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"Wir nutzen Salesforce, um den Vertrieb zu beschleunigen und von einem 1-Milliarden-Dollar-Unternehmen auf ein 2-Milliarden-Dollar-Unternehmen zu skalieren", erklärte Sanjeev Babel, Associate VP of Corporate Strategy, Planning, M&A, and Sales Excellence bei Mindtree.

The boldness it requires to make such a demanding foresight come true not only depends on perseverance but rich, actionable analytical data. Mindtree recorded a 40 % increase in pipeline volume, a 15% increase in pipeline velocity, and a 9% increase in productivity, and all credit goes to Einstein Analytics, a reliable sales forecasting software, Pardot, and Tableau CRM.

Mindtree, ein globaler Technologiedienstleister, unterstützt einige der größten Unternehmen der Welt bei der digitalen Transformation und bei technologischen Anforderungen. Mindtree arbeitete mit Salesforce zusammen, um die prädiktiven Bewegungen zu analysieren und die Vertriebspipeline zu verbessern.

"Wir haben eine große Chance, in diesen Märkten zu wachsen, aber wir müssen sehr diszipliniert und klug vorgehen, was wir verkaufen und wie wir verkaufen, und deshalb haben wir Salesforce mit ins Boot geholt", so Babel.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit der Salesforce-Plattform ermöglichte es Mindtree, durch Automatisierung zu skalieren und den Vertriebsmitarbeitern das Leben leichter zu machen. Man kann also sagen, dass man mit den richtigen Vertriebsprognose-Tools erkennen kann, wo Verbesserungen notwendig sind, und rechtzeitig Hilfe leisten kann.

Aber ein Tool zur Absatzprognose muss mehr können als nur Daten zu berechnen. Dieser Blog vermittelt ein grundlegendes Verständnis dafür, was eine Software für Absatzprognosen ist, wie Sie die für Ihre Bedürfnisse geeignete Software finden und vieles mehr.

Was ist eine Absatzprognose?

According to NASDAQ, sales forecast refers to “a key input to a firm's financial planning process. External sales forecasts are based on historical experience, statistical analysis, and consideration of various macroeconomic factors.”

Für den Laien ist die Absatzprognose ein entscheidendes Element im Finanzplanungsprozess eines Unternehmens. Sie dient der Vorhersage künftiger Umsätze auf der Grundlage mehrerer Faktoren. Zu diesen Faktoren gehören die bisherige Umsatzentwicklung eines Unternehmens, statistische Analysen von Trends und die Berücksichtigung des allgemeinen Wirtschaftsklimas.   

Ein Unternehmen, das Winterkleidung verkauft, würde zum Beispiel historische Verkaufsdaten berücksichtigen, die einen starken Absatz in den kälteren Monaten zeigen. Eine statistische Analyse könnte einen Aufwärtstrend bei den Verkäufen aufzeigen, und wirtschaftliche Faktoren wie das steigende verfügbare Einkommen könnten eine positive Umsatzprognose weiter unterstützen. 

Ein Unternehmen, das Software zur Absatzprognose einsetzt, könnte also davon profitieren: 

  • Analyse großer Datenmengen und Ermittlung von Trends zur Erstellung genauerer Prognosen. 
  • Gewinnung von Erkenntnissen, die als Grundlage für strategische Entscheidungen über die Ressourcenzuweisung, die Einstellung von Mitarbeitern, Marketingmaßnahmen und Produktionspläne dienen können. 
  • Verbesserte Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der Software. 
  • Gesteigerte Effizienz, da die Automatisierung Zeit spart 
  • Identifizierung potenzieller Defizite oder Überschätzungen, um Risiken zu mindern, bevor sie sich auf die Leistung auswirken. 
  • Die Kenntnis künftiger Umsatzprognosen hilft den Unternehmen, ihre Ressourcen effizienter einzusetzen. 

Die Vorteile der Software für Absatzprognosen ergeben sich aus ihrer Fähigkeit, datengestützte Erkenntnisse zu liefern. Ihre Rolle in einem Unternehmen endet jedoch nicht hier. 

Welche Rolle spielt die Software für Verkaufsprognosen in einem Unternehmen? 

