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Running a successful, growing sales team is not easy, and keeping your team motivated with their eyes on the prize' all year round is crucial. Sales Spiffs ideas for sales reps is one of the best ways to do this. They can boost motivation and keep morale high.
Sales SPIFF is a popular form of incentive. These give instant gratification to your sales reps after closing essential deals. Whether you're just beginning the fiscal year or trying to motivate your sales reps during the year's final quarter, SPIFFs for sales reps can help keep them engaged.
One of the significant advantages of using SPIFF is that it can help reach any sort of goal, whether small or large.
If you're looking for some new ideas to motivate your employees, you're in the right place! So, let's dive into what sales SPIFFs are and give you some good ideas to help motivate your sales team.
What is a SPIFF in sales?
A SPIFF, also known as a ‘spiv’ or SPIF is used by sales teams to describe an immediate bonus for sale. Spiff stands for sales performance incentive fund, also known as a special performance incentive fund.
While it isn’t completely clear where the term comes from, it stands for Sales Performance Incentive Fund - reflecting the idea of a short-term incentive to drive increased sales or exceed some short-term sales goals. Compensation drives sales behavior, ultimately motivating sales reps and improving their performance.
The Pall Mall Gazette wrote a piece on the practices in London shops in 1890. They described SPIFF as “premiums placed on certain articles, not of the latest fashion, indicated by marvelous hieroglyphics put on the price ticket.”
However, the term has evolved into something different today, usually referencing the sale of a specific product.
Sales SPIFF ideas help to promote several different types of incentives or rewards. For example, an employer usually pays these to a member of their team who has sold a specific product. They could also be used to close any gaps in the pipeline, opportunities, or any metric the business needs to improve upon by giving the sales team an extra push!
What are Sales SPIFF programs?
Sales spiff programs are short-term sales campaigns that incentivize the sale of goods or services. Sales spiffs are not compensation plans or are paid on a commission basis.
بدلا من ذلك ، فإن الفكرة وراء spiffs المبيعات هي تضمين العديد من الامتيازات أو الحوافز لتشجيع مندوبي المبيعات وشركاء القنوات على تركيز معظم جهودهم على جلب أعمال جديدة ، وإجراء المزيد من المكالمات ، وزيادة العدد الإجمالي للصفقات التي تم الفوز بها.
Difference between sales commission and SPIFF
Both sales commissions and SPIFFs (Special Performance Incentive Funds) are compensation structures designed to motivate sales teams, but they serve different purposes and are structured differently.
While commissions provide a continuous incentive based on sales performance, SPIFFs are short-term bonuses aimed at driving immediate results. Here’s a detailed comparison:
Which one to use?
- Sales commissions are best for maintaining a high-performance sales culture, ensuring sales reps are continuously motivated to close deals.
- SPIFFs are effective for launching new products, clearing inventory, or giving a quick push to underperforming sales figures.
Many companies use both, with commissions forming the core compensation structure and SPIFFs serving as an additional motivator for short-term sales objectives.
Types of SPIFFs in Sales
When taking your first steps towards diversifying your sales spiff incentive ideas, you must consider what form you want these incentives to take. For example, cash or non-cash? A hybrid can often work well, but non-cash rewards are usually more effective!
يعتمد الحصول على الحوافز الصحيحة على سلوك المبيعات الذي تريد الترويج له. يعتمد ذلك أيضا على كيفية استجابة فريقك لمختلف حوافز spiff وتلك التي يفضلونها.
1. Cash SPIFFs
Cash is an appealing sales incentive as the basis of compensation and commissions. Many individuals are motivated by money because it gives them a choice over what they spend it on. In this sense, it is the most flexible reward of all! Sales Incentives can be rolled out in cash.
SPIFF incentives in the form of cash allow them to spend money as they choose. Of course, a definite amount needs to be declared, and it has to be transparent to keep the entire team in sync.
When putting together your SPIFF scheme, make sure that you separate it from your incentive compensation plan. This ensures that your cash incentive is appealing and worth working for. In addition, this motivates your sales reps to focus on a specific goal and find innovative ways to achieve it.
Usually, a cash incentive is set at a certain amount. For example, a $1,000 bonus for each deal closed during essential times in the financial year, like the end of a quarter. This is particularly effective when your team is known to secure the most deals. It will give them one final push to boost your revenue.
