggan Anda yang berkinerja terbaik adalah dengan memberi mereka cuti berbayar tambahan yang akan memberikan nilai nyata bagi karyawan. Cuti berbayar bonus secara teknis bukanlah hadiah uang, namun memiliki nilai emosional yang kuat bagi karyawan.
Bonus hari libur gratis adalah hadiah yang cocok untuk semua kerja keras yang telah dilakukan oleh individu dan merupakan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk menyegarkan diri.
2. Memilih karyawan terbaik bulan ini
Setiap bulan, Anda perlu memilih karyawan yang telah ditentukan untuk memberikan layanan pelanggan yang luar biasa. Untuk itu, Anda dapat memajang foto mereka di papan pengumuman untuk memberikan penghargaan.
3. Menawarkan kata-kata penghargaan
Sebagai seorang manajer, cara paling sederhana untuk memberikan insentif kepada karyawan adalah dengan memberikan pujian secara lisan atas pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan baik. Ketika diberikan kata-kata penghargaan kepada karyawan atas upaya positif mereka, mereka akan merasa dihargai dan lebih mungkin untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik di masa depan.
4. Menyediakan makan siang gratis
Ya, menawarkan makanan gratis kepada perwakilan layanan pelanggan Anda sekali atau dua kali seminggu pasti akan mendorong mereka untuk bekerja lebih keras lagi untuk organisasi Anda.
Sebagai seorang manajer, Anda bisa mengatur makan siang bersama untuk tim Anda dan memotivasi mereka untuk mengutarakan pendapat mereka di depan Anda. Dengan cara ini, Anda bisa mendapatkan pemikiran dan umpan balik dari mereka. Praktik ini hampir tidak menguras keuangan perusahaan, namun pasti akan menghasilkan retensi karyawan.
5. Memberikan tiket ke acara apa pun
Strategi lain yang mudah dan hemat biaya untuk insentif layanan pelanggan adalah dengan menawarkan tiket gratis ke konser atau film, atau pertunjukan hiburan.
6. Kartu hadiah atau gadget apa pun untuk memuji mereka
Know the top performers of the team and gift them a gift card or any gadget to show them that their work is being noticed by the company. Although offering gadgets and gift cards might be an expense to the company’s accounts, it will lead to an upliftment of revenue in the future surely.
Gadgets like tabs, smartphones, or laptops in order to make their working culture more productive or give them electronic gift cards like Croma to buy gadgets from. Also, this will make them more inclined to the company, and they will never think of leaving the organization as they have to return the gadgets while resigning.
7. Memuji pencapaian mereka di Slack
Promoting positive conduct in your customer service team can be made feasible by creating their achievements public.
Simpan saluran Slack (atau alat komunikasi tim apa pun) sebagai tempat di mana anggota tim lain dapat menekankan kemenangan kecil rekan kerja mereka agar semua orang tahu.
8. Menyelenggarakan upacara pemberian penghargaan
Setiap bulan atau tiga bulan sekali, adakan acara penghargaan untuk menghargai karyawan Anda. Hal ini tidak akan membuat lubang di rekening perusahaan, tetapi pasti akan meningkatkan perwakilan layanan pelanggan. Dengan harapan mendapatkan penghargaan atau pengakuan, individu akan bekerja keras. Dan setelah mendapatkan penghargaan, dia akan bekerja lebih keras lagi untuk mendapatkan penghargaan berikutnya.
9. Menawarkan waktu kerja yang fleksibel
Membiarkan agen memilih shift kerja mereka merupakan insentif yang sangat baik untuk meningkatkan layanan pelanggan. Memungkinkan mereka untuk memilih pola shift mereka selama seminggu atau sebulan adalah hadiah yang berharga bagi karyawan Anda yang paling berkinerja baik. Pekerjaan yang dapat disesuaikan memberikan pilihan kepada staf layanan pelanggan Anda untuk menikmati aktivitas yang biasanya mereka lewatkan. Memberikan staf layanan Anda kekuasaan atas jadwal mereka adalah insentif yang bagus untuk membuat mereka bekerja lebih keras.
10. Menyelenggarakan hari ramah hewan peliharaan
Tips lain untuk staf layanan pelanggan Anda yang berkinerja terbaik adalah dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk membawa hewan peliharaan mereka yang berharga ke tempat kerja. Hal ini biasanya meningkatkan semangat kerja seluruh tim, karena kebanyakan orang senang memiliki hewan peliharaan di kantor. Memiliki hewan peliharaan di kantor adalah penguat suasana hati yang baik dan membuat orang lebih ingin berada di sana.
11. Mensponsori perjalanan setelah menyelesaikan target
A costly yet effective customer service incentive program is offering your representatives sponsored trips after they have achieved set targets. This may be a costly affair for the company, but it will motivate employees to work hard and achieve the targets within the time frame.