Im Folgenden erfahren Sie, welche Rolle die Software für Vertriebsprognosen für ein erfolgreiches Vertriebsteam spielt: 

  • Predict future sales outcomes and revenue: This is the core function. By analyzing historical data, market trends, and current sales pipeline information, the software creates a reliable picture of what future sales might look like. This allows businesses to prepare for fluctuations and set realistic goals. 
  • Optimize resource allocation and planning: Knowing projected sales helps organizations allocate resources like personnel, budget, and marketing efforts strategically. They can prioritize high-potential opportunities, adjust staffing levels based on demand, and ensure they have the right resources in place to achieve their sales goals. 
  • Enhance decision-making and risk management: Sales forecasting software provides valuable insights that inform strategic decisions. Businesses can identify potential risks, like overestimating sales or understaffing, and take proactive measures to mitigate them. Additionally, data-driven insights allow for better decision-making on pricing strategies, product development, and market expansion. 
  • Improve sales performance and drive growth: With accurate forecasts, businesses can set achievable goals, optimize sales processes, and motivate sales teams. Additionally, proactive risk management helps prevent missed opportunities and ensures resources are used effectively. Ultimately, it drives sales growth. 

A quantified study to showcase the need to use sales forecasting software:

- According to NASDAQ, the future of sales forecasting will be AI-driven.

- A Salesforce report has shared that 79% of high-performing sales teams vowed to use sales analytics tools. They have been using it for at least three years.

- According to Forbes, 60% of organizations lack a well-defined or scientific approach to forecasting. This inefficiency can lead to inaccurate predictions.

- A Deloitte report has shared that more than half of the executives, 58% to be exact, questioned the performance management approach that drives neither employee engagement nor high performance

Nachdem wir nun verstanden haben, welche Rolle die Software zur Absatzprognose in einem Unternehmen spielt, wollen wir nun erörtern, wie sie funktioniert.  

What are the different types of sales forecast software? 

When it comes to sales forecasting, there are two primary methods: qualitative forecasting and quantitative forecasting. Each plays a crucial role in helping businesses predict future sales, but they serve different purposes.

Qualitative forecasting relies on expert opinions, market research, and industry trends rather than hard numbers. It’s ideal for scenarios where historical data is limited—such as when launching a new product or entering a new market. While this method offers valuable strategic insights, it’s not the most precise approach for forecasting specific figures, like next quarter’s revenue.

Many businesses combine qualitative forecasting with sales forecasting software to enhance decision-making. Advanced AI sales forecasting software can supplement human expertise with predictive analytics, helping refine these subjective forecasts.

Quantitative forecasting, on the other hand, is rooted in statistics and historical data. It leverages past sales performance to generate accurate projections, making it the go-to method for financial planning and budgeting. Businesses that use sales forecast software or predictive sales software gain a competitive edge by reducing uncertainty and making informed decisions backed by real data.

Wie wählt man die richtige Software für Absatzprognosen? 

Bei der Auswahl der richtigen Software für die Absatzprognose müssen Sie die Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens und die Möglichkeiten der Software berücksichtigen. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Aufschlüsselung der wichtigsten zu berücksichtigenden Faktoren: 

1. Verstehen Ihrer Bedürfnisse 

  • Größe des Unternehmens: Sind Sie ein kleines Startup, ein mittelgroßes Unternehmen oder ein Großunternehmen? Skalierbarkeit und Funktionen sind je nach Software unterschiedlich. 
  • Data needs: How much historical data do you have? What other data sources (e.g., CRM, marketing automation) do you use? Does the software integrate easily with your existing data infrastructure? 
  • Ease of use: How comfortable are your sales reps with technology? Choose software with a user-friendly interface and consider training options. 
  • Budget: Sales forecasting software can range from free (with limited features) to quite expensive. Determine your budget beforehand. 

2. Evaluierung von Softwarefunktionen 

  • Sichtbarkeit der Vertriebskette: Können Sie die Vertriebspipeline im Detail sehen, einschließlich Geschäftsphasen, Abschlussdaten und zugehörige Werte? 
  • Datenintegration: Lässt sich die Software mit Ihrem CRM und anderen Datenquellen integrieren, um einen ganzheitlichen Überblick zu erhalten? 
  • Reporting: Does it offer customizable reports with visualizations to analyze trends and identify forecast accuracy? 

3. Ansätze für die Vorhersage 

  • Sales pipeline forecasting: This approach forecasts based on the current state of your sales pipeline, considering deal sizes, probabilities, and close dates. 
  • Historical sales forecasting: This approach uses historical sales data to identify trends and seasonality to predict future sales. 

