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 Your customer service team plays a pivotal role in shaping the customer experience and driving your brand's success. However, like any workforce, customer service agents require motivation and clear direction to excel.  

With 65% of customers now holding higher expectations for support than just a few years ago, it is essential to implement effective incentives that enhance agent performance. As customer experience increasingly influences revenue generation, aligning agent effectiveness with corporate objectives has become critical. 

In light of these evolving demands, we have crafted this comprehensive guide to assist you in developing an impactful customer incentive program. This program will not only elevate employee morale and satisfaction but also significantly enhance overall performance, ensuring your team is equipped to meet and exceed customer expectations. 

Why are customer support incentives important for your team? 

Customer support incentives play a pivotal role in enhancing team performance and driving business success. Research from Gorgias, encompassing data from over 10,000 merchants, indicates that implementing a customer service employee incentive program can elevate overall revenue by 1%. This statistic underscores the profound impact that well-structured incentive plans can have on an organization. 

The primary advantage of customer service incentive programs is their ability to significantly improve agent performance—by as much as 44% when designed effectively. These programs not only enhance individual capabilities but also align with broader company goals, ensuring that the uplift in performance is directed toward areas that yield the greatest impact. Let’s understand why they need the incentives to begin with: 

  • Unreasonable targets: Employees face computer-generated targets that are often unrealistic. Mentoring and support to help meet these targets are frequently lacking. 
  • Impersonal culture: High employee turnover is common. Many workers do not form connections with colleagues, as they may not be present the next day. This creates a lack of motivation for camaraderie. 
  • Difficult job description: Employees often deal with angry customers and rude interactions. Many callers mistake them for bots, offering little appreciation for their efforts. However, those passionate about customer service may find this role rewarding. 
  • Identity crisis: Employees must adopt foreign cultural codes and mimic overseas personalities. This can lead to confusion and self-perception issues when psychological safety is absent. 
  • Disrupted biological clock: Irregular shifts disrupt natural sleep patterns. This can lead to serious health issues, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, and burnout. 
  • Lack of career vision: Many employees feel their work lacks significance. They desire a clear career path that allows them to make a meaningful impact. Unfortunately, this sense of purpose is often missing in the sector. 

The call center is frequently overlooked by strategic leaders, which contributes to these challenges. Addressing these issues is essential for fostering a supportive and productive work environment. For this, you need ten customer support incentive ideas that resonate with your team. 

14 Best customer service incentive ideas to incentivize your team 

Los programas de incentivos de atención al cliente tienen enormes beneficios, pero ¿cómo empezar con los mismos? Eche un vistazo a algunos de los mejores ejemplos de incentivos que se ha comprobado que comprometen y elevan a los empleados a largo plazo. 

1. La concesión de primas en forma de permisos retribuidos 

La mejor forma de respetar y apreciar a sus representantes de atención al cliente de mayor rendimiento es proporcionarles un día libre remunerado adicional que aporte un valor real al empleado. Los permisos retribuidos adicionales no son técnicamente una recompensa monetaria, pero tienen un valor poderoso y emocional para un empleado. 

Un día libre de cortesía es una recompensa adecuada por todo el trabajo duro que ha realizado la persona y una oportunidad para que se recargue de energía. 

2. Elección del empleado del mes 

Cada mes, debe seleccionar al empleado que se haya distinguido por ofrecer un servicio de atención al cliente excepcional. Para ello, puedes colgar su foto en un tablón de anuncios como reconocimiento. 

3. Ofrecer palabras de agradecimiento 

Como directivo, la forma más sencilla de incentivar a un empleado es elogiarle verbalmente por un trabajo bien hecho. Cuando un empleado recibe unas palabras de agradecimiento por sus esfuerzos positivos, se sentirá valorado y es más probable que haga un mejor trabajo en el futuro. 

Appreciate your customer service team with appreciation gift cards


4. 4. Almuerzo gratuito 

Sí, ofrecer comidas gratis a sus representantes de atención al cliente una o dos veces por semana les animará sin duda a trabajar aún más duro para su organización. 

Como directivo, puedes organizar alguna comida de trabajo para tu equipo y motivarles para que digan lo que piensan delante de ti. De este modo, podrá conocer sus opiniones y comentarios. Esta práctica apenas cuesta dinero a la empresa, pero sin duda contribuirá a retener a los empleados. 

