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Pernahkah Anda bertanya-tanya mengapa beberapa perusahaan memiliki tim penjualan dan mitra saluran yang selalu bersemangat, mencapai target dari bulan ke bulan? Rahasianya terletak pada rencana komisi yang dirancang dengan baik. Ini seperti bahan bakar roket untuk tenaga penjualan Anda, mendorong kinerja dan membuat mitra tetap terlibat.
Rencana komisi yang terstruktur dengan baik adalah alat yang ampuh untuk mendorong kinerja dan membuat semua orang tetap terlibat. Dalam blog ini, kami akan membahas berbagai contoh rencana komisi penjualan untuk tim penjualan dan mitra saluran, yang menunjukkan bagaimana rencana ini dapat menjadi senjata rahasia Anda untuk meraih kesuksesan.
Mengapa rencana komisi sangat penting?
A commission plan is a structured system where employees or partners earn additional compensation based on their performance, typically linked to sales or revenue goals. These plans align individual and organizational objectives, encouraging sales reps and partners to strive for higher achievements.
Effective commission plans contribute to:
- Higher motivation and performance: Sales reps and partners work harder when their earnings directly reflect their results.
- Talent attraction and retention: Competitive commission plans attract top performers and help retain them.
- Stronger business growth: Companies that effectively implement commission structures report significantly higher sales performance.
Companies with strong commission plans report up to 44% higher sales performance than those without. Plus, these plans help attract top talent who are confident in their ability to perform and earn rewards.
Peran rencana komisi dalam motivasi penjualan
Rencana komisi bukan hanya tentang uang; namun juga tentang motivasi dan semangat kerja. Tim penjualan dengan struktur komisi yang jelas dan dapat dicapai sering kali mengalami kepuasan kerja yang lebih baik dan tingkat perputaran yang lebih rendah. Mitra yang melihat imbalan nyata atas upaya mereka lebih mungkin untuk tetap setia dan terus mendorong kesuksesan.
Dengan pemahaman yang jelas tentang apa itu rencana komisi dan mengapa hal itu penting, mari selami elemen-elemen utama yang membentuk rencana komisi yang efektif.
Elemen-elemen kunci dari rencana komisi
Berikut ini adalah elemen-elemen kunci dari rencana komisi:
1. Gaji pokok vs Komisi
Keseimbangan antara gaji pokok dan komisi sangat penting. Gaji pokok memberikan stabilitas keuangan, sementara komisi mendorong kinerja.
2. Struktur komisi
Ada berbagai jenis struktur komisi, masing-masing sesuai dengan model dan tujuan bisnis yang berbeda:
- Fixed commission: A straightforward approach where a fixed percentage is paid on every sale. For instance, a 5% commission on all sales.
- Tiered commission: This structure increases the commission rate as sales volume or targets are met. For example, 5% for the first $50,000 in sales, 7% for the next $50,000, and 10% for any amount beyond that.
- Revenue-based commission: Here, the commission is tied to the total revenue generated. This method is particularly effective for high-value sales environments.
- Profit-based commission: In this structure, commissions are based on the profit margin rather than total sales, encouraging sales reps to focus on high-margin products.
3. Insentif dan bonus
Beyond regular commissions, additional sales incentives and bonuses can further boost motivation. These might include:
- Performance bonuses: Extra payouts for exceeding targets or achieving certain milestones.
- Spiffs: Short-term incentives to push specific products or services.
- Non-monetary rewards: Things like trips, gadgets, or recognition awards can also be powerful motivators.
Dengan memahami elemen-elemen kunci ini, Anda dapat membuat rencana komisi yang tidak hanya memotivasi tim Anda, tetapi juga selaras dengan tujuan bisnis Anda.
Contoh rencana komisi penjualan
Sales commission plans are vital in motivating and rewarding sales teams for their contributions to a company’s revenue growth. These plans can be tailored to suit various business models, sales strategies, and industry requirements.
Here are different sales commission structures with practical examples illustrating how businesses can effectively implement them.
1. Straight commission plan
In a straight commission plan, salespeople earn a commission based solely on their sales, with no fixed salary. This structure is common in industries where high performance is rewarded aggressively.
$500,000 × 5% = $25,000 commission
This structure highly motivates agents to close deals, as their income is directly tied to performance.
2. Base salary plus commission plan
This plan provides a fixed salary with an additional commission based on sales performance, balancing stability with motivation.
Base salary: $50,000 per year
Commission: 5% on all sales above $200,000 annually
If a salesperson generates $300,000 in sales, their commission is:
-($300,000 - $200,000) × 5% = $5,000
-Total earnings = $50,000 + $5,000 = $55,000
This approach ensures financial security while encouraging sales growth.