4. Die Wahl des richtigen Ansatzes 

  • Sales pipeline forecasting: Ideal for companies with a predictable sales cycle and good data on deal sizes and probabilities. 
  • Historische Umsatzprognosen: Besser geeignet für Unternehmen mit einem längeren Verkaufszyklus oder begrenzten Daten zu einzelnen Geschäften. 

5. Die Entscheidung treffen 

  • Ziehen Sie Demos und kostenlose Testversionen in Betracht: Die meisten Programme bieten Demos oder kostenlose Testversionen an. Nutzen Sie diese, um zu sehen, wie die Software funktioniert und ob sie Ihren Anforderungen entspricht. 
  • Lesen Sie Benutzerbewertungen: Lesen Sie, was andere Benutzer über die Benutzerfreundlichkeit, die Funktionalität und den Kundendienst der Software zu sagen haben. 

A comparative table of best sales forecasting tools in 2025


How It Helps



Optimizes commission structures and provides earnings projections.

$20 per month, paid annually or quarterly


Combines qualitative insights with predictive analytics for accurate forecasting.

Essentials: $25/user/month, Professional: $75/user/month, Enterprise: $150/user/month, Unlimited: $300/user/month

Zendesk Sell

Automates sales reporting and analytics to track deals and monitor trends.

Team: $19/user/month, Growth: $55/user/month, Professional: $115/user/month, Enterprise: Contact sales


Aligns sales, finance, HR, and operations through collaborative forecasting.

Contact for a quote


Provides real-time insights into sales performance and pipeline management.

Starter: $50/month (1 user), Professional: $1,780/month (5 users), Enterprise: $5,000/month (10 users)

Zoho CRM

Integrates CRM and forecasting to manage customer interactions and sales projections.

$57 per month per user


Simplifies pipeline management and prioritizes high-value opportunities.

Essential: $14.90/month, Advanced: $24.90/month, Professional: $49.90/month, Enterprise: $99/month

For a thorough understanding of how the sales forecasting software would help, read on.

The 7 best sales forecast software solutions to boost revenue

Accurate sales forecasting is crucial for businesses looking to scale efficiently and optimize revenue. The right sales forecasting software helps sales teams make data-driven decisions, estimate potential earnings, and streamline operations. Below, we explore some of the best sales forecasting software available, highlighting their key features, pricing, and how they help businesses grow.

1. Compass


Compass is sales commission and performance management tool that also lets you forecast sales based on your team targets achieved. It provides businesses with a powerful sales forecasting tool that enhances commission planning and estimation.[AK1] 


  • Simulation: Allows admins to customize commission plans, adjust rewards, modify metric logic, and analyze the impact on sales performance.
  • Estimator: Enables sales professionals to predict their earnings from pipeline opportunities.
  • Dashboard: Showcases the details in one single place.

How it helps: Compass is a valuable sales forecasting & analytics software for businesses looking to optimize their commission structures while empowering sales teams with accurate earning projections. By using this sales forecasting software, organizations can create incentive-driven strategies that improve overall performance.

Pricing: $20 per month, paid annually or quarterly

2. Salesforce


Source: Salesforce

Salesforce, an predictive sales software, is a leading CRM and sales forecasting tool that offers robust predictive analytics and automation features.


  • CRM
  • Predictive AI
  • Process automation
  • Reporting dashboards

How it helps: Salesforce’s ai sales forecasting software enhances decision-making by combining qualitative insights with predictive analytics. Businesses can minimize risks and maximize revenue with data-backed sales projections.


  • Essentials: $25 per user/month
  • Professional: $75 per user/month
  • Enterprise: $150 per user/month
  • Unlimited: $300 per user/month

3. Zendesk Sell

Zendesk sales forecasting software is a user-friendly tool that salespeople can use to close deals faster.

Source: Zendesk

Alt text: Zendesk sales forecast dashboard

Zendesk Sell is an intuitive sales forecasting software that helps businesses close deals faster by providing real-time pipeline insights.


  • Win probability forecasting
  • Verkaufsprognosen
  • Forecasted sales by source report

How it helps: Zendesk Sell automates sales reporting and analytics, reducing the need for manual calculations. Sales teams can efficiently track deals, monitor sales trends, and improve forecasting accuracy using predictive sales software.


  • Team: $19 per user/month
  • Growth: $55 per user/month
  • Professional: $115 per user/month
  • Enterprise: Contact sales for pricing

Plans billed annually

4. Anaplan


Source: Anaplan

Anaplan is a comprehensive revenue forecasting software that helps businesses with financial planning and sales performance management.


