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Tingkat komisi perwakilan penjualan produsen sangat penting dalam membangun kesepakatan yang efektif antara produsen dan perwakilan penjualan.  

Tingkat komisi di bawah standar dapat menyebabkan demotivasi, ketidakpuasan, dan bahkan gesekan di antara para perwakilan penjualan, yang berpotensi berdampak pada keuntungan produsen. 

As per Forbes, a mere 5 percent increase in the average sales rep attrition rate can escalate selling costs by 4 to 6 percent while reducing total revenue by 2 to 3 percent.

Manufacturer's sales rep commission rates

In the manufacturing industry the sales rep commission rate is between 7 to 15 percent. 

The average yearly income of sales reps is around $62,720, and the average hourly wage is $30.16.

These numbers highlight the significance of retaining sales reps. 
Commission dynamics in the sales ecosystem is a major factor in retaining sales representatives, which calls for an in-depth study and evaluation of the manufacturer's sales rep commission rates.

Dan kami di sini untuk memberikan Anda semua informasi yang dibutuhkan.  

Pada bagian ini, kami melihat detail komisi perwakilan produsen, mengungkapkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, jenisnya, prosedur peningkatan, tarif standar, dan beberapa studi kasus sebagai referensi. 

What is a manufacturing sales commission plan? 

A manufacturing sales commission plan is a structured compensation model that determines how much a sales representative earns based on their performance. This commission structure typically includes a percentage-based payout influenced by factors such as deal type, value, and size. Additionally, it considers the rep’s experience and seniority within the organization. 

A well-designed manufacturing sales commission plan not only incentivizes sales teams but also aligns their efforts with the company’s revenue goals. When implemented effectively, it offers several benefits, including: 

Higher sales rep retention 

A competitive commission plan encourages sales representatives to stay with the company. When reps feel adequately rewarded for their efforts, turnover rates decrease, and retention improves. 

Increased sales productivity 

A well-structured commission plan motivates sales reps to improve their performance, meet targets, and drive higher revenue. Clear incentives push them to close more deals efficiently. 

Peningkatan kinerja penjualan 

When a commission structure aligns with business goals and offers lucrative incentives, sales teams are more likely to exceed targets and bring in consistent revenue. 

Beyond these core benefits, a well-planned sales commission structure fosters a healthy competitive environment, boosts overall revenue, and keeps sales teams continuously motivated to perform better. 

Sekarang, muncul pertanyaan, apakah komisi penjualan merupakan biaya overhead produksi?  

Ya, ini termasuk dalam biaya overhead produksi variabel karena jumlahnya berubah setiap saat dan bergantung pada jumlah unit yang terjual.  

Namun, ada berbagai struktur dan faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan dalam menetapkan tarif komisi, mari kita bahas.  

Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat komisi tenaga penjualan manufaktur 

Tingkat komisi perwakilan penjualan produsen dapat sangat bervariasi karena dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor di AS. Struktur komisi harus dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga mendukung tujuan produsen, dinamika pasar, dan strategi penjualan.  

Dua faktor utama yang memengaruhi tingkat komisi adalah: 

1. Pertimbangan khusus industri 

  • Product type - The type of product and its complexity in being sold affects the commission rates. For example, High-tech or highly specialized products can entitle higher commissions due to the skill and effort required to market them. 
  • Sales cycle length - From lead generation to contract completion, the length of the sales cycle is a crucial aspect in deciding the rates. Higher commission rates might be necessary for longer sales cycles to maintain sales reps' motivation. 
  • Profit margins - Profit margins associated with the product can impact commission rates. Products with higher profit margins can have greater commissions than others. 
  • Competitors commission -  Manufacturers are always at risk of losing their best sales reps. The best way to avoid this is to know what commission rates competitors offer to their reps. This will help to set commission rates accordingly. 

2. Faktor-faktor khusus perusahaan 

  • Sales strategy - Commission rates depend on the manufacturer's sales strategy, whether it's market penetration, customer retention, or new product launches. Aligning commission structures with sales objectives will make sure your sales reps are motivated. 
  • Budget -  The financial objectives of the manufacturer directly influence commission rates. Companies set commission rates based on their revenue goals, budgetary constraints, and overall financial strategy. 
  • Historical performance and data analysis - To assess what commission rates have been successful in achieving desired goals, manufacturers usually analyze historical data, sales metrics and decide the rates. 

Which is an ideal manufacturing sales commission plan to adopt? 

