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According to a Salesforce blog post, 71% of surveyed companies using sales gamification tools report 11% to 50% increases in measured sales performance.

Sales gamification is an innovative approach that integrates game mechanics into the sales process to motivate and engage sales teams. By transforming routine tasks into exciting challenges, sales gamification can significantly enhance productivity, foster a competitive yet collaborative environment, and ultimately drive sales performance. 

This blog will explore the evolution, benefits, and best practices of implementing gamification in sales based on insights from historical developments and contemporary applications.

Evolution and history of gamification

The concept of gamification has a rich history that dates back to 1978 when Richard Bartle, a renowned game designer and researcher, created MUD1 (Multi-User Dungeon). This text-based system was among the first to offer multiplayer experiences, allowing users to share an online reality. Over the years, the principles of gamification evolved, gradually permeating various industries.

The term "gamification" gained popularity in 2010, referring to the application of gaming principles and mechanics to non-game contexts. In 2011, the potential of gamification was highlighted at the first annual Gamification Summit. Predictions by Gartner indicated that by 2014, 70% of Global 2000 organizations would have at least one gamified application, though 80% of these applications were expected to fail due to improper implementation.

Despite initial challenges, the gamification industry grew rapidly, reaching a value of USD 10.19 million in 2020 with a CAGR of 25.10%. Today, gamification is recognized for its ability to influence behavior, drive innovation, and enhance productivity across various sectors, including marketing, employee engagement, and customer loyalty programs.

Core elements of gamification

At its core, gamification leverages the elements of games—such as achievement, challenge, motivation, story, rewards, and sometimes punishments—to create engaging experiences in non-game contexts. These elements can be applied to any interface or subject to motivate individuals, challenge them, and encourage goal achievement.

The success of gamification lies in its ability to incorporate fundamental game mechanics into non-game environments, creating a compelling and motivating experience. Here are the core elements that make gamification effective:

  • Achievement: This element involves setting clear, attainable goals and recognizing when they are accomplished. Achievements can be represented by badges, levels, or points, providing a sense of progress and accomplishment.
  • Challenge: Challenges are integral to keeping participants engaged. They should be balanced to be neither too easy nor too difficult, pushing individuals to improve while keeping the experience enjoyable.
  • Motivation: Gamification taps into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from the enjoyment and satisfaction of the task itself, while extrinsic motivation is driven by external rewards like prizes, recognition, or bonuses.
  • Story: Incorporating a narrative can significantly enhance engagement. A good story can provide context and purpose, making the tasks more meaningful. This can involve creating a storyline where participants are heroes on a quest, adding depth to the gamified experience.
  • Rewards: Rewards are essential for reinforcing desired behaviors. These can range from tangible rewards like gifts and bonuses to intangible rewards like recognition and praise. The key is to ensure the rewards are meaningful and desirable to the participants.
  • Feedback: Immediate feedback is crucial for maintaining engagement. This can come in the form of scores, progress bars, or direct comments. Feedback helps individuals understand how they are performing and what they need to improve.
  • Competition: Introducing competitive elements can drive higher performance. Leaderboards and rankings can stimulate a healthy competitive spirit, motivating participants to strive for the top.
  • Collaboration: Alongside competition, collaboration can foster a sense of community and teamwork. Group challenges and cooperative tasks can help build relationships and collective achievement.
  • Customization: Allowing participants to personalize their gamified experience can enhance engagement. This can involve customizing avatars, choosing challenges, or setting personal goals.
  • Progression: Clear progression pathways, such as levels or milestones, give participants a roadmap of what to achieve next. This sense of progression keeps participants engaged over the long term.

By integrating these core elements, gamification can transform mundane tasks into engaging activities, driving motivation and enhancing performance.

How gamification can help take your incentive plan to a whole new level

Sales gamification offers numerous advantages that can elevate your incentive plans and overall sales strategy. Here are some key benefits:

1. Induces fun and excitement in achieving targets

In 2019, 79% of employees claimed they gained motivation and purpose at the workplace because of gamified activities. Additionally, 69% of employees intended to stay with a company for over three years if gamified activities were used. Salespeople are not solely motivated by incentive programs; recognition and winning are also key factors that keep them engaged. Gamification encapsulates all these elements to create a seamless, enjoyable, and competitive environment.

