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Companies constantly seek ways to boost sales and motivate their sales teams. One effective strategy is to implement a well-designed sales incentive program.
Sales incentive programs are essential for organizations looking to motivate their sales teams, drive performance, and achieve business goals. These programs are designed to provide incentives and rewards to sales professionals based on their performance, ultimately boosting sales and revenue.
Program insentif penjualan dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan meningkatkan keterlibatan serta produktivitas karyawan dengan memberikan imbalan nyata dan pengakuan atas kinerja yang luar biasa.
According to a study by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF), companies that implemented sales incentive programs experienced an average revenue increase of 27%.
Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas langkah-langkah penting dalam menciptakan program insentif penjualan yang sukses.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan program insentif penjualan?
Program insentif penjualan adalah sistem terstruktur yang memberikan penghargaan dan pengakuan kepada tenaga penjualan yang memenuhi atau melampaui target tertentu, seperti kuota penjualan, target pendapatan, atau metrik akuisisi pelanggan. Program-program ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang kompetitif dan didorong oleh hasil di dalam tim penjualan.
Program insentif penjualan sangat penting karena beberapa alasan. Pertama, program ini memberikan kerangka kerja yang jelas untuk mendefinisikan dan memberikan penghargaan atas perilaku dan hasil yang diinginkan. Organisasi dapat mengarahkan tim penjualan mereka ke aktivitas yang mendorong pertumbuhan dan profitabilitas dengan menyelaraskan insentif dengan tujuan bisnis.
Kedua, program insentif penjualan meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat kerja di antara para tenaga penjual. Prospek untuk mendapatkan penghargaan dan pengakuan mendorong individu untuk bekerja lebih keras, sehingga menghasilkan peningkatan upaya dan kinerja.
According to a survey conducted by WorldatWork, 75% of organizations consider sales incentive programs as a crucial tool for driving desired sales behaviors and outcomes.
Manfaat penerapan program insentif penjualan
Implementing a well-designed sales incentive program offers numerous benefits to organizations. It drives sales performance, fosters a positive sales culture, and improves overall team dynamics.
- Meningkatkan penjualan dan pendapatan: Memotivasi tenaga penjualan untuk mencapai target mereka, program insentif penjualan secara langsung berkontribusi pada peningkatan penjualan dan pendapatan organisasi.
- Meningkatkan moral dan motivasi tim: Insentif menciptakan rasa senang dan kompetisi yang sehat di antara anggota tim penjualan, meningkatkan semangat dan motivasi untuk berprestasi dalam peran mereka.
- Meningkatkan fokus pada tujuan utama: Program insentif penjualan membantu menyelaraskan upaya tim penjualan dengan tujuan utama organisasi, memastikan bahwa setiap orang bekerja untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.
- Daya tarik dan retensi talenta: Program insentif yang terstruktur dengan baik dapat menarik talenta penjualan terbaik untuk bergabung dengan organisasi dan mempertahankan tenaga penjualan yang berkinerja tinggi dalam jangka panjang.
Pengumpulan dan analisis data: Program insentif penjualan sering kali melibatkan pelacakan dan analisis data kinerja, yang memberikan wawasan berharga untuk pengambilan keputusan strategis dan peningkatan berkelanjutan.

Automate commission payouts and align rewards with sales goals. With Compass, you can motivate your team and improve overall sales effectiveness. Automate Incentives Now
Types of sales incentive programs
Here are different types of sales incentive programs.
1. Program insentif berbasis kohort
Dalam program insentif berbasis kohort, pengguna diklasifikasikan berdasarkan beberapa kohort seperti kohort berkinerja terbaik, kohort berkinerja menengah, dan kohort berkinerja buruk.
Biasanya 5-10% pengguna adalah pengguna dengan performa terbaik, 25-30% pengguna dengan performa menengah, dan sisanya 60-70% pengguna dengan performa di belakang. Penting untuk melihat pengguna ini secara berbeda karena mereka memiliki pola pikir, kaliber, dan pendekatan yang berbeda.
Menyiapkan program insentif berbasis kohort:
- Langkah 1: Langkah pertama adalah memetakan kelompok kinerja untuk organisasi/tim Anda. Identifikasi dan kategorikan 10% teratas, 30% menengah, dan 60% terakhir dari anggota tim Anda. Kategorikan setiap anggota ke dalam salah satu kategori ini.