3. Tiered commission plan
Tiered commission plans offer increasing commission rates as salespeople achieve higher targets, driving them to exceed expectations.
- 5% commission on sales up to $500,000
- 7% commission on sales between $500,001 - $1,000,000
- 10% commission on sales exceeding $1,000,000
If a salesperson sells $1,200,000 worth of equipment:
- First $500,000 × 5% = $25,000
- Next $500,000 × 7% = $35,000
- Remaining $200,000 × 10% = $20,000
- Total Commission: $80,000
This plan pushes salespeople to aim for higher revenue brackets.
4. Revenue-based commission plan
In this model, salespeople earn a percentage of the total revenue they generate, aligning their goals with the company’s profitability.
10% commission on total ad sales revenue
For an ad campaign that generates $250,000 in revenue:
$250,000 × 10% = $25,000 commission
This ensures the sales team focuses on high-value deals.
5. Profit-based commission plan
Profit-based plans reward salespeople based on profit margins rather than revenue, promoting smart pricing and discount management.
- 5% commission on the profit margin of each sale
If a salesperson sells a machine for $100,000 with a profit margin of $20,000:
- $20,000 × 5% = $1,000 commission
This motivates salespeople to prioritize profitable deals.
6. Performance-based commission plan
Performance-based plans reward salespeople for achieving specific goals beyond just revenue, such as new customer acquisition or customer retention.
- Base commission: 4% on all sales
- Performance bonus: Additional 3% for acquiring more than 10 new customers in a quarter
If a salesperson sells $300,000 and acquires 12 new customers:
- $300,000 × (4% + 3%) = $21,000 commission
This ensures sales efforts align with broader business objectives.
7. Rencana komisi volume wilayah
This plan rewards salespeople based on the total sales volume within their assigned region.
- 2% commission on sales up to $1,000,000
- 4% commission on sales exceeding $1,000,000
If a salesperson generates $1,500,000 in their territory:
- First $1,000,000 × 2% = $20,000
- Remaining $500,000 × 4% = $20,000
- Total Commission: $40,000
This encourages regional market expansion.
8. Draw against commission plan
This plan provides an advance on future commissions, offering financial security while allowing salespeople to earn commissions beyond their draw amount.
- Monthly draw: $3,000
- Commission: 7% on all sales
If a salesperson generates $100,000 in sales for the month:
- $100,000 × 7% = $7,000
- Since the draw was $3,000, the final payout = $7,000 - $3,000 = $4,000 additional earnings
This structure ensures salespeople maintain steady income while aiming for higher commissions.
Contoh rencana komisi mitra saluran
Channel partner commission plans play a crucial role in motivating and rewarding partners who help drive sales and expand market reach. These plans can vary widely depending on the industry, product, and strategic goals of a company. Here are common channel partner commission plan examples to provide a comprehensive understanding of how businesses can structure these incentives.
1. Rencana komisi berjenjang
Rencana komisi berjenjang memberi penghargaan kepada mitra berdasarkan volume penjualan yang mereka capai. Sebagai contoh, sebuah perusahaan teknologi mungkin menawarkan struktur berikut:
Tier 2: 7% commission on sales between $50,001 and $100,000.
Tier 3: 10% commission on sales exceeding $100,000.
Hal ini memberikan insentif kepada mitra untuk menjual lebih banyak, karena volume penjualan yang lebih tinggi akan menghasilkan tingkat komisi yang lebih tinggi.
2. Rencana komisi berbasis kinerja
Performance-based commission plans are tailored to reward partners who meet or exceed specific targets or metrics. A SaaS company might set goals for new customer acquisition or annual recurring revenue (ARR).
- New customer acquisition: 8% commission for acquiring up to 20 new customers and 12% for more than 20 new customers.
- ARR milestones: 6% commission on ARR up to $500,000, and 9% commission on ARR exceeding $500,000.
Struktur ini mendorong para mitra untuk fokus pada kualitas dan pertumbuhan jangka panjang.
3. Rencana bagi hasil
Revenue-sharing plans involve sharing a percentage of the revenue generated from sales with the channel partners.
Partners receive 20% of the revenue generated from the campaigns they bring in.
If the partner's efforts lead to additional business with the same client, they might receive an additional 5% on those sales.
Rencana ini menyelaraskan kepentingan perusahaan dan para mitranya, mendorong pendekatan kolaboratif.