2. Non-cash SPIFFs
On the other hand, cash isn't always king. Some of your team might feel a cash incentive is less personal than the alternatives and aren't as motivated by it as a reward. A non-cash reward leaves room for more creativity in your SPIFF scheme. Non-cash rewards can be incredibly effective, so it's no wonder that about 84% of U.S. companies use them to motivate their employees.
The options for non-cash incentives are endless! For example, you could organize a fine dining experience in a fancy restaurant that might otherwise be difficult. Entertainment tickets for top seats in off-Broadway shows or sporting events can also be equally enticing. These incentives aren't things that your sales team might buy for themselves. Instead, they're more exciting and offer your team something to look forward to!
تعتمد طبيعة هذه المكافآت غير النقدية على شركتك وفريق المبيعات الخاص بك. ما هي المكافآت التي سيستمتعون بها أكثر؟ هذه مجرد أمثلة قليلة قد تروق للطبيعة التنافسية لفريقك وتؤدي إلى زيادة المبيعات.
قد يبدو الأمر مذهلا ، لكن SPIFFs غير النقدية تكتسب زخما في كل مكان. وفقا للبحث ، تقوم 84٪ من الشركات الأمريكية الآن بطرح SPIFFs غير النقدية لموظفيها.
تشمل حوافز المبيعات غير النقدية لصندوق SPIFF ما يلي:
- تناول الطعام بالخارج مع العائلة في مطعم رئيسي
- Entertainment tickets are available for top seats in a Broadway show or FIFA World Cup. Brittania sent its top sales performers for an all-expense-paid trip to the ICC World Cup. (Source: Economic Times)
- Airbnb, Steelhouse, BambooHR, and many more have vacations to foreign places. (Source: Business Insider)
- إقامة في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع في فندق 5 نجوم مع العائلة.

Turn Your SPIFFs into Sales-Driving Machines
Compass automates tracking, leaderboards, and payouts, ensuring your SPIFF programs drive maximum motivation and results. No manual work—just seamless execution.
لماذا استخدام SPIFF في المبيعات؟
SPIFF is used to motivate employees to perform their best. SPIFF strategy is defined in such a way that it can boost sales productivity quickly. A few reasons for the widespread use of sales SPIFF are:
1. تحفيز المشاركة
The biggest worry for sales managers is motivating employees amid stress. SPIFF aims to resolve that. Any salesperson would love to achieve quick success and be rewarded immediately. Cash or non-cash SPIFFs both come in handy for this scenario.
2. دفع المبيعات / تجديد العقود
The deals that have been stuck forever but have great potential can be addressed with SPIFF incentives. You can push your sales team by devising a sales SPIFF strategy and plan specifically addressing such deals. Often, salespersons lack the enthusiasm to chase complex but potential deals due to a lack of a proper rewarding structure that is tailor-made for that.
3. زيادة وجود العلامة التجارية والوصول إلى السوق
Ensuring proper market reach and establishing a dynamic brand presence aren't easy with the fiercely competitive market situation. Salespeople are the best frontrunners who can do this job perfectly and outshine the competitors, provided the right incentive is awarded after successfully achieving the goals.
4. دعم إطلاق منتج أو خدمة جديدة
SPIFF incentives are the best stimulant for salespersons to go on in an untapped market and gauge the potential of the product/service. Sales SPIFF stands as the motivator in their minds to strive and thrive for the success of the product/ service in an early stage.
5. تحسين أرقام المبيعات المتضائلة
Every organization goes through an up-and-down cycle in revenue generation, but this is one area they can't afford to be laggards. Boosting the sales numbers requires much toil and hard work from the sales team. Per the SPIFF meaning, they are rewarded handsomely if they upend the downtrend and put the growth engine in full gear.
أفضل أفكار SPIFF للمبيعات لمندوبي المبيعات
Different types of sales SPIFF examples can help you find the best incentive for your team. The key is to choose ideas that resonate with your sales reps, keeping them motivated and engaged. Testing different SPIFF structures and gathering feedback will help you refine your approach for maximum impact.
While cash incentives matter, studies show that non-cash rewards can be even more effective. Exploring creative sales SPIFF examples—such as exclusive experiences, personalized gifts, or career growth opportunities—can drive long-term motivation and better results.
1. بطاقات الهدايا
Probably the most common of all the non-cash incentives, gift cards are a classic way to motivate your sales team. While they might technically be in the monetary category, they’re still something tangible to give to your sales reps. Gift cards for sales reps are also very versatile. You can ask your sales reps what gift cards they want. That way, they can truly get something they want out of it.