- Step 2: The objective of the cohort-based incentive program is to motivate and bring up the average performance of the cohort. For doing this, you need to identify the average and maximum performance of the cohort. If the program needs to have a business impact, it needs to push performances to above the average performance of the cohort.
- Langkah 3: Lanjutkan dengan membuat pencapaian antara rata-rata kelompok dan 105% hingga 120% dari maksimum kelompok (agar siswa dengan kinerja terbaik dalam kelompok termotivasi dengan program ini).
- Langkah 4: Tawarkan insentif tambahan atau bahkan insentif tetap untuk setiap pencapaian.
Cohort: Top 10%
Cohort Name: Super Stars
Average Revenue of last quarter: $ 10000
Maximum Revenue of last quarter: $ 12000
Reward type and value: Fixed incentive of 2.5% of the revenue. Slightly incremental for the last slab.
Incentive Structure
Slab 1: Achieve revenue of $10000 to 10500, Get $250 rewards
Slab 2: Achieve revenue of $10501 to 11000, Get $262 rewards
Slab 3: Achieve revenue of $11001 to 11500, Get $275 rewards
Slab 4: Achieve revenue of $11501 to 12000, Get $287 rewards
Slab 5: Achieve revenue of $12001 to 12500, Get $300 rewards
Slab 6: Achieve revenue of >12500, Get $320 rewards
Similarly, the slabs can be set up for the rest of the cohorts by maintaining the reward value within the permissible limits of the business.
2. Role-Specific Incentive Programs
Sales teams consist of individuals with different responsibilities, and a one-size-fits-all incentive program may not be effective. Role-specific incentive programs ensure that sales representatives, account executives, and business development reps are rewarded based on their unique contributions.
Setting up a role-specific incentive program:
- Step 1: Identify the different sales roles within your team and define their key objectives.
- Step 2: Set performance benchmarks that align with each role’s contribution to the sales process. For example, Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) can be incentivized for booking qualified meetings, while Account Executives (AEs) can be rewarded for closing deals.
- Step 3: Structure rewards based on the complexity of the task. For instance, SDRs could receive a fixed bonus per meeting scheduled, while AEs earn commission-based incentives for exceeding quotas.
- Step 4: Continuously review performance data to ensure the incentive structure remains relevant and effective.
End Goal: Increase qualified sales meetings.
Program Name: SDR Performance Booster
KPIs: Number of meetings booked, number of sales-qualified leads.
Reward type and value: Fixed incentive for each completed meeting, with incremental bonuses for exceeding targets.
Incentive Structure:
Slab 1: Schedule 5-7 meetings → $50 bonus
Slab 2: Schedule 8-10 meetings → $75 bonus
Slab 3: Schedule 11+ meetings → $100 bonus
3. Split Sales Incentive Programs
Sales deals often involve multiple team members, from lead generation to closing. A split sales incentive program ensures that all contributors are fairly rewarded, fostering teamwork and collaboration instead of individual competition.
Setting up a split sales incentive program:
- Step 1: Identify roles that contribute to closing a deal, such as SDRs, Account Executives, and Sales Engineers.
- Step 2: Define contribution levels for each role to determine how incentives should be distributed.
- Step 3: Set percentage-based or fixed incentive splits to ensure fair payouts. For example, an SDR who generated the lead may receive 10% of the commission, while the AE closing the deal gets 70%, and the Sales Engineer assisting in technical discussions gets 20%.
- Step 4: Automate tracking and reward distribution to avoid disputes and ensure transparency.
End Goal: Encourage teamwork in closing deals.
Program Name: Team Success Bonus
KPIs: Closed deals, contribution percentage per role.
Reward type and value: Percentage-based commission split among contributors.
Incentive Structure:
SDR (Lead Generation): 10% of commission per deal
Account Executive (Deal Closure): 70% of commission per deal
Sales Engineer (Technical Support): 20% of commission per deal
4. KPI & micro-KPI linked incentive programs
Biasanya insentif diberikan berdasarkan hasil penjualan akhir. Namun, untuk memengaruhi output akhir, output antara juga perlu diberi insentif.
Sebagai contoh, demo menghasilkan peluang dan peluang menghasilkan Penjualan. Semakin banyak demo yang diberikan salesman, semakin banyak peluang yang akan dia hasilkan, dan semakin banyak penutupan yang akan terjadi. Oleh karena itu, memberikan insentif mikro kepada orang-orang berdasarkan Demo dan Peluang mempengaruhi perilaku penjualan.