Here are four ideal manufacturing sales commission plans that align with revenue goals: 

Sales Commission Type



Base salary plus commission

Provides financial stability and motivates employees.

Lower base salary can make retention difficult.

Straight commission plan

Unlimited earning potential drives performance; cost-effective for companies.

No fixed income, leading to unpredictable expenses.

Gross margin commission

Encourages reps to focus on high-margin products and profitability.

May misalign with revenue goals if reps prioritize individual sales over overall growth.

Territory volume commission

Encourages team collaboration and accountability; scalable for new markets.

Can create territorial conflicts and limit profitability if reps struggle to meet targets.

1. Gaji pokok ditambah komisi 

This structure includes a base salary plus a performance-based commission. The base salary ensures financial stability, while commissions motivate reps to improve performance. It helps balance fixed and variable costs, ensuring sustainable business operations. 

Struktur ini sangat ideal untuk 

  • Perusahaan yang ingin menyeimbangkan biaya overhead produksi komisi penjualan tetap dan variabel.  
  • Perusahaan yang volume penjualannya dapat bervariasi sepanjang tahun. 
  • Perusahaan yang ingin mendorong upaya penjualan yang proaktif.
Formula: Total Compensation = Base Salary + (Commission Rate x Sales) 

When to use: Ideal for small and mid-sized manufacturing businesses looking to attract and retain top sales talent by offering both financial stability and performance-based incentives. 

2. Rencana komisi langsung 

This structure compensates sales reps solely based on commissions, eliminating base salary costs. It motivates reps to close more deals while allowing management to control variable expenses. However, unpredictable income may lead to high turnover if commissions are not competitive. 

Struktur ini sangat ideal untuk 

  • Perusahaan atau startup yang mungkin tidak memiliki cara yang konsisten untuk meningkatkan modal membayar perwakilan penjualan mereka. 
  • Perusahaan dengan siklus penjualan yang pendek atau perusahaan di mana perwakilan penjualan mereka dapat memperoleh komisi yang besar hanya dari satu penjualan.
Formula: Income = Total Sales x Commission Rate

When to use: Best suited for businesses with aggressive sales targets or those operating with limited capital, such as startups. 

3. Gross margin commission structure 

This model rewards sales reps based on gross margin rather than total sales, encouraging them to focus on selling high-margin products.  

Struktur ini sangat ideal untuk 

  • Perusahaan yang sudah besar dan memiliki tim penjualan yang mapan. 
  • Perusahaan yang ingin meningkatkan antusiasme tenaga penjualannya dan meningkatkan penjualan karena tenaga penjual dapat lebih termotivasi untuk mengungguli untuk naik ke tingkat berikutnya. 
Formula: Gross Margin = Total Sale Price – Cost
Gross Margin x Commission Percentage = Total Commission 

When to use: Ideal for manufacturing companies looking to maintain profitability while ensuring that sales reps focus on high-margin products. 

4. Territory volume commission


This structure distributes commission revenue among all sales reps operating in a specific region, fostering teamwork and collaboration. However, it may create conflicts if multiple reps are assigned the same territory. 

Formula: Total Commission ÷ Number of Sales Reps = Individual Payout 

When to use: Best for manufacturers expanding into new markets or operating at national and international levels. 

Want to fast track the calculation without making any mistakes? Start with Compass for calculating your commission! 

5. Tiered Commission 

Dalam model komisi berjenjang, komisi akan meningkat jika seorang perwakilan penjualan memenuhi target yang ditetapkan, seperti menjual sejumlah barang yang telah ditentukan atau mencapai target pendapatan tertentu. Untuk mendorong tenaga penjualan mencapai target berikutnya, banyak perusahaan memutuskan untuk membuat beberapa tingkatan komisi penjualan.  

Perwakilan penjualan tidak menerima jumlah sekaligus setelah mencapai target yang ditetapkan. Mereka umumnya menerima persentase tertentu dari semua penjualan sampai mereka mencapai tingkat berikutnya. Persentase kenaikan komisi akan meningkat di setiap tingkatan. Hal ini dapat dipahami dengan lebih baik dengan contoh di bawah ini. 