4. Rencana komisi khusus produk
In industries with a diverse product range, companies might offer different commission rates for different products.
- High-margin products (e.g., flagship smartphones): 10% commission.
- Mid-range products (e.g., accessories): 7% commission.
-Low-margin products (e.g., entry-level gadgets): 5% commission.
Hal ini mendorong mitra untuk fokus pada penjualan barang dengan margin tinggi, sehingga menguntungkan mitra dan perusahaan.
5. Program Spiff
Spiff programs offer short-term incentives or bonuses for achieving specific sales targets.
- Bonus for selling 50 units of a specific product: $200.
- Additional bonus for exceeding 100 units: $500.
Insentif sementara ini meningkatkan penjualan selama periode kritis.
6. Rencana komisi hibrida
A hybrid commission plan combines elements from different commission structures to suit complex sales environments.
- Base commission: 5% on all sales.
-Tiered bonus: Additional 3% for sales exceeding $100,000 in a quarter.
- Performance bonus: Extra 2% for meeting customer satisfaction targets.
Hal ini memberikan pendekatan yang seimbang, yang menghargai volume penjualan dan kepuasan pelanggan.
Rencana komisi mitra saluran adalah alat penting untuk memotivasi mitra dan menyelaraskan upaya mereka dengan tujuan strategis perusahaan. Dengan memilih struktur yang tepat, perusahaan dapat memberikan insentif bagi kinerja, mendorong pertumbuhan penjualan, dan membangun hubungan yang kuat dan langgeng dengan mitra saluran mereka.
Bagaimana Compass mengotomatiskan manajemen komisi untuk memaksimalkan kinerja penjualan

Compass, a sales commission automation platform, helps businesses run effective sales compensation programs by automating and simplifying the management of incentive programs and compensation calculations. This automation drives top-line revenue by ensuring sales teams are motivated and compensated accurately and efficiently. Here’s how Compass can help streamline your sales compensation:
- Automation of incentive calculations: Compass automates the complex process of calculating sales commissions, ensuring accuracy and eliminating errors associated with manual calculations.
- Real-time visibility: Sales teams have real-time access to their earnings and performance metrics, which enhances transparency and motivation.
- Customization of compensation plans: The platform supports various compensation structures, making it flexible to cater to different sales roles and business needs.
- Integration with CRM Systems: Compass integrates with existing CRM systems, allowing for seamless data flow and reducing administrative overhead.
- Performance analytics: The platform provides detailed analytics on sales performance, which helps users make informed decisions to optimize their sales strategies.
- Scalability: Compass can scale with your business, supporting everything from small sales teams to large enterprises.
By leveraging Compass for sales compensation management, companies can ensure that their sales teams are focused on driving sales and achieving business goals rather than being bogged down by the intricacies of commission calculations.
Ready to simplify your sales compensation process and motivate your team like never before? Book a demo with our sales compensation experts to learn more and optimize your sales incentive programs today!
Let’s see how a German luxury auto brand boosts sales with Compass commission management:
A prestigious German luxury auto brand faced challenges in maintaining a competitive edge in the highly saturated luxury automotive market. Their primary goal was to enhance their top-line sales and improve the efficiency and motivation of their sales team.
Angka penjualan merek mobil mewah ini mengalami stagnasi, dan tim penjualannya berjuang dengan keterlibatan yang rendah. Tantangan utamanya adalah insentif penjualan yang sudah ketinggalan zaman dan kurangnya komunikasi yang transparan mengenai metrik kinerja dan kompensasi. Hal ini menyebabkan menurunnya motivasi di antara para perwakilan penjualan, yang secara langsung berdampak pada kinerja penjualan mereka dan, akibatnya, pertumbuhan pendapatan perusahaan secara keseluruhan.
Untuk mengatasi tantangan ini, merek ini bermitra dengan Compass untuk mengimplementasikan strategi peningkatan penjualan yang komprehensif yang mencakup:
- Perangkat lunak manajemen komisi penjualan: Pengenalan perangkat lunak manajemen komisi penjualan Compass untuk mengotomatiskan penghitungan komisi dan merampingkan proses pembayaran.
- Teknik gamifikasi penjualan: Implementasi gamifikasi penjualan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan dan kompetisi tim penjualan.
- Analisis penjualan secara real-time: Integrasi alat analitik canggih yang memberikan wawasan waktu nyata tentang tren penjualan dan metrik kinerja individu.