Menyiapkan program insentif berbasis KPI:
- Langkah 1: Langkah pertama adalah mengidentifikasi KPI yang relevan dengan anggota tim target
- Step 2: The objective of the KPI-based incentive program is to push team members to complete micro-KPIs that help achieve the End goal. For doing this, you need to individually identify the average and maximum of every Micro-KPIs of the team during the past quarter/period. Your overall target for a KPI needs to be between this average and the maximum achievement. Ideally, this should be at the 2σ mark if your team’s previous performances on each of the Micro-KPIs are plotted on a normal curve.
- Langkah 3: Lanjutkan dengan membuat pencapaian secara berurutan untuk setiap KPI Mikro
- Langkah 4: Tawarkan insentif tambahan atau tetap untuk setiap pencapaian.
End goal: Sales closure
Program name: Super Closers
Micro KPIs: Number of Demos, Number of Project scope document completed, Number of Sale Agreements signed, Number of Sales closed
Reward type and value: Variable and Incremental incentive
5. Badge-based incentive programs
Penting untuk menghargai pengguna atas dasar pencapaian dan perilaku mereka dengan imbalan non-moneter. Lencana dan sertifikat dapat digunakan untuk memotivasi orang - terutama untuk menyertakan dan memotivasi kinerja di awal pencapaian target.
Menyiapkan program insentif berbasis Lencana:
- Langkah 1: Langkah pertama adalah mengidentifikasi lencana berdasarkan pencapaian program
- Langkah 2: Tujuan dari program insentif berbasis lencana/sertifikat adalah mendorong anggota tim untuk menyelesaikan jarak antara awal bulan dan pencapaian penghargaan pertama.
- Langkah 3: Lanjutkan dengan membuat tonggak pencapaian untuk setiap langkah yang telah diidentifikasi.
- Langkah 4: Siapkan dan tawarkan lencana untuk setiap pencapaian yang teridentifikasi
End goal: Push users till 80% of target achievement
Program name: Badge rush
Milestones: 20% of Target achievement, 40% of Target achievement, 60% of Target achievement, 80% of Target achievement
Reward Structure
Slab 1: Achieve 20% of Target achievement win ‘Quick starter’ Badge
Slab 2: Achieve 40% of Target achievement win ‘Milestone crusher’ Badge
Slab 3: Achieve 60% of Target achievement win ‘Blockbuster’ Badge Slab 4: Achieve 80% of Target achievement win ‘Badge ranger’ Badge

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6. Hierarchy-based incentive program
Penjualan biasanya memiliki tim penjualan regional yang melapor kepada kepala zona, lalu kepala geografis, dan kemudian kepala nasional. Sangat penting untuk meluncurkan program insentif di semua tingkat hierarki. Hal ini akan membuat setiap level termotivasi setiap saat.
Program berbasis hirarki dapat berupa program berbasis KPI atau program berbasis kohort yang dipetakan untuk setiap hirarki secara individual - dengan targetnya masing-masing.
7. Behavior-based incentive programs
Berbagai jenis tim penjualan menghadapi hambatan perilaku yang berbeda. Beberapa mungkin menghadapi kelelahan untuk perbaikan, atau rasio penjualan tertentu tidak membaik (seperti Demo: Penutupan, Penjualan silang, Upsell, dll). Program insentif dapat dikonfigurasi untuk meningkatkan rasio-rasio ini.
Menyiapkan program insentif berbasis perilaku:
- Langkah 1: Langkah pertama adalah mengidentifikasi perilaku/rasio bisnis yang dihasilkan dari perilaku tersebut
- Langkah 2: Tujuan dari program insentif berbasis perilaku adalah untuk mendorong anggota tim agar dapat menembus rasio kinerja mereka yang stagnan. Serupa dengan program KPI mikro, identifikasi rentang nilai antara 2 sigma dan 3 sigma dari masing-masing rasio ini dalam tim Anda.
- Langkah 3: Lanjutkan dengan membuat tonggak pencapaian yang memeriksa pemenuhan setiap batas rasio yang telah diidentifikasi.