5. Regalar entradas para cualquier evento 

Otra estrategia fácil y rentable para incentivar la atención al cliente es ofrecerles entradas gratuitas para algún concierto, película o espectáculo. 

6. Cualquier tarjeta de regalo o artilugio para elogiarles 

Know the top performers of the team and gift them a gift card or any gadget to show them that their work is being noticed by the company. Although offering gadgets and gift cards might be an expense to the company’s accounts, it will lead to an upliftment of revenue in the future surely. 

Gadgets like tabs, smartphones, or laptops in order to make their working culture more productive or give them electronic gift cards like Croma to buy gadgets from. Also, this will make them more inclined to the company, and they will never think of leaving the organization as they have to return the gadgets while resigning. 

7. Elogiar sus logros en Slack 

Promoting positive conduct in your customer service team can be made feasible by creating their achievements public. 

Guarda un canal de Slack (o cualquier herramienta de comunicación en equipo) como lugar en el que otros miembros del equipo puedan destacar las pequeñas victorias de sus compañeros para que todo el mundo se dé cuenta. 

8. Organización de la ceremonia de recompensa 

Cada mes o cada trimestre, organice una ceremonia de recompensa para valorar a sus empleados. Esto difícilmente hará un agujero en las cuentas de la empresa, pero sin duda impulsará a los representantes de atención al cliente. Con la esperanza de obtener premios o reconocimiento, el individuo trabajará duro. Y después de conseguir el premio, trabajará aún más duro para la siguiente recompensa. 

9. Ofrecer horarios de trabajo flexibles 

Dejar que los agentes elijan los turnos en los que trabajan es un incentivo espléndido para mejorar el servicio al cliente. Permitirles elegir su patrón de turnos durante una semana o un mes es una recompensa que merece la pena para sus empleados de mayor rendimiento. El trabajo ajustable da a su servicio de atención al cliente la opción de disfrutar de actividades que normalmente se perderían. Dar a su personal de atención al cliente poder sobre sus horarios es un magnífico incentivo para que trabajen más. 

10. Organizar un día para mascotas 

Otro consejo para los mejores empleados de atención al cliente es ofrecerles la posibilidad de llevar a su preciada mascota al trabajo durante el día. Esto suele levantar la moral de todo el equipo, ya que a la mayoría de la gente le encanta tener animales en la oficina. Tener una mascota en la oficina levanta el ánimo de forma generosa y hace que la gente tenga más ganas de estar allí. 

11. Patrocinio de viajes una vez completado el objetivo 

A costly yet effective customer service incentive program is offering your representatives sponsored trips after they have achieved set targets. This may be a costly affair for the company, but it will motivate employees to work hard and achieve the targets within the time frame. 

12. Designated corners with their names 

Una estrategia sencilla y eficaz para estimular a sus empleados es designar plantas o cualquier rincón con sus nombres. Se sentirán valorados y estarán encantados de trabajar aún más para conseguir esta recompensa. 

13. Offering VIP parking 

A menudo, la empresa reembolsa los gastos diarios de aparcamiento, pero si ofrece a sus mejores empleados un aparcamiento VIP o fijo para sus vehículos, crecerá en ellos un sentimiento de aprecio. Se sentirán estimados en la empresa. 

14. Advance their careers 

Es difícil que el personal de atención al cliente siga motivado y sea productivo en el trabajo si no tiene una idea de la progresión de su carrera y de cómo puede desarrollarse profesionalmente. Una buena forma de animar a los empleados a quedarse y reducir la probabilidad de que los agentes abandonen su puesto es ayudarles a centrarse en su desarrollo profesional y ofrecerles oportunidades de crecimiento. 

Help them grow with Compass 

- Start by reminding them, every day, just how vital their work is, how every act of theirs makes a user or customer’s life in another part of the world a little easier, a little better. 

- Follow it up by helping them get better at their job. Nudge success behavior at every step, offer constructive feedback in real-time, design customized goals for them that are S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based). 

- Sharpen their competitive spirit by gamifying targets and turn experienced managers into profitable mentors by analyzing and coaching performance with the visibility and control that deep-data-analytics offers these days. 

- Finally, provide learning opportunities (both via skill courses and best-fit mentorships). Share career advancement tips & strategies and devise professional growth plans that give each one of your contact center workers, Tech support staff, and tele calling teams something to aim for. Don’t just stop there. 

Make your folks realize that their opinions are valued by adding them to your decision-making process (invite their suggestions in the boardroom whenever you can) and taking the effort to update them with important decisions taken at the top regularly. 