Struktur ini sangat ideal untuk 

  • Perusahaan yang sudah besar dan memiliki tim penjualan yang mapan. 
  • Perusahaan yang ingin meningkatkan antusiasme tenaga penjualannya dan meningkatkan penjualan karena tenaga penjual dapat lebih termotivasi untuk mengungguli untuk naik ke tingkat berikutnya. 
Commission=(Sales within Tier 1 × Rate1)+(Sales within Tier 2 × Rate)+⋯+(Sales within Tier N × RateN​) 

Studi kasus  

  • Perusahaan minuman raksasa Coca-Cola mengikuti struktur komisi berjenjang. 
  • Mereka membayar komisi yang lebih tinggi kepada agen penjualan mereka jika mereka menutup lebih banyak transaksi dan melampaui kuota dan tingkatan yang dirancang.  
  • Reportedly, on an average they pay sales reps a base salary of $48,000 with a $10,000 bonus annually.  

4. Hasil imbang melawan komisi 

Perwakilan penjualan mendapatkan komisi mereka di muka dengan penarikan yang dapat dipulihkan terhadap rencana komisi. Biasanya muncul sebagai pembayaran sekaligus pada awal siklus pembayaran atau siklus penjualan.  

Jumlah sekaligus atau undian ini dikurangkan dari keseluruhan komisi yang diperoleh perwakilan pada penutupan siklus penjualan tersebut. Dalam model yang tidak dapat dipulihkan, jika komisi perwakilan penjualan berada di bawah jumlah sekaligus, komisi undian tidak dapat dipulihkan.  

Struktur ini sangat ideal untuk 

  • Perusahaan yang baru dalam bidang penjualan, pengaturan ini bekerja dengan baik. Tekanan yang meningkat memastikan bahwa perwakilan penjualan mencapai jumlah undian.   
  • Perusahaan dengan siklus penjualan yang tidak dapat diprediksi dan produk di luar musim.
Final Commission = max(0,(Total Earned Commission−Draw Amount)

If the earned commission is less than the draw, the salesperson owes the difference. 

Non-recoverable draw (Guaranteed minimum pay) 
Final Pay = Max 0 (Draw Amount, Earned Commission) 

The salesperson keeps the draw even if the commission earned is lower. 

How to set up fair commission rates? 

Sangat penting bahwa tingkat komisi perwakilan penjualan produsen cukup adil, kompetitif, dan menarik bagi perwakilan penjualan, untuk mencapai tujuan penjualan dan berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan bisnis. 

Berikut adalah beberapa pertimbangan untuk menetapkan tarif komisi yang adil: 

1. Riset pasar dan tolok ukur 

  • Sebagai permulaan, lakukan riset pasar yang mendalam untuk mempelajari norma-norma industri dan tingkat komisi yang berlaku untuk produk serupa.  
  • Melakukan benchmarking terhadap para pesaing akan memberikan Anda informasi yang berguna tentang apa yang dianggap adil oleh pasar. 

2. Buat struktur komisi yang disesuaikan 

  • Rancang struktur komisi yang selaras dengan tujuan, jenis produk, dan dinamika pasar organisasi Anda.  
  • Komisi penjualan, biaya overhead produksi, margin keuntungan, target penjualan, dan kompleksitas barang atau jasa, semuanya harus diperhitungkan.  
  • Pastikan strukturnya layak untuk perusahaan sekaligus memotivasi perwakilan penjualan. 

3. Mulailah menawarkan komisi kepada perwakilan penjualan 

  • By establishing all of the terms and conditions in a written agreement or contract,  implement the commission structure.  
  • Pastikan perwakilan penjualan mengetahui bagaimana komisi akan ditentukan, dibayarkan, dan persyaratan apa pun yang harus mereka penuhi untuk mendapatkan komisi. 

4. Memasukkan loop umpan balik 

  • Saluran komunikasi langsung harus dibangun dengan tim penjualan, dan umpan balik tentang sistem komisi harus dikumpulkan. 
  • Libatkan tenaga penjual secara teratur untuk mendengar pendapat dan pengalaman mereka terkait kewajaran tingkat komisi. Misalnya, lakukan survei atau adakan diskusi kelompok. 
  • Manfaatkan masukan ini untuk memodifikasi dan menyempurnakan struktur komisi jika diperlukan agar tetap adil dan memotivasi. 

How to calculate manufacturing sales commission in 5 simple steps? 

Determining a fair commission rate is crucial for manufacturers to motivate their sales teams and drive revenue. Here are five simple steps to help you calculate manufacturing sales commission accurately: 

Step 1: Decide on your ideal commission structure 

Start by selecting the right commission structure for your sales team. Consider different commission models—such as fixed, tiered, or profit-based—along with their benefits and drawbacks. Define the commission percentage, influencing factors like deal size and type, and any additional incentives like quotas and bonuses. A well-planned structure ensures fair compensation and boosts sales performance. 