- Langkah 4: Tawarkan hadiah tetap/tambahan untuk setiap pencapaian
End goal: Push users to participate in cross-selling and upselling
Program name: Sales allrounder
8. CRM-utility-based incentive programs
Sudah menjadi fakta bahwa 70% CRM gagal meyakinkan tim penjualan untuk menggunakan CRM secara penuh. Tim penjualan enggan untuk mengubah dan menggunakan CRM.
Mengkomunikasikan ketergantungan 100% pada insentif pada umpan CRM tim penjualan dan membuat program insentif yang menarik data hanya dari CRM akan meningkatkan penggunaan/adopsi secara radikal.
9. Seasonal or time-based incentive programs
Bisnis mungkin memiliki musim dalam satu bulan atau sepanjang tahun. Untuk menyebarkan volume bisnis secara merata - Program insentif berbasis waktu diluncurkan.
Program insentif musiman juga diluncurkan selama musim lonjakan bisnis. Hal ini membuat pengguna bekerja lebih keras ketika pasar sedang sangat potensial.
10. PIP (Performance improvement programs)
Ada pengguna yang tidak kompeten atau tidak bersedia untuk mengirim/menjual. Sangat penting untuk mengaduk-aduk para pengguna tersebut secara objektif. Program PIP (atau rencana 30 hari berikutnya) dikonfigurasikan berdasarkan kinerja pengguna sebelumnya. Hasilnya dipertimbangkan untuk retensi.
Menyiapkan program insentif PIP:
- Langkah 1: Langkah pertama adalah mengidentifikasi KPI yang harus diselesaikan pengguna dalam 30 hari ke depan agar dapat dipertahankan.
- Step 2: The objective of the PIP program is to help retail team members and develop them to become better performers. You need to identify the lower rung of performances of KPIs of the rest of the team during the past period. The target for the PIP KPIs need to be set as this minimum performance. Split these targets into 4 intermediary targets (typically one for each week)
- Langkah 3: Lanjutkan dengan membuat tolok ukur untuk setiap kelompok KPI PIP
- Langkah 4: Tawarkan lencana pada setiap pencapaian dan jika anggaran memungkinkan, berikan hadiah.
End goal: Performance improvement
Program name: Rising Star
PIPs KPIs: LMS module completion, PIP Target achievement
11. Team-based incentive programs
Untuk menghadirkan rasa kebersamaan sebagai sebuah tim - program insentif berbasis tim diluncurkan. Program insentif ini biasanya berbasis geografis atau manajerial.
Program berbasis tim dapat berupa program berbasis KPI dengan target tim secara keseluruhan yang dipecah menjadi beberapa pencapaian.
12. Beat-the-champion incentive programs
Untuk memberikan dorongan besar kepada pengguna - Beat-The-Champion bulan/kuartal/tahun terakhir diluncurkan. Hal ini memengaruhi pengguna (terutama pemain tingkat menengah dan bawah) untuk mendapatkan dorongan diri untuk mencapai lebih banyak hal dan mengalahkan sang juara.
Setting up a beat-the-champion incentive program:
- Langkah 1: Langkah pertama adalah mengidentifikasi daftar juara (4 pemegang peringkat pertama) dan peringkat masing-masing
- Langkah 2: Tujuan dari program Beat-The-Champion adalah untuk membantu pengguna mengalahkan target pencapaian para juara ini.
- Langkah 3: Lanjutkan dengan membuat tonggak pencapaian untuk pencapaian target masing-masing pemegang peringkat.
- Langkah 4: Tawarkan hadiah di setiap pencapaian.
End goal: Performance improvement
Program name: Beat the Champion
13. Personalized goal-setting incentive programs
Not all sales reps are motivated by the same targets. A personalized goal-setting incentive program allows individuals to choose their targets and rewards, increasing motivation and commitment to achieving results.
Setting up a personalized goal-setting incentive program:
- Step 1: Allow sales reps to select their own sales goals from a predefined set of options. This could include revenue targets, deal volume, customer acquisition, or upsell percentages.
- Step 2: Assign varying reward structures based on goal difficulty. Higher-risk goals with bigger challenges should come with higher rewards.
- Step 3: Provide ongoing performance tracking, allowing reps to adjust their targets mid-cycle if needed.
- Step 4: Celebrate individual achievements through public recognition, badges, and leaderboard rankings to encourage healthy competition.