15 Customer service metrics you should measure in 2025 

Las métricas de servicio al cliente son indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPI) que ayudan a las empresas a medir y evaluar la calidad de sus interacciones de servicio al cliente y la satisfacción general del cliente. 

Éstas son las 15 principales métricas de atención al cliente, junto con explicaciones detalladas sobre cómo medir cada una de ellas 

1. Satisfacción del cliente (CSAT) 

La satisfacción del cliente es una medida directa del grado de satisfacción de los clientes con el servicio que han recibido. Suele medirse a través de encuestas posteriores a la interacción, en las que se pide a los clientes que valoren su experiencia en una escala, a menudo de 1 a 5 o de 1 a 10. 

How to measure: After customer interactions (e.g., support calls, chat sessions, email exchanges), send out a survey asking customers to rate their satisfaction. 

Customer service survey questions can include "How satisfied are you with the service you received?" with response options ranging from "Very Unsatisfied" to "Very Satisfied." Calculate the CSAT score by dividing the number of positive responses (e.g., 4 and 5 ratings) by the total number of responses and multiplying by 100. 

AmazonAmazon, una de las mayores empresas de comercio electrónico del mundo, da mucha importancia a la satisfacción del cliente. A menudo utilizan la métrica CSAT, que mide el nivel de satisfacción de sus clientes basándose en sus interacciones o experiencias recientes.

Después de que un cliente interactúe con el servicio de atención al cliente de Amazon, es posible que reciba una encuesta de seguimiento en la que se le pide que valore su satisfacción en una escala del 1 al 5 (siendo 1 muy insatisfecho y 5 muy satisfecho).

Recopilar y analizar estos datos ayuda a Amazon a identificar áreas de mejora, proporcionar formación adicional a los representantes de atención al cliente y mejorar sus servicios para garantizar que los clientes tengan una experiencia positiva. En última instancia, esto ayuda a Amazon a conservar y aumentar su base de clientes. 


2. Net Promoter Score (NPS) 

El NPS mide la fidelidad del cliente y la probabilidad de que recomiende su empresa a otras personas. Se basa en la pregunta "En una escala de 0 a 10, ¿qué probabilidad hay de que recomiende nuestro producto/servicio a un amigo o colega?". Los encuestados se clasifican en promotores (9-10), pasivos (7-8) o detractores (0-6). 

How to measure: Calculate the NPS by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The formula is NPS = % Promoters - % Detractors. The resulting score can range from -100 to +100. 

3. Tiempo de primera respuesta (TPR) 

El FRT mide la velocidad con la que los agentes de soporte atienden las consultas de los clientes. Refleja la eficacia con la que su equipo gestiona las solicitudes entrantes. 

How to measure: Record the time it takes from the moment a customer submits a request (e.g., email, chat, ticket) to the moment they receive the first response. Calculate the average FRT by adding up the response times for all interactions and dividing by the total number of interactions. 

4. Tiempo medio de resolución (ART) 

ART measures the time it takes to fully resolve a customer's issue from the moment they initiate contact with customer support. It indicates the efficiency of your support team's problem-solving capabilities. 

How to measure: Record the time it takes to resolve each customer issue, starting from the first contact until the issue is completely resolved. Calculate the average resolution time by adding up the resolution times for all interactions and dividing by the total number of interactions. 
Microsoft, a multinational technology company, utilizes Average Resolution Time (ART) to evaluate the efficiency of its customer support services. ART measures the average time it takes to resolve customer issues or inquiries. 

Microsoft recognizes that faster issue resolution leads to higher customer satisfaction. By tracking ART, they can identify areas where support processes may be improved and streamline operations, ultimately ensuring customers have a better experience when seeking assistance with their products or services. 

5. Tasa de retención de clientes 

El índice de retención de clientes mide el porcentaje de clientes que siguen haciendo negocios con usted durante un periodo determinado. Es un buen indicador de la satisfacción y fidelidad de los clientes. 

How to measure: Calculate the customer retention rate by subtracting the number of new customers acquired during a period from the total number of customers at the beginning of that period. Then, divide the result by the total number of customers at the beginning of the period and multiply by 100 to get the retention rate percentage. 