How Compass Helps: Compass allows businesses to set up customized commission structures based on business goals and sales strategies, ensuring fair and motivating compensation plans. 

Step 2: Gather sales data for a defined period 

Accurate sales data is essential for fair commission payouts. Collect and organize sales data for a specific period—monthly, quarterly, or annually. Use Compass to gain deeper insights into sales performance. 

Keep in mind that commission payouts may vary based on company policies. Some companies delay commissions until they receive full payment from customers, which can result in a delay of several weeks. While this policy may seem unfair to sales reps, it helps businesses manage cash flow, especially when dealing with high-value transactions. 

How Compass Helps: With Compass, businesses can fetch real-time sales data from multiple sources, ensuring error-free and up-to-date commission calculations. 

Step 3: Calculate gross sales 

Once the sales data is collected, calculate the total gross sales for the given period. Categorize sales by product or service type, and factor in any adjustments, such as returns or refunds, to ensure accuracy. Understanding these figures helps in determining the correct commission payout. 

How Compass Helps: Compass automatically calculates gross sales, considering all necessary adjustments, refunds, and revenue fluctuations, ensuring accurate commission calculations. 

Step 4: Determine the base commission rate while considering additional factors 

Multiply the total sales figure by the designated commission rate to determine the base commission. If using a tiered commission structure, adjust payouts based on performance thresholds. Consider factors like quota-based incentives, performance bonuses, and deductions (such as chargebacks) to ensure a fair and balanced commission plan. 

How Compass Helps: With Compass, sales leaders can automate tiered commission calculations, set up incentive rules, and instantly apply bonuses, ensuring fair and transparent payouts. 

Step 5: Calculate the final commission payout 

In the final step, sum up all adjustments, bonuses, and deductions to determine the exact commission payout. Ensure transparency by clearly communicating the commission breakdown with sales reps and addressing any concerns they may have. 

How Compass Helps: Compass automates the final payout process, ensuring sales reps receive their earnings on time while eliminating disputes and miscalculations. It also provides clear visibility into earnings through an interactive dashboard, fostering trust and motivation among reps. 

Why use Compass for manufacturing sales commission management?

Compass - sales commission management

Jika Anda adalah produsen yang ingin melakukannya: 

  • merampingkan manajemen komisi,  
  • menghemat waktu dan sumber daya  
  • sambil memotivasi tenaga penjualan Anda,  

Then  Compass  is the right partner. It can enable: 

  • Automated commission tracking & payouts – No manual calculations or spreadsheets. 
  • Real-time integration with CRMs and ERPs – Seamlessly pulls sales data from existing tools. 
  • Customizable commission structures – Supports fixed, tiered, quota-based, and profit-sharing models. 
  • Transparent earnings dashboard – Reps can track their commissions in real time. 
  • Error-free calculations – Eliminates disputes and ensures timely, fair payouts. 

Consider Compass. Book a demo today! To know how Compass, a sales commission automation platform, can revolutionize your sales commission process. 


Commission dynamics are pivotal in optimizing the manufacturer sales rep relationship and driving sales performance. The above guide will help you set up an appropriate manufacturer's sales rep commission rates and succeed. In this blog, we learned: 

  • A well-defined manufacturing sales commission plan improves sales performance and retention. 
  • Gathering and organizing sales data is crucial for fair commission calculations. 
  • Using Compass automates sales commission tracking, reducing errors and disputes. 
  • Considering quotas, bonuses, and chargebacks ensures a balanced compensation system. 
  • Clearly communicating commission structures and automating payouts boosts sales rep motivation and trust. 

Pertanyaan Umum 

What is the commission for manufacturing sales? 

Manufacturing sales commissions typically range from 2% to 10%, depending on factors like industry, product complexity, and sales volume. 

How much commission does a car salesman make on a $50,000 car? 

Car sales commissions vary but generally range from 2% to 5%. On a $50,000 car, this would be $1,000 to $2,500, though some dealerships offer flat fees or bonuses instead. 

How does a manufacturing company classify sales commissions? 

Sales commissions in manufacturing are classified as a selling expense under operating expenses, since they are directly related to revenue generation rather than production. 

Is sales commission a manufacturing overhead cost? 

No, sales commission is not a manufacturing overhead cost. It is a selling expense, as it is not directly tied to production but rather to selling efforts. 

How would a 5% sales commission paid to sales personnel be classified in a manufacturing company? 

A 5% sales commission would be classified as a selling expense under the company's income statement, impacting the operating expenses rather than the cost of goods manufactured. 

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