End Goal: Give sales reps ownership over their targets.
Program Name: Choose Your Challenge
KPIs: Individualized sales goals (quota, deal size, customer retention, or upselling).
Reward type and value: Customized incentives based on goal difficulty.
Incentive Structure:
Goal 1: Close 5 new deals → $500 bonus
Goal 2: Close 3 enterprise deals → $800 bonus
Goal 3: Increase upsell revenue by 20% → $1,000 bonus
14. Experiential reward programs
Monetary incentives aren’t the only way to drive motivation. Experiential reward programs focus on offering unique, memorable experiences—such as travel, VIP events, or exclusive access—to inspire peak performance. These rewards create lasting value beyond cash incentives.
Setting up an experiential reward program:
- Step 1: Identify experience-based rewards that resonate with your sales team, such as luxury travel, concert tickets, or exclusive networking events.
- Step 2: Set performance targets that align with these high-value rewards, ensuring that top performers receive experiences that match their effort and results.
- Step 3: Create tiered achievement levels where sales reps can unlock better experiences as they surpass milestones.
- Step 4: Publicly recognize winners and share their success stories to inspire others.
End Goal: Reward top performers with exclusive experiences.
Program Name: Elite Achievers Club
KPIs: Revenue growth, deal size, quota overachievement.
Reward type and value: Experience-based rewards instead of monetary bonuses.
Incentive Structure:
Slab 1: Achieve 100-110% of quota → All-expenses-paid luxury dinner
Slab 2: Achieve 111-120% of quota → Weekend getaway at a premium resort
Slab 3: Achieve 121%+ of quota → International vacation or VIP event access
Cara membuat program insentif penjualan
A well-designed sales incentive program does more than reward performance—it drives behavior, aligns sales efforts with business goals, and fosters long-term engagement. Here’s how to create a structured and effective sales incentive program using Compass.
1. Tentukan tujuan yang jelas
A sales incentive program needs a strong foundation, starting with clearly defined objectives. Are you looking to increase deal closures, shorten sales cycles, or drive expansion into new markets? Without a clear direction, even the most attractive incentives may fail to deliver results.
Compass ensures that your incentive program aligns with broader business priorities by providing AI-driven insights into sales performance. It tracks individual and team contributions, helping you measure progress against goals in real time. With visibility into key metrics, you can refine strategies and adjust rewards based on actual sales outcomes.
2. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs)
The success of a sales incentive program depends on choosing the right performance metrics. Clear and measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ensure that sales reps understand what they need to achieve and how their efforts contribute to overall business growth.
Common KPIs for sales incentive programs include:
- Total revenue generated: Encourages overall sales growth.
- New customer acquisition: Drives efforts toward expanding the client base.
- Deal size and value: Incentivizes high-value sales rather than just volume.
- Upsell and cross-sell rates: Motivates reps to maximize revenue per customer.
- Sales cycle length: Rewards efficiency in closing deals faster.
- Customer retention and renewals: Encourages long-term relationship building.
- Lead conversion rates: Focuses on improving sales pipeline efficiency.
Compass automates KPI tracking with real-time analytics and reporting. Sales reps get instant feedback on their performance, while managers gain actionable insights to fine-tune strategies. AI-driven recommendations help identify which KPIs drive the most impact, allowing for continuous program optimization.
3. Design the incentive structure
An effective incentive program goes beyond offering rewards—it must be structured to drive the right behaviors while keeping sales teams engaged. The key is to strike a balance between monetary and non-monetary incentives to appeal to different motivations.
Types of sales incentives to consider:
- Monetary rewards: Commissions, bonuses, profit-sharing, or tiered incentives based on performance.
- Non-monetary rewards: Recognition programs, career advancement opportunities, and VIP experiences.
- SPIFs (sales performance incentive funds): Short-term rewards to boost performance in specific areas, such as closing deals faster or selling high-margin products.
- Team-based incentives: Encourages collaboration by rewarding groups for achieving shared targets.
- Milestone-based rewards: Recognizes consistent performance over time rather than just one-time achievements.
Compass allows businesses to customize their incentive structures based on real-time sales data. With automated commission calculations, dynamic goal-setting, and gamification features, Compass keeps sales reps motivated while ensuring fairness and transparency in payouts. The platform also enables A/B testing of different incentive structures, so you can refine your approach based on what drives the best results.