2. Rewards with tangible outcomes

Gamifying sales incentive programs involves more than just generating rewards at the end of a sales cycle. It includes regular updates and tweaks that lead to systemic behavioral changes, such as maintaining CRM records or following up with customers. These activities can be customized to your business operations and visualized through dashboards for your sales reps.

3. Catalyzes transparency

Gamification eliminates the need for managers to manually update leaderboards, providing transparent access to performance metrics for all employees. This transparency fosters trust and clarity at all organizational levels.

4. Enables real-time tracking

Gamification facilitates real-time tracking of performance, allowing sales reps to see where they are falling behind, what they need to improve, and how to reach the next level. This creates a clear progression path that aligns with sales stages, enhancing communication between managers and sales reps.

Best practices for implementing sales gamification

Here are the benefits of implementing sales gamification.

1. Identify your audience

Every audience is different in terms of demographics and dynamics, and what works for one channel partner, sales team, or staff group may not work for another. It is crucial to include your stakeholders in the decision-making process. Circulate a survey across the organization to understand their needs and expectations from a gamified software.

2. Customize dashboards and leaderboards:

Leaderboards are a very crucial part of the gamification experience for your sales reps. Scorecards, nudges, notifications, groups, and parameters to decide the incentives can be customized depending on the level of variability across these.

3. Measure participation

As a manager, access to leaderboard statistics, engagement levels of employees, and their interaction frequency with the gamified application provides real-time data about your sales reps. This data can help detect common and individual pain points, making the journey more seamless.

4. Regular updates and improvements

Adding new and relevant game elements to the interface will generate excitement and make your employees more adaptive to changes. There is no rulebook for how frequent these updates should be; it could also be interface-related changes based on employee feedback.

5. Deciding rewards

Rewards are an all-encompassing concept, but more often than not, companies associate it only with monetary benefits. Rewards include everything from a discount coupon to a holiday voucher. It is also crucial to reward behaviors and not just numbers. This fosters healthy work practices and helps employees pinpoint the inputs that lead to positive outputs, increasing productivity and enabling employees to achieve overall business goals.

6. Build team dynamics

Unifying teams helps you build a group of advocates whose rewards include mastery, autonomy, community, and peer recognition, rather than groups of subordinates working on tasks for compensation. Gamification builds cultures that provide fulfilling work and fantastic results.

How gamification could be the tool to help deliver tangible results for your sales teams

Compulsion Loop

Consider a top-performing sales employee, Stella, who has been clocking the highest sales for the past three months and receiving appreciation for her performance. To ensure that she stays motivated, gamification can be implemented. 

With gamification, Stella would know exactly what she could win and would want to consistently retain her position. This, in turn, would motivate her peers to join in and strive for the same achievements.


Sales reps have very specific KPIs assigned to them, which are often erratic, standardized, and untraceable. To avoid this and enable a high level of customization, a milestone-based dashboard is recommended. 

For instance, Casey, who handles overseas accounts, could focus on the appointments made and opportunities created, each allotted 20 points. Meanwhile, John, handling accounts in the headquarters, could focus on conversions and tasks completed, each worth 25 points. This differentiation helps in distinguishing employee functions and enables sales managers to evaluate performance transparently.

Onboarding and Induction

Sales is a dynamic function right from the beginning. Gamification can be used to assist in the onboarding of new salespeople into a sales team. On their first days of work, new employees are typically apprehensive, eager to be liked, and sometimes confused. 

Getting to know coworkers is an important part of integrating into the workplace. Introducing new team members to the rest of the staff through a company scoreboard encourages friendly competition and helps integrate new hires quickly.

Supercharge your sales with Compass sales gamification

Transform your sales team's performance with Compass, the leading sales gamification software. Harness the power of gamification to motivate and engage your sales force like never before. 

Here's why Compass is your go-to solution:

  • Dynamic Goal Setting: Create and adjust sales targets effortlessly to keep your team challenged and focused.
  • Real-Time Recognition: Celebrate achievements instantly to boost morale and maintain a competitive spirit.
  • Insightful Dashboards: Gain deep insights into sales performance with intuitive analytics and reporting.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Foster a culture of excellence and see significant improvements in productivity and sales outcomes.