12. Designated corners with their names
Strategi sederhana dan efektif untuk meningkatkan semangat karyawan Anda adalah dengan menamai lantai atau sudut mana pun dengan nama mereka. Mereka akan merasa dihargai dan dengan senang hati akan bekerja lebih keras lagi untuk mendapatkan penghargaan ini.
13. Offering VIP parking
Seringkali, biaya parkir harian diganti oleh perusahaan, namun menawarkan karyawan terbaik Anda sebuah VIP atau tempat parkir khusus untuk kendaraan mereka akan menumbuhkan rasa penghargaan pada diri mereka. Mereka akan merasa dihargai di perusahaan.
14. Advance their careers
Sulit bagi dukungan layanan pelanggan untuk tetap termotivasi dan produktif di tempat kerja jika mereka tidak memiliki gambaran tentang perkembangan karier dan gagasan tentang bagaimana mereka dapat berkembang secara profesional. Cara yang baik untuk mendorong karyawan agar bertahan dan mengurangi kemungkinan keluar masuknya agen adalah dengan membantu mereka fokus pada pengembangan profesional mereka dan memberikan kesempatan untuk berkembang.
- Start by reminding them, every day, just how vital their work is, how every act of theirs makes a user or customer’s life in another part of the world a little easier, a little better.
- Follow it up by helping them get better at their job. Nudge success behavior at every step, offer constructive feedback in real-time, design customized goals for them that are S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based).
- Sharpen their competitive spirit by gamifying targets and turn experienced managers into profitable mentors by analyzing and coaching performance with the visibility and control that deep-data-analytics offers these days.
- Finally, provide learning opportunities (both via skill courses and best-fit mentorships). Share career advancement tips & strategies and devise professional growth plans that give each one of your contact center workers, Tech support staff, and tele calling teams something to aim for. Don’t just stop there.
Make your folks realize that their opinions are valued by adding them to your decision-making process (invite their suggestions in the boardroom whenever you can) and taking the effort to update them with important decisions taken at the top regularly.
15 Customer service metrics you should measure in 2025
Metrik layanan pelanggan adalah indikator kinerja utama (KPI) yang membantu bisnis mengukur dan mengevaluasi kualitas interaksi layanan pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan secara keseluruhan.
Berikut adalah 15 metrik layanan pelanggan teratas beserta penjelasan rinci tentang Cara mengukur masing-masing metrik
1. Kepuasan Pelanggan (CSAT)
Kepuasan pelanggan adalah ukuran langsung dari seberapa puas pelanggan dengan layanan yang mereka terima. Biasanya diukur melalui survei pasca-interaksi, di mana pelanggan diminta untuk menilai pengalaman mereka dalam skala, biasanya dari 1 hingga 5 atau 1 hingga 10.
How to measure: After customer interactions (e.g., support calls, chat sessions, email exchanges), send out a survey asking customers to rate their satisfaction.
Customer service survey questions can include "How satisfied are you with the service you received?" with response options ranging from "Very Unsatisfied" to "Very Satisfied." Calculate the CSAT score by dividing the number of positive responses (e.g., 4 and 5 ratings) by the total number of responses and multiplying by 100.
Setelah pelanggan berinteraksi dengan layanan pelanggan Amazon, mereka mungkin menerima survei lanjutan yang meminta mereka untuk menilai kepuasan mereka pada skala 1 hingga 5 (1 berarti sangat tidak puas, dan 5 berarti sangat puas).
Mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data ini membantu Amazon untuk mengidentifikasi area yang perlu ditingkatkan, memberikan pelatihan tambahan kepada perwakilan layanan pelanggan, dan meningkatkan layanan mereka untuk memastikan pelanggan mendapatkan pengalaman yang positif. Hal ini pada akhirnya membantu Amazon mempertahankan dan mengembangkan basis pelanggannya.
2. Skor Promotor Bersih (NPS)
NPS mengukur loyalitas pelanggan dan kemungkinan untuk merekomendasikan bisnis Anda kepada orang lain. Hal ini didasarkan pada pertanyaan "Dalam skala 0 sampai 10, seberapa besar kemungkinan Anda akan merekomendasikan produk/layanan kami kepada teman atau kolega?" Responden dikategorikan sebagai Promotor (9-10), Pasif (7-8), atau Pencela (0-6).
How to measure: Calculate the NPS by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The formula is NPS = % Promoters - % Detractors. The resulting score can range from -100 to +100.
3. Waktu Tanggap Pertama (First Response Time, FRT)
FRT mengukur kecepatan di mana pertanyaan pelanggan pada awalnya ditangani oleh agen dukungan. Hal ini mencerminkan seberapa efisien tim Anda menangani permintaan yang masuk.