6. Puntuación del esfuerzo del cliente (CES) 

La puntuación del esfuerzo del cliente mide la facilidad con la que los clientes pueden interactuar con su equipo de asistencia y resolver sus problemas. Mide el nivel de esfuerzo que tienen que hacer los clientes para resolver sus problemas. 

How to measure: After a customer interaction, ask them a question like "How much effort did you have to put into resolving your issue?" with response options ranging from "Very Low Effort" to "Very High Effort." 
Calcule la puntuación CES determinando el porcentaje de encuestados que declararon un esfuerzo bajo (por ejemplo, "Muy bajo" y "Bajo") como proporción del total de encuestados. 
The Home Depot, a leading home improvement retailer, tracks Customer Effort Score (CES) to assess the ease of customer interactions, both in-store and online. 

They understand that reducing customer effort is crucial for a seamless shopping experience. By measuring CES, they can identify areas where customers encounter difficulties and work to simplify processes and improve the overall customer journey. 

This not only leads to higher customer satisfaction but also influences customer retention and repeat business. 

7. Cumplimiento de los acuerdos de nivel de servicio (SLA) 

El cumplimiento de los SLA mide hasta qué punto su equipo de asistencia cumple los acuerdos de nivel de servicio predefinidos, como los tiempos de respuesta y resolución, que se han prometido a los clientes. 

How to measure: Monitor the response and resolution times for each customer interaction. Compare these times against the SLAs you've established. Calculate the percentage of interactions where the team met the SLAs as a ratio of the total interactions. 

8. Tasa de abandono 

La tasa de abandono indica el porcentaje de clientes que inician el contacto con su equipo de asistencia pero desconectan o abandonan la interacción antes de que se resuelva su problema o sin recibir asistencia. 

How to measure: Track the number of customers who start an interaction (such as a phone call or live chat) but disconnect before the issue is resolved. Divide this number by the total number of initiated interactions and multiply by 100 to get the abandonment rate percentage. 

9. Tiempo medio de manipulación (TMA) 

El tiempo medio de gestión mide la duración media que tarda un agente de asistencia en gestionar una interacción con un cliente desde el principio hasta el final, incluyendo tanto el tiempo dedicado a interactuar con el cliente como cualquier tarea de seguimiento. 

How to measure: Sum up the time spent by support agents on each interaction, including talk time, hold time, and any post-interaction work. Divide the total time by the number of interactions to get the average handle time. 
Verizon, a telecommunications company, relies on Average Handle Time (AHT) to streamline its customer service operations. AHT measures the average time it takes for a customer service representative to handle a customer inquiry or issue. 

Verizon tracks AHT to improve efficiency, reduce call center costs, and enhance the overall customer experience. By optimizing AHT, they can resolve customer problems more swiftly, leading to higher customer satisfaction and cost savings. 


10. Tasa de resolución 

La tasa de resolución hace un seguimiento del porcentaje de consultas o problemas de los clientes que el equipo de asistencia resuelve satisfactoriamente en una sola interacción sin necesidad de escalar o realizar interacciones de seguimiento. 

How to measure: Divide the number of customer interactions that result in successful resolution by the total number of interactions. Multiply the result by 100 to get the resolution rate percentage. 
Southwest Airlines, a major U.S. airline, uses Resolution Rate as a key metric in their customer service operations. They measure how often customer issues, such as flight reservations or baggage inquiries, are resolved during the first contact with customer service. 

A high-Resolution Rate helps Southwest Airlines ensure that passengers receive prompt assistance and have a positive experience, ultimately contributing to customer loyalty and the airline's success. 

11. Tasa de rotación 

La tasa de rotación, también conocida como tasa de abandono, mide el porcentaje de clientes que dejan de utilizar sus productos o servicios durante un periodo determinado. Es una métrica fundamental para comprender la retención y fidelidad de los clientes. 

How to measure: Calculate the churn rate by dividing the number of customers lost during a certain time period by the total number of customers at the beginning of that period. Multiply the result by 100 to get the churn rate percentage. 
Netflix, a leading streaming service, closely tracks Churn Rate to assess customer retention. Churn Rate measures the percentage of customers who cancel their subscriptions within a specific time frame. For Netflix, retaining subscribers is critical for business success. 

By monitoring Churn Rate, they can identify reasons for subscription cancellations and take proactive measures to improve content offerings, user experience, and customer support, ultimately reducing churn and maintaining a strong customer base. 


