
In the busy world of sales, having a clear plan is essential to guide you from finding potential customers to closing deals. This plan is called a sales pipeline. Think of it as a visual guide showing where your potential customers are in the sales process, giving your sales team clarity and direction. 

By understanding each stage of the pipeline, you can see where prospects are getting stuck and take steps to help them move forward. Companies with a well-defined sales pipeline see a 28% increase in sales productivity.

In this blog, we'll reveal why a sales pipeline is so important for any business. We'll explain the seven main stages of a successful sales pipeline, from finding potential customers to keeping them happy long after the deal is closed.

 We'll also highlight five key metrics to keep your pipeline in top shape, giving you the insights needed to improve your sales process. Whether you're an experienced sales professional or just starting out, understanding these stages will help you turn prospects into loyal customers more effectively and efficiently. 

So, let’s dive in and explore what makes a winning sales pipeline!

¿Qué es un canal de ventas?

A sales pipeline implies a map that details where a particular customer stands in terms of sales and it ranges from initial stages to sales closure. It makes it easier for sales teams to keep up with the move and concentrate on the next steps to take for the deals to come through. 

Customers pass through decision-making scenarios such as awareness that a need or opportunity is recognized; Consideration- where information is gathered and finally, the Decision phase where a product is selected.

The stages involve such particular activities as contacting the prospects, informing them, and coming to terms with them in a manner that would enable them to choose your product. 

Using this model, one is able to forecast the sales that are expected to be made, the areas that have potential problems and the general health of the business. Such an organized system helps in making sure that all leads have not been left out and in the general optimization of your sales.

Why is a sales pipeline important?

The importance of sales pipeline:

1. Understanding deals

Sales pipeline is the organized method that will enable you to know where each of your prospective buyer or ‘deal’ is in the buying cycle. You get to know which lead requires more focus or what strategies should be employed to bring the lead closer to making the sale.

2. Accelerates growth rates

Having a clear pipeline allows you to concentrate on likely-to-close business opportunities and thus be productive. Specifically, this might be more efficient compared to a widespread approach in terms of promoting the growth of your business.

3. Shortens sales cycles

Through the creation of a sales pipeline, it becomes easy to understand some of the problems that may affect the sales cycle in the business. This enhances the possibilities of making sales faster, thus a short time required to convert a prospect into a customer.

4. Assists in revenue and cash flow forecasting

An effective management of the sales pipeline assists in forecasting sales and revenues at a particular period in the future. Understanding which of those deals is most likely to close means that you will be better planned in terms of your business’s financials.

5. Eliminates bottlenecks in the sales process

The images terminate in the sales pipeline and it is easy to know where the prospects are slowing down. Finding these slow-downs helps you address them and make it less likely for transactions to stagnate through the buying cycle.

The seven main sales pipeline stages

Below are seven main sales pipeline stages:

1. Finding potential customers

This is the first stage where you look for individuals or other companies that may want to get your product or use your service. It consists of identifying and collecting information about prospective customers. This can be achieved through an array of techniques like internet searches, attending relevant events, social media, and recommendations, among others. Its purpose is to generate all list of prospects that you can call and start the sales.

2. Checking if they're a good fit 

After finding potential customers, you need to evaluate if they are a suitable match for what you offer. This involves understanding their needs, budget, and decision-making process. You might ask questions to gather information and assess whether your product can effectively solve their problems. This step helps you prioritize leads that have a higher chance of becoming customers.

3. Having a meeting or giving a demo 

If you confirm that you can work with them, then you set a meeting or a demonstration of how your product functions. This is your time to explain to them the key features of the product and its advantages, respond to any queries or doubts they may have and how the product can satisfy their needs. Excellent preparation and effective delivery can help garner their interest and build their confidence in the product.4. Sending a proposalIf the customer is interested after the meeting or demo, you will forward them an intricate proposal. It describes what you are providing, how much it will cost, and other factors like timeframe, delivery, and payment. A well-defined proposal enables the customer to know what they are going to receive and provides a foundation for the other remaining selling steps

5. Negotiating and getting a commitment 

As you reach this stage, you present your idea to the customer and make changes as deemed fit. This could involve bargaining for issues such as cost, conditions, or unique aspects of your product. The ultimate aim of the negotiation is to establish a mutually beneficial solution. In this case, communication skills and versatility are important to reach an agreement that can be satisfactory to both parties.

6. Closing the deal

 This is the stage where the customer complies to the purchase of your product or service. You negotiate, sign all the papers, and make the buying-selling process official. This might entail entering into agreements, processing payments, and arranging for any other details for shipping or application. One of the most important stages of the process is making the sale and converting a prospect into a paying customer.

7. Keeping the customer happy

Finally, it is also vital to check if the customer is happy with what they bought. Being supportive and engaging, answering the questions that a client may have, and solving any problems at short notice is crucial in creating a good working relationship. 