How to measure: Record the time it takes from the moment a customer submits a request (e.g., email, chat, ticket) to the moment they receive the first response. Calculate the average FRT by adding up the response times for all interactions and dividing by the total number of interactions.
4. Waktu Penyelesaian Rata-rata (ART)
ART measures the time it takes to fully resolve a customer's issue from the moment they initiate contact with customer support. It indicates the efficiency of your support team's problem-solving capabilities.
How to measure: Record the time it takes to resolve each customer issue, starting from the first contact until the issue is completely resolved. Calculate the average resolution time by adding up the resolution times for all interactions and dividing by the total number of interactions.
Microsoft recognizes that faster issue resolution leads to higher customer satisfaction. By tracking ART, they can identify areas where support processes may be improved and streamline operations, ultimately ensuring customers have a better experience when seeking assistance with their products or services.
5. Tingkat Retensi Pelanggan
Tingkat retensi pelanggan mengukur persentase pelanggan yang terus berbisnis dengan Anda selama periode tertentu. Ini adalah indikator kuat kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan.
How to measure: Calculate the customer retention rate by subtracting the number of new customers acquired during a period from the total number of customers at the beginning of that period. Then, divide the result by the total number of customers at the beginning of the period and multiply by 100 to get the retention rate percentage.
6. Skor Upaya Pelanggan (CES)
Skor Upaya Pelanggan mengukur kemudahan pelanggan untuk berinteraksi dengan tim dukungan Anda dan menyelesaikan masalah mereka. Skor ini mengukur tingkat upaya yang harus dilakukan pelanggan untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka.
How to measure: After a customer interaction, ask them a question like "How much effort did you have to put into resolving your issue?" with response options ranging from "Very Low Effort" to "Very High Effort."
Hitung skor CES dengan menentukan persentase responden yang melaporkan upaya yang rendah (misalnya, "Sangat Rendah" dan "Rendah") sebagai proporsi dari total responden.
They understand that reducing customer effort is crucial for a seamless shopping experience. By measuring CES, they can identify areas where customers encounter difficulties and work to simplify processes and improve the overall customer journey.
This not only leads to higher customer satisfaction but also influences customer retention and repeat business.
7. Kepatuhan terhadap Perjanjian Tingkat Layanan (SLA)
Kepatuhan SLA mengukur seberapa baik tim dukungan Anda memenuhi perjanjian tingkat layanan yang telah ditetapkan, seperti waktu respons dan resolusi, yang telah dijanjikan kepada pelanggan.
How to measure: Monitor the response and resolution times for each customer interaction. Compare these times against the SLAs you've established. Calculate the percentage of interactions where the team met the SLAs as a ratio of the total interactions.
8. Tingkat Pengabaian
Tingkat pengabaian menunjukkan persentase pelanggan yang memulai kontak dengan tim dukungan Anda namun memutuskan atau meninggalkan interaksi sebelum masalah mereka terselesaikan atau tanpa menerima bantuan.
How to measure: Track the number of customers who start an interaction (such as a phone call or live chat) but disconnect before the issue is resolved. Divide this number by the total number of initiated interactions and multiply by 100 to get the abandonment rate percentage.
9. Waktu Penanganan Rata-Rata (AHT)
Average Handle Time mengukur durasi rata-rata yang diperlukan oleh agen dukungan untuk menangani interaksi pelanggan dari awal hingga akhir, termasuk waktu yang dihabiskan untuk berinteraksi dengan pelanggan dan tugas tindak lanjut apa pun.
How to measure: Sum up the time spent by support agents on each interaction, including talk time, hold time, and any post-interaction work. Divide the total time by the number of interactions to get the average handle time.
Verizon tracks AHT to improve efficiency, reduce call center costs, and enhance the overall customer experience. By optimizing AHT, they can resolve customer problems more swiftly, leading to higher customer satisfaction and cost savings.
10. Tingkat Resolusi
Tingkat resolusi melacak persentase pertanyaan atau masalah pelanggan yang berhasil diselesaikan oleh tim dukungan dalam satu interaksi tanpa memerlukan eskalasi atau interaksi lanjutan.
How to measure: Divide the number of customer interactions that result in successful resolution by the total number of interactions. Multiply the result by 100 to get the resolution rate percentage.
A high-Resolution Rate helps Southwest Airlines ensure that passengers receive prompt assistance and have a positive experience, ultimately contributing to customer loyalty and the airline's success.
11. Tingkat Perputaran (Churn Rate)
Tingkat churn, juga dikenal sebagai tingkat gesekan, mengukur persentase pelanggan yang berhenti menggunakan produk atau layanan Anda selama periode tertentu. Ini adalah metrik penting untuk memahami retensi dan loyalitas pelanggan.