4. Communicate the program effectively
Even the best-designed sales incentive program can fall flat if it's not communicated clearly. Sales reps need to understand how the program works, what they need to do to earn rewards, and how their performance will be tracked. Confusion or lack of transparency can lead to disengagement, reducing the program’s effectiveness.
Key elements of effective communication:
- Clarity on goals and rewards– Clearly define what behaviors and achievements will be rewarded.
- Multiple communication channels: Use emails, team meetings, dashboards, and one-on-one sessions to ensure everyone is informed.
- Real-time visibility: Allow reps to track their earnings, progress toward targets, and leaderboard standings at any time.
- Regular updates and reminders: Reinforce engagement with periodic updates on performance standings and upcoming opportunities.
Compass simplifies program communication with a centralized dashboard where sales teams can track their progress in real time. Personalized notifications and AI-driven nudges keep reps engaged and focused on hitting their targets. Leaderboards and automated performance updates ensure everyone knows where they stand, driving friendly competition and higher participation rates.
5. Implement the program with the right tools
A well-designed sales incentive program needs seamless execution. Simply announcing incentives isn’t enough—sales reps must have the tools and resources to perform at their best. The implementation phase should focus on equipping the team with everything they need to succeed, from training materials to ongoing support.
Key steps for smooth implementation:
- Provide access to training and sales resources: Ensure sales reps have updated collateral, pitch decks, and product knowledge to close deals effectively.
- Integrate with sales processes: The incentive program should align with existing workflows, making it easy for reps to participate without disrupting their daily activities.
- Offer real-time support: Provide managers with insights into sales performance so they can coach reps and address challenges as they arise.
- Ensure immediate performance tracking: Sales reps should have instant visibility into their achievements, pending rewards, and targets.
Compass streamlines implementation by integrating incentive programs directly into the sales workflow. With real-time tracking, automated commission calculations, and AI-powered coaching, sales teams stay focused and motivated. Personalized dashboards allow reps to see their progress, access resources, and receive timely nudges to help them stay on track.
6. Monitor and adjust the program
A sales incentive program is not a "set-it-and-forget-it" initiative. Regular monitoring is essential to ensure that the program continues to drive the right behaviors and adapts to evolving business needs. Without ongoing analysis, incentive structures can become outdated, leading to disengagement or unintended consequences.
Key aspects of effective program monitoring:
- Track performance trends: Identify which incentives are driving the highest impact and where adjustments are needed.
- Collect sales rep feedback: Gain insights from participants to understand what’s working and what needs improvement.
- Analyze incentive ROI: Compare investment in rewards with revenue growth, deal size, and overall sales productivity.
- Adjust incentive structures when necessary: Modify targets, payout structures, or reward types to keep the program relevant and effective.
Compass simplifies program monitoring with AI-powered analytics that provide real-time insights into sales performance. The platform automatically identifies trends, flags underperforming areas, and recommends optimizations to maximize incentive effectiveness. With Compass, you can continuously refine your program to ensure long-term engagement and business growth.
7. Measure the program’s success
To determine whether your sales incentive program is achieving its intended goals, you need a structured approach to measuring success. Simply looking at revenue growth isn’t enough—you need to evaluate how incentives influence sales behavior, team engagement, and long-term business performance.
Key ways to measure success:
- Compare sales data before and after implementation: Assess improvements in key metrics such as revenue growth, deal size, and conversion rates.
- Evaluate KPI achievement rates: Track how many sales reps are meeting or exceeding their targets.
- Monitor retention and engagement: High-performing sales reps staying with the company longer is a strong indicator of an effective incentive program.
- Assess team productivity: Determine whether sales cycles have shortened and if reps are closing more deals efficiently.
- Gather direct feedback: Conduct surveys or hold discussions with your sales team to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Compass provides in-depth performance tracking and analytics to measure the effectiveness of your incentive program. AI-driven insights help you understand which incentives are working, which need adjustments, and how the program contributes to overall business growth. With Compass, sales leaders can make data-backed decisions to refine their strategy and continuously improve results.
8. Overcome common challenges
Even the best-designed sales incentive programs can face obstacles. Misaligned goals, lack of engagement, or unclear reward structures can reduce effectiveness. Addressing these challenges early ensures that your program remains impactful and drives consistent sales performance.