2. الترفيه والسفر
Tickets to shows, sporting events, or other experiences like fine dining or an out-of-town getaway are excellent sales SPIFF ideas. They are things that your reps might not usually spend money on. So, earning them through their hard work is rewarding and exciting! Travel vouchers like Airbnb, Makemytrip or packages and weekend getaways are also very effective. They give your sales reps something to strive for and work toward. After all, who doesn’t love a little weekend away?
3. الأنشطة
على غرار المكافآت الترفيهية ، يمكنك تنظيم أنشطة لفريق المبيعات الخاص بك للاستمتاع بها. على سبيل المثال ، يرجى منحهم يوما بعيدا عن المكتب عن طريق إرسالهم إلى المنتجع الصحي أو الخروج لجولة من الجولف. تعتمد هذه على أكثر ما يستمتع به موظفوك حيث لا يرغب الجميع في نفس الشيء.
4. العضويات والاشتراكات
العضويات هي أيضا أفكار SPIFF مبيعات متعددة الاستخدامات ، ويمكنك تخصيصها اعتمادا على تفضيلات أعضاء فريقك. على سبيل المثال ، قد يحب البعض الاشتراك في نادي النبيذ ، بينما يتمتع البعض الآخر بعضوية صالة الألعاب الرياضية.
You could also get them a subscription box. These come in categories, meaning you can personalize them to your sales rep’s tastes. HelloFresh, Skillshare, FabFitFun, and Book of the Month are popular now and usually have different subscription options. So, consider giving your sales rep a 6- or 12-month subscription to a box supporting their interests.
5. الحالة
Regarding status, some individuals value having a ‘better status’ than others. Mainly because it appeals to their desire to receive praise and recognition, some examples include featuring the top performer’s name on the leaderboard, inclusion in the President’s club, a better parking spot, or a displayable award or trophy.
One way to do this is through gamification. For example, making your incentives program fun and competitive with a leaderboard is a great way to motivate your sales reps. You can reward your top performers with appreciation gift cards; everyone will see their status at the top!
6. الوصول
فكرة أخرى رائعة ل SPIFF للمبيعات هي السماح لمندوبي المبيعات بالوصول إلى المعلومات أو الدعم أو الموارد التي قد لا يملكها الآخرون. على سبيل المثال ، أول دبس على حسابات أو عملاء جدد ، أو كشك اتصال خاص ، أو فرص لحضور جلسات تدريبية قيمة تضعهم في صدارة المنافسة.
However, like status SPIFFs, access isn’t without the occasional drawback. Take the following as an example: If a rep is motivated by money or status, they might feel this is a cop-out because it might come at no extra expense to the company. So, it’s best to consult with the rep to see if they want to receive this.
7. الطاقة
You could also leverage giving a successful sales rep more power and responsibility. They can use their success to inspire change in fellow employees. Demonstrating proactive work means that such an individual would be a great role model for driving business improvements.
How do you run effective sales SPIFF programs?
SPIFF in sales is a broad-edged sword that can be cut both ways. If designed rightly, it can boost the revenue engine; otherwise, it might create uncontrollable chaos in the sales team ecosystem.
A few pointers to keep in mind while devising the spiff sales incentive program are:
1. فهم وتصور الأهداف بشكل صحيح
The entire journey of SPIFF starts with understanding the vision and defining the subsequent goals to achieve the stated vision. You need to motivate every salesperson for the SPIFF, but the goals must be set clearly. If clarity is given, it paves the way for transparency and sets the motion correctly for the sales folks.
Example: If you're handling a team of 10 sales folks, you would like $30,000 in revenue added to the top line by the third quarter.
2. وضح كيف تريد أن يحقق ممثلوك الهدف المطلوب
يحتاج فريق المبيعات الناجح إلى التوجيه من وقت لآخر. يرغب ممثلوك في فهم الدراية الفنية لتحديد الهدف بالكامل وكيف يمكنهم تحقيق الهدف. تحتاج إلى التأكد من أن كل شيء واضح لهم خطوة بخطوة. إذا قمت بتوضيح الأهداف وتحديدها بشكل صحيح ، فإنها تعمل كنقطة مرجعية لفريقك.