How to measure: Calculate the churn rate by dividing the number of customers lost during a certain time period by the total number of customers at the beginning of that period. Multiply the result by 100 to get the churn rate percentage.
By monitoring Churn Rate, they can identify reasons for subscription cancellations and take proactive measures to improve content offerings, user experience, and customer support, ultimately reducing churn and maintaining a strong customer base.
12. Nilai Rata-rata Pelanggan Seumur Hidup (CLV)
Customer Lifetime Value mengukur pendapatan rata-rata yang dihasilkan dari seorang pelanggan sepanjang hubungan mereka dengan bisnis Anda. Hal ini membantu dalam memahami profitabilitas jangka panjang dari segmen pelanggan yang berbeda.
How to measure: Calculate the CLV by adding up the total revenue from a customer over their entire relationship with your business and then dividing it by the number of years they've been a customer. This can provide insight into how much value each customer brings over time.
13. Biaya Retensi Pelanggan
Metrik ini menghitung biaya yang terkait dengan mempertahankan pelanggan, yang mencakup biaya yang terkait dengan dukungan pelanggan, pemasaran, diskon, program loyalitas, dan upaya retensi lainnya.
How to measure: Sum up all the costs incurred in retaining customers, including customer service costs, marketing expenses for retention campaigns, loyalty program costs, etc. Divide this total cost by the number of retained customers during the same period to get the average customer retention cost.
14. Waktu Penyelesaian Keluhan Pelanggan
Metrik ini mengukur waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan keluhan pelanggan sejak keluhan tersebut disampaikan. Metrik ini mencerminkan seberapa efisien bisnis Anda menangani dan menyelesaikan ketidakpuasan pelanggan.
How to measure: Record the time it takes from the moment a customer complaint is received to the moment it's fully resolved, and the customer is satisfied. Calculate the average complaint resolution time by adding up the resolution times for all complaints and dividing by the total number of complaints.
15. Sentimen Media Sosial
Sentimen media sosial mengukur keseluruhan sentimen yang diungkapkan oleh pelanggan tentang merek, produk, atau layanan Anda di platform media sosial. Sentimen positif menunjukkan kepuasan pelanggan, sedangkan sentimen negatif dapat menunjukkan area yang perlu ditingkatkan.
How to measure: Use social media monitoring tools to track mentions and sentiment associated with your brand. These tools analyze the language used in posts and comments to determine whether the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral.
With the help of this data, Starbucks can quickly identify issues, respond to customer concerns, and even make strategic business decisions based on customer sentiment. It helps them maintain a positive brand image and respond to emerging trends or issues in real-time.
With these additional customer service metrics in your analysis, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of your customer support performance, including the impact of poor customer service, and make informed decisions to enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth.
Wrapping up with few takeaways
A well-structured incentive program for customer service teams is essential for enhancing performance and meeting rising customer expectations. By fostering a motivated workforce through effective incentives, businesses can not only improve employee satisfaction but also drive significant revenue growth, ultimately ensuring long-term success in a competitive market. In this blog, we learned,
- Regularly gather input from customer service agents on their experiences and suggestions for improvements, ensuring they feel valued in decision-making processes.
- Create an environment where agents can express their true selves while interacting with customers, reducing the risk of identity crises.
- Use customer service incentive ideas for engagement and recognition.
Compass automates the management of incentive programs, making it easier to track and calculate rewards based on performance metrics. This ensures accuracy and efficiency in administering incentives, which can motivate customer success teams to achieve their goals more effectively

Pertanyaan Umum
1. What are incentive programs for customers?
Incentive programs for customers are strategies designed to encourage customer loyalty and engagement. These may include rewards, discounts, or special offers that motivate customers to make purchases or refer others.
2. What is the average commission for CSM?
The average commission for Customer Success Managers (CSMs) typically ranges from 10% to 20% of their total compensation, with a higher proportion being fixed salary (80-90%) and a smaller variable component based on performance.
3. What are customer incentives?
Customer incentives are benefits offered to customers to encourage specific behaviors, such as making a purchase, referring friends, or increasing their engagement with a brand. Examples include loyalty points, discounts, and exclusive access to products.
4. What 3 metrics best measure customer success?
The three metrics that best measure customer success is:
- Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Measures how satisfied customers are with a product or service.
- Net Promoter Score (NPS): Gauges customer loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend the company.
- Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer throughout their relationship.
5. What are the metrics for customer support success?
Key metrics for customer support success include:
- First Response Time (FRT): The time taken to respond to a customer's initial inquiry.
- Average Resolution Time (ART): The average time it takes to resolve customer issues.
- Customer Effort Score (CES): Measures how easy it is for customers to get their issues resolved.