Common challenges and solutions:
- Unclear incentive structures: If sales reps don’t fully understand how they’re rewarded, engagement drops. Compass provides real-time dashboards that display earnings, progress, and goals transparently.
- Low participation rates: Some reps may not feel motivated by traditional incentives. Gamification features in Compass, such as leaderboards, achievement badges, and personalized nudges, keep engagement high.
- Lack of Adaptability: Market conditions change, and static incentive programs quickly become ineffective. Compass uses AI-powered insights to suggest program adjustments, ensuring incentives remain relevant.
Delayed payouts and tracking issues: Manually calculating commissions can lead to errors and disputes. Compass automates commission calculations, eliminating delays and ensuring accurate, transparent payouts.
Sample sales incentive plan structure
Program Name: Q2 Sales Performance Incentive Plan
Objective: Increase overall revenue by 20% and improve customer acquisition through targeted sales efforts.
Eligibility: All sales representatives and account managers
Duration: April 1 – June 30
Incentive types
Monetary incentives:
- 5% commission on all closed deals
- $1,000 bonus for exceeding quarterly sales targets by 15%
Non-monetary incentives:
- "Top Performer of the Quarter" award with a $500 gift card
- Exclusive sales training and mentorship for top 3 performers
Team-based incentives:
- If the entire sales team reaches the 20% revenue growth target, each member gets a weekend retreat package
Performance metrics & rewards
Payout structure
Flat-rate commission: 5% commission on all sales
Tiered commission: 7% commission for sales exceeding $75,000 in a quarter
Bonus thresholds: $1,000 bonus for 10+ new customers
Communication & tracking
- Communication plan: Weekly team meetings, performance dashboards, and email updates
- Tracking tools: Salesforce CRM, real-time sales leaderboard
Review & adjustments
- Evaluation frequency: Mid-quarter and end-of-quarter reviews
- Feedback mechanism: Monthly surveys to assess program effectiveness
This sales incentive program is designed to drive motivation, increase revenue, and reward high performers while ensuring sustainable growth.
Power up your sales incentives with Compass

Compass makes sales incentives seamless with automated commissions, real-time leaderboards, and AI-driven insights. Motivate your team with transparent payouts, gamified challenges, and data-backed rewards that drive performance.
Build a winning incentive program today!
Program insentif penjualan yang dirancang dengan baik dapat menjadi alat yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan penjualan, meningkatkan keterlibatan karyawan, dan meningkatkan produktivitas.
Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah kunci ini, Anda dapat membuat program yang selaras dengan tujuan bisnis Anda dan mendorong perilaku yang diinginkan dari tim penjualan Anda. Ingatlah untuk terus memantau dan menyesuaikan program berdasarkan data dan umpan balik, dan rayakan keberhasilan tim Anda.
Pertanyaan Umum
Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang sering diajukan tentang program insentif penjualan.
Jenis insentif apa yang paling efektif untuk tim penjualan?
Insentif yang paling efektif untuk tim penjualan mencakup imbalan uang seperti bonus dan komisi dan imbalan non-moneter seperti insentif perjalanan dan program pengakuan.
Seberapa sering tinjauan kinerja harus dilakukan?
Tinjauan kinerja harus dilakukan secara teratur, biasanya setiap tiga bulan atau setiap tahun, untuk memberikan umpan balik dan menilai kemajuan.
Apa yang terjadi jika anggota tim penjualan tidak memenuhi target mereka?
Jika anggota tim penjualan tidak memenuhi target mereka, penting untuk memberikan pelatihan dan dukungan untuk membantu mereka meningkatkannya. Tergantung pada situasinya, mungkin ada pelatihan tambahan atau rencana peningkatan kinerja.
Haruskah insentif diberikan hanya kepada yang berkinerja terbaik atau kepada semua anggota tim penjualan?
Insentif dapat diberikan kepada karyawan yang berprestasi dan semua anggota tim penjualan, tergantung pada tujuan program. Hal ini dapat memotivasi seluruh tim dan mengakui pencapaian individu.
Dapatkah program insentif penjualan diintegrasikan dengan program penghargaan karyawan lainnya?
Ya, program insentif penjualan dapat diintegrasikan dengan program penghargaan karyawan lainnya untuk menciptakan sistem penghargaan yang komprehensif dan inklusif yang mengakui pencapaian penjualan dan kontribusi lainnya kepada organisasi.