12. Valor medio de vida del cliente (CLV) 

El valor del ciclo de vida del cliente mide los ingresos medios generados por un cliente a lo largo de toda su relación con la empresa. Ayuda a comprender la rentabilidad a largo plazo de los distintos segmentos de clientes. 

How to measure: Calculate the CLV by adding up the total revenue from a customer over their entire relationship with your business and then dividing it by the number of years they've been a customer. This can provide insight into how much value each customer brings over time. 

13. Coste de retención de clientes 

Esta métrica calcula el coste asociado a la retención de un cliente, que incluye los gastos relacionados con la atención al cliente, el marketing, los descuentos, los programas de fidelización y otros esfuerzos de retención. 

How to measure: Sum up all the costs incurred in retaining customers, including customer service costs, marketing expenses for retention campaigns, loyalty program costs, etc. Divide this total cost by the number of retained customers during the same period to get the average customer retention cost. 

14. Tiempo de resolución de reclamaciones de clientes 

Esta métrica mide el tiempo que se tarda en resolver las reclamaciones de los clientes desde el momento en que se plantean. Refleja la eficacia con la que su empresa aborda y resuelve la insatisfacción de los clientes. 

How to measure: Record the time it takes from the moment a customer complaint is received to the moment it's fully resolved, and the customer is satisfied. Calculate the average complaint resolution time by adding up the resolution times for all complaints and dividing by the total number of complaints. 

15. Sentimiento en los medios sociales 

El sentimiento en las redes sociales mide el sentimiento general expresado por los clientes sobre su marca, productos o servicios en las plataformas de las redes sociales. El sentimiento positivo indica la satisfacción del cliente, mientras que el negativo puede señalar áreas de mejora. 

How to measure: Use social media monitoring tools to track mentions and sentiment associated with your brand. These tools analyze the language used in posts and comments to determine whether the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral. 
Starbucks, a global coffeehouse chain, monitors Social Media Sentiment to gauge public sentiment and opinions about their brand. They use sentiment analysis to assess the positivity or negativity of customer comments and feedback on social media platforms. 

With the help of this data, Starbucks can quickly identify issues, respond to customer concerns, and even make strategic business decisions based on customer sentiment. It helps them maintain a positive brand image and respond to emerging trends or issues in real-time. 

With these additional customer service metrics in your analysis, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of your customer support performance, including the impact of poor customer service, and make informed decisions to enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth. 

Wrapping up with few takeaways 

A well-structured incentive program for customer service teams is essential for enhancing performance and meeting rising customer expectations. By fostering a motivated workforce through effective incentives, businesses can not only improve employee satisfaction but also drive significant revenue growth, ultimately ensuring long-term success in a competitive market. In this blog, we learned, 

  • Regularly gather input from customer service agents on their experiences and suggestions for improvements, ensuring they feel valued in decision-making processes. 
  • Create an environment where agents can express their true selves while interacting with customers, reducing the risk of identity crises. 
  • Use customer service incentive ideas for engagement and recognition. 
Automate incentives for your customer success team with Compass

Compass automates the management of incentive programs, making it easier to track and calculate rewards based on performance metrics. This ensures accuracy and efficiency in administering incentives, which can motivate customer success teams to achieve their goals more effectively 

Preguntas frecuentes 

1. What are incentive programs for customers? 

Incentive programs for customers are strategies designed to encourage customer loyalty and engagement. These may include rewards, discounts, or special offers that motivate customers to make purchases or refer others. 

2. What is the average commission for CSM?

The average commission for Customer Success Managers (CSMs) typically ranges from 10% to 20% of their total compensation, with a higher proportion being fixed salary (80-90%) and a smaller variable component based on performance.

3. What are customer incentives?

Customer incentives are benefits offered to customers to encourage specific behaviors, such as making a purchase, referring friends, or increasing their engagement with a brand. Examples include loyalty points, discounts, and exclusive access to products. 

4. What 3 metrics best measure customer success?

The three metrics that best measure customer success is: 

  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Measures how satisfied customers are with a product or service. 
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Gauges customer loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend the company. 
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer throughout their relationship. 

5. What are the metrics for customer support success?

Key metrics for customer support success include: 

  • First Response Time (FRT): The time taken to respond to a customer's initial inquiry. 
  • Average Resolution Time (ART): The average time it takes to resolve customer issues. 
  • Customer Effort Score (CES): Measures how easy it is for customers to get their issues resolved. 
Descubra el mayor secreto del compromiso para retener a sus mejores empleados.
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