Boost productivity, foster a competitive spirit, and achieve your sales targets effortlessly. Experience the future of sales management with Compass.

Start your gamification journey today and see the results for yourself!

Examples of companies that have used gamification to boost business results

1. Cisco Employees Play Their Way to Becoming Social Media Masters

Challenge: Cisco had invested in a comprehensive global social media training program for its employees and contractors. However, with over 46 courses available, employees found it overwhelming to decide where to begin.

Gamified Solution: Cisco introduced a structured certification system with three levels: Specialist, Strategist, and Master. Additionally, four sub-certification levels were created for HR, external communications, sales, and internal partner teams. Team challenges were incorporated to foster competition and collaboration.

Results: Since implementing the gamified social media training program, over 650 Cisco employees have achieved certification, completing more than 13,000 courses.

2. How Deloitte Made Leadership Training for Senior Execs "Addictive"

Challenge: Deloitte developed a leadership training curriculum for senior executives but struggled to motivate them to start and finish the program.

Gamified Solution: Deloitte partnered with Badgeville to integrate gamified elements such as badges, leaderboards, and status symbols. These elements tracked executive participation and course completion.

Results: The average time to complete the training program decreased by 50%, and the number of daily returning users increased by 46.6%.

3. Engine Yard Sends Employees on Missions to Grow Its Knowledge Base

Challenge: Engine Yard, a cloud app management platform, had invested in a Zendesk knowledge base to promote self-service and community troubleshooting. However, engagement levels from employees and customers were lower than expected.

Gamified Solution: Engine Yard incorporated Badgeville's game mechanics into its Zendesk platform, rewarding contributors with Achievements and introducing Missions for additional recognition after completing tasks like customer surveys or reporting bugs.

Results: The gamified knowledge base led to a 20% reduction in customer complaint tickets, a 40% increase in forum engagement and knowledge base searches, and a 40% improvement in customer support response time.

4. 100% of Googlers Submit Travel Expenses Thanks to Gamification

Challenge: Google needed its employees to submit travel expense information promptly and regularly.

Gamified Solution: Google gamified the expense submission process by allowing employees to decide what to do with unspent travel allowances — either get paid out, save for a future trip, or donate to charity.

Results: This gamified approach led to 100% compliance within six months of launching the program.

5. Microsoft Staffers Around the World Weigh In On Language Localization

Challenge: Microsoft faced significant challenges in ensuring accurate translations for its numerous products, which was too much for a single team to handle.

Gamified Solution: Microsoft created a "Language Quality" game using a Silverlight application. This game had users review screens for language accuracy, including deliberately poor translations to ensure attentiveness.

Results: 4,500 users reviewed 500,000 screens to correct or improve translations. Microsoft Japan even dedicated a company-wide day to playing the game, resulting in them topping the leaderboard.


Gamification has proven to be a powerful tool in driving engagement, motivation, and performance across various industries, particularly in sales. By leveraging game mechanics such as achievements, challenges, rewards, and real-time feedback, organizations can transform routine tasks into exciting and rewarding experiences. This not only boosts productivity but also fosters a competitive yet collaborative environment that aligns employee actions with corporate goals.

Implementing gamification requires strategic planning and a deep understanding of your audience. Customizing dashboards, measuring participation, and regularly updating game elements are crucial to maintaining interest and effectiveness. Furthermore, recognizing and rewarding behaviors, not just outcomes, ensures that employees adopt healthy work practices that contribute to overall business success.

The success of gamification in enhancing employee engagement and performance is evident in case studies like Compass, which helped a major logistics company improve delivery efficiency, reduce fake delivery attempts, and provide performance visibility across the hierarchy. Such examples underscore the tangible benefits that gamification can bring to any organization.

As the industry continues to evolve, gamification will likely become an even more integral part of business strategies, helping companies innovate, stay productive, and engage their workforce in meaningful ways. By embracing gamification, organizations can create a dynamic and motivated sales team ready to achieve and exceed targets.

Embrace gamification to foster a motivated and engaged sales team, and watch your business reach new heights.

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Karishma Bhatnagar

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