Happy customers are often seen as repeat customers since they will continue to buy your product, and they also recommend the product to other people. This is more of an ongoing procedure of providing the customer with constant communication and assistance for them to remain interested in the product or service offered.

What are the 5 metrics to include in your sales pipeline?

The five metrics to include in your sales pipelines are.

  • Lead source: This metric reveals how your potential customers find your business. This may refer to online advertisements, printed materials, emails, word of mouth or other forms of reaching out to the consumers. When it comes to business, one will want to know which sources produce most of the leads that ultimately result in paying customers.
  • Industry: B2B Your product may be targeting several industries or sectors but can be more popular in some of the business sectors. Since it shows that some industries have more interest in your company or products, it can help to aim more of your marketing and sales efforts toward these industries.
  • Decision makers involved: Decision Makers Involved Identify the number of critical clients you have to deal with in the course of making the crucial decisions. It is appropriate that different approaches should be used when dealing with different people such as the chief executive, a director of finance, or a director of technology. This information is useful to determine who the decision-makers are, in order to fine-tune the process.
  • Deal size: deal Size Potential clients may have varying balance sheet capacities. Some may be willing to part with much cash, while others have a limited amount that they are ready to part with. It is essential to separate them by the amount they can afford to spend for the products you are selling since you are selling different products to different individuals.
  • Probability to close: Not all leads will convert into customers. Estimate how likely each lead is to become a customer based on factors like your sales team's conversations, their stage in the sales pipeline, and other signs of interest. This helps prioritize efforts on leads that are more likely to close.

How a global software company revamped its sales pipeline with the BANT SQL campaign

The client is a global software development company that offers an integration platform enabling businesses to seamlessly connect data, applications, and devices across both on-premise and cloud environments.


The client aimed to expand its customer base across various niches but struggled with traditional marketing strategies such as cold emails and cold-calling. These methods led to low-quality leads and declining conversion rates, resulting in a downward trend in ROI. The client needed a strategic lead generation approach to revitalize its sales pipeline with high-quality, sales-qualified leads.


The company implemented a BANT SQL lead generation campaign, focusing on three key steps to address the client’s challenges:

  • Understanding the target audience: The company developed Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) based on the client’s target location, industry, and decision-makers. These profiles helped qualify accounts and categorize prospects by revenue, industry, needs, and location. The contact list was segmented into firmographic and demographic categories, ensuring precise targeting.
  • Email marketing campaign: Tailored content was disseminated to each segment via email, social media, and web pages. Highly personalized emails invited prospects to engage with the team, while an AI Predictive Analytics tool tracked prospect behavior and interactions with the content.
  • Telemarketing and lead scoring: A telemarketing script was designed to identify sales-ready prospects by assessing their needs, decision-making authority, budget, and purchase timelines. Leads were scored based on their engagement along the buyer’s journey, with high-interest prospects nurtured through targeted email newsletters and content assets.


The 14-week SQL lead generation campaign yielded impressive results:

  • 173 High-Quality Leads Generated
  • 228% Increase in ROI
  • 178% Increase in SQLs

The campaign effectively revitalized the client’s sales pipeline, delivering highly qualified prospects and creating new opportunities for customer acquisition and retention.


Their strategic BANT SQL campaign transformed the client’s sales pipeline, enabling them to attract and convert high-quality leads across various niches. By leveraging predictive analytics, targeted email marketing, and telemarketing, the team’s helped the client overcome their challenges and achieve significant improvements in their sales outcomes.

Boost your sales pipeline with SQL

The company specializes in B2B demand generation for Tech and Enterprise companies. Contact our sales team to explore how our BANT SQL campaign can generate sales-ready leads, shorten your sales cycle, and maximize returns on your marketing spend.

Optimize Your Sales Pipeline with Compass!

Streamline your sales commission process from lead generation to customer satisfaction with Compass. Our advanced automation platform ensures accurate commissions, seamless integration, and insightful analytics to boost your sales performance.

Ready to enhance your pipeline efficiency?

Book a Demo and see how Compass can transform your sales commission management!


Mastering the sales pipeline is a vital skill for any sales team aiming for success. By understanding what a sales pipeline is and why it is important, you lay the foundation for a structured and efficient sales process. We've explored the seven main stages of the sales pipeline, from finding potential customers to ensuring they remain satisfied long after the deal is closed. Each stage is crucial, playing a pivotal role in turning prospects into loyal customers.

Moreover, incorporating key metrics into your sales pipeline allows you to measure and optimize your sales efforts. These metrics provide valuable insights into the health of your pipeline and help you make data-driven decisions to enhance performance.

In summary, a well-managed sales pipeline is not just a tool but a strategy that drives growth and success. By focusing on each stage and monitoring essential metrics, you can streamline your sales process, boost your conversion rates, and ultimately, achieve your sales goals. So, take the time to build and refine your sales pipeline, and watch as it transforms your approach to sales and propels your business forward.

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