مثال: في نهاية الربع الثالث، ترغب في أن تجذب حقوق السحب الخاصة بك 50 عميلا محتملا مؤهلا للمبيعات بشكل فردي من LinkedIn، وستتم مكافأتهم بمبلغ إضافي قدره 500 دولار إذا حققوا الهدف بنجاح خلال الموعد النهائي.
3. وضع المعايير
Probably, sales SPIFF incentives are not for anyone and everyone. You must decide who is eligible for the SPIFF and by what medium. Both pointers need to be explained to the team in clear terms.
Example: You want junior SDR (less than three years experience) to generate a pipeline with 10 interested leads each quarter. On the other hand, you want senior folks (> 3years experience) to close 5 enterprise deals in each quarter. If they meet the target, they will receive a $1000 bonus on top of their reimbursement structure.
4. حدد هيكل الحوافز حسب حاجة فريقك
SPIFF can only be effective if your salespeople desire to have it, and they feel motivated in the journey to achieve it. Therefore, you need to discuss and introduce them and see what motivates them the most - money, gift cards, or more. Once you understand their key drivers, you can have the SPIFF sales incentive tailor-made for your team's needs.
Example: Tour Group lets the employees who complete 1 year with them choose 1 all-expense-paid trip to any of the 700 destinations. These are called FAM or Familiarization trips so they can all rejuvenate and spend quality time with their family members. G Adventures will pay $3,000 for tours up to 17 days/16 nights and flights up to $750 (Source: Business Insider).
5. تحديد جدول زمني مناسب وتخصيص الميزانية وفقا لذلك
You must first define a timeline and pass that message along so there isn't any confusion. Also, as sales SPIFF works on the trust factor, you must stand by your promise. For example, if you define a $500 bonus for achieving 50 SQLs, you better be prepared to shell out several $500 checks if multiple employees accomplish the target.
مثال: 100 SQL في نهاية Q1 ستجذب مكافأة قدرها 1000 دولار لأي شخص يحقق ذلك.
مشاكل SPIFF المحتملة وكيفية التغلب عليها
في حالة عدم وجود استراتيجية حوافز مبيعات SPIFF ، يمكن أن تكون SPIFFs ضارة. بعض مواجهات إدارة المشاكل هي:
- Sandbagging: SPIFFs are known as the element of surprise. Unpredictability drives the sales guys off their seats. But if they get to know about the upcoming sales SPIFFs, they might sandbag the deals to earn the bonus. Therefore, SPIFF incentives have to be time-bound and have a surprise element.
- Budget constraint: Once in a while, SPIFF incentives can do wonders and fit your pocket simultaneously, but having too many might burn your cash flow a lot. Limited, time-bound SPIFFs should be maintained and managed.
- Toxicity in work culture: Sales SPIFF can create internal tension amongst the top performers, and rather than cooperation in the team, there might be fierce competition regarding every lead. You need to draw the boundary on how much they will tolerate it and where the fine line ends.
Run high-impact SPIFF programs with Compass

Running a successful sales SPIFF program requires more than just setting targets. Sales reps need clear visibility into their performance, real-time updates, and instant payouts to stay motivated. Compass takes the hassle out of managing SPIFFs by automating tracking, streamlining payouts, and keeping sales teams engaged.
- Automated tracking: No more manual spreadsheets. Compass tracks SPIFF performance in real time.
- Real-time leaderboards: Reps can see where they stand, fueling competition and motivation.
- Instant notifications: Keep your team updated on progress, achievements, and rewards.
- AI-powered insights: Identify trends and optimize SPIFFs for maximum impact.
- Seamless payouts: Automate commissions and rewards so sales reps get paid fast.
A well-run SPIFF program can drive incredible results—if managed correctly. Compass makes it easy to create, track, and optimize sales SPIFFs, ensuring your team stays motivated and focused.
Ready to transform your SPIFF strategy? Try Compass today.
كن مبدعا مع أفكار SPIFF الخاصة بالمبيعات
Engaging your sales team is essential to grow your business and revenue. Aside from the usual incentives, bonuses, and commissions, Sales SPIFFs are an incredible way to achieve this.
Being slightly unpredictable (often coupled with specific or unique products) makes them even more fun and exciting for your sales team! Whether you choose activities and incentive gift cards or status incentives through gamification, ensure you understand your team and what they respond best to for tremendous success.
If your sales reps lack motivation and their productivity is decreasing, boost them with sales spiffs.
Gamify with leaderboards, contests, badges, milestones, and rewards. Motivate your sales, channel partners, delivery, care, and gig workforce with gamification.