Hanya dalam waktu 90 hari setelah mengimplementasikan program insentif penjualan yang baru melalui Compass, merek mobil mewah asal Jerman ini mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dalam beberapa indikator kinerja utama:
- Penjualan top-line tumbuh sebesar 11%, yang secara langsung disebabkan oleh peningkatan aktivitas penjualan dan tingkat penutupan yang lebih tinggi di antara tim penjualan.
- Keterlibatan tim penjualan melonjak, dengan peningkatan partisipasi aktif tenaga penjualan dalam mengejar target penjualan yang lebih tinggi.
- Akurasi pembayaran mencapai 96,2%, memastikan bahwa tenaga penjualan mendapatkan kompensasi dengan benar dan tepat waktu, sehingga meningkatkan moral dan kepercayaan terhadap sistem.
Rencana komisi yang terstruktur dengan baik sangatlah penting. Rencana ini tidak hanya memotivasi tim penjualan dan mitra, tetapi juga menyelaraskan upaya mereka dengan tujuan strategis perusahaan. Dengan memahami berbagai jenis rencana komisi dan menggabungkan praktik terbaik, perusahaan dapat menciptakan insentif yang efektif yang mendorong kinerja dan pertumbuhan.
Whether you opt for a flat commission, tiered structure, or performance-based rewards, the key is to design a plan that is clear, fair, and aligned with your business objectives.
Companies like Salesforce, Cisco, HubSpot, Microsoft, and Dell highlight how tailored commission plans can lead to significant improvements in sales performance and partner engagement.
Ketika Anda mempertimbangkan untuk menerapkan atau memperbaiki rencana komisi Anda, ingatlah untuk berkomunikasi secara transparan, tinjau secara teratur, dan manfaatkan teknologi untuk mengelola dan melacak kinerja. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat membuka potensi penuh dari mitra penjualan dan saluran Anda, mendorong kesuksesan dan mencapai tujuan bisnis Anda.
Pertanyaan Umum
1. What is the difference between a sales commission plan and a channel partner commission plan?
Rencana komisi penjualan dirancang untuk memberi insentif kepada tim penjualan internal perusahaan, sementara rencana komisi mitra saluran memberi penghargaan kepada mitra eksternal untuk mempromosikan dan menjual produk atau layanan perusahaan.
2. How can technology help in managing commission plans?
Commission management software like Compass can automate calculations, track performance in real-time, and provide clear reports. This reduces administrative burden, ensures accuracy, and enhances transparency.
3. What is an example of a sales commission plan?
- Base salary plus commission: A salesperson at a high-end retail outlet might receive a base salary in addition to 5% of their sales1. The standard salary-to-commission ratio is usually around 60:40, with 60% fixed and 40% variable.
- Straight commission plan: A sales representative at a B2B SaaS startup could earn a 15% commission on every sale, without any base salary1. For example, landing a $10,000 deal would earn them $1,500.
- Absolute commission plan: A salesperson might get a flat dollar commission for each new customer they acquire, regardless of the deal size1. For instance, $500 per new customer.
- Tiered commission plan: A sales representative might receive 5% commission on sales up to $50,000; 7% on sales between $50,000 and $100,000; and 10% on sales above $100,000.
- Territory volume commission plan: If a team of five generates $750,000 in sales within their territory at a 10% commission, they would split the money and receive $15,000 each.
4. What is an example of SDR comp plan?
- Inbound SDR comp plan: With a $65,000 OTE (Base: $39,000), commission rates can be structured as: $500 for lead response time less than 5 minutes, $250 for less than 10 minutes, and $0 for over 10 minutes. Furthermore, $150/opportunity for 5+ qualified opportunities and $250/opportunity for 9+ qualified opportunities, along with 1% of all closed-won revenue booked by the SDR.
- Outbound SDR commission plan: With a $65,000 OTE (Base: $32,500), commission rates can be structured as: $400 for 1000 meaningful touches, $200 for 750 meaningful touches, and $0 for less than 750 meaningful touches. Additionally, $100/opportunity for 6+ sales accepted meetings and $250/opportunity for 11+ sales accepted meetings, plus 2% of all closed-won revenue booked by the SDR.
5. What is the partner commission structure?
This typically refers to the arrangement where a company pays a partner (e.g., a reseller, affiliate, or distributor) a commission for bringing in new business or generating sales. The structure can vary, with options like flat fees, percentage-based commissions, tiered commissions (based on sales volume), or performance-based incentives.
6. What is a good commission percentage for sales?
A good commission percentage can vary by industry and the specific sales role. Generally, sales commissions range from 5% to 20% of the sale value. Higher percentages may apply for high-margin products or complex sales processes, while lower percentages are common in industries with low margins or for inside sales roles.