  • Dashboard
  • Ad hoc analysis and reporting
  • Modeling and simulation
  • KPI monitoring
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis

How it helps: Anaplan enables organizations to align sales, finance, HR, and operations through collaborative forecasting. It’s especially beneficial for enterprises seeking an all-in-one sales forecasting & analytics software.

Pricing: Contact for a quote

5. HubSpot


Source: Hubspot

Alt text: Hubspot sales forecast software dashboard

HubSpot offers a powerful CRM and forecasting software tailored to sales, marketing, and customer service teams.


  • Integrated CRM and forecasting tools
  • Pipeline management
  • Revenue tracking
  • Lead Nurturing

How it helps: HubSpot’s sales forecasting programs provide businesses with real-time insights into sales performance. The platform is highly scalable, making it ideal for companies looking for predictive sales software to enhance decision-making.


  • Starter: $50/month for 1 user
  • Professional: $1,780/month for 5 users
  • Enterprise: $5,000/month for 10 users

6. Zoho CRM

Image source: (Added the source, please download and place any dashboard image here)

Source: Zoho CRM

ALT text: Zoho CRM forecasting software dashboard

Zoho CRM is a comprehensive sales management and forecasting tool designed for startups and small businesses.


  • Customer relationship management
  • Verkaufsprognosen
  • Automatisierte Arbeitsabläufe
  • Sales reporting tools

How it helps: Zoho CRM simplifies sales forecasting by offering an integrated platform for managing customer interactions and pipeline projections. Businesses looking for an affordable sales forecast software solution will find Zoho CRM a valuable investment.

Pricing: $57 per month per user

7. Pipedrive


Source: Pipedrive

Alt text: Pipedrive dashboard


Pipedrive is a sales-focused CRM with built-in forecasting tools that simplify sales pipeline management.


  • AI-driven sales forecasting
  • Pipeline automation
  • Custom reporting tools
  • Lead tracking

How it helps?

Pipedrive is ideal for SMEs and enterprise teams looking for an intuitive sales forecasting tool. The platform streamlines sales processes, helping teams prioritize high-value opportunities for better revenue forecasting.


  • Essential: $14.90/month
  • Advanced: $24.90/month
  • Professional: $49.90/month
  • Enterprise: $99/month



Make smarter choices with sales forecasting software and empower your sales representatives to optimize operations and achieve better sales results. Upgrade your forecasting game with Compass, a sales incentive management software that helps with sales forecasting by providing a comprehensive platform for automating and managing sales incentive programs. It offers a range of features that support sales forecasting, including: 

  • Erstellung, Überwachung und Pflege von Incentive-Plänen für ihre Verkaufsteams, was bei der Prognose der Verkaufsleistung auf der Grundlage der angebotenen Anreize hilft. 
  • Bereitstellung detaillierter Leistungsanalysen zur Verfolgung der Verkaufsleistung und zur Ermittlung von Trends, die als Grundlage für ihre Prognosemodelle dienen können. 
  • Unterstützung von API-Integrationen, die zur Integration mit anderen Systemen und Tools verwendet werden können. 

Verbessern Sie die Absatzprognosen und treffen Sie datengestützte Entscheidungen, um das Unternehmenswachstum zu fördern.


Q: What are the three main sales forecasting techniques?

A: The three main sales forecasting techniques are:

· Qualitative methods (e.g., expert opinion or Delphi method).

· Quantitative methods (e.g., time-series analysis).

· Causal models (e.g., regression analysis to identify cause-and-effect relationships)

How do I calculate a sales forecast?

A: To calculate a sales forecast, start by analyzing historical sales data to identify trends and growth rates. Use formulas such as growth rate-based forecasting, where you apply past growth rates to future projections, or acquisition-based forecasting, which considers the impact of marketing and sales efforts. Also, consider external factors like market trends and economic conditions.

Q: What is an example of a sales forecast?

A: An example of a sales forecast is using a growth rate-based approach. If a company had $300,000 in sales in 2021 with a 20% growth rate from the previous year, it could forecast $360,000 for 2022 by applying the same growth rate.

Q: What are the 7 steps in a forecasting system?

A: The 7 steps in a forecasting system are:

1. Determine what the forecast is for.

2. Select the items for the forecast.

3. Select the time horizon.

4. Select the forecast model type.

5. Gather data to be input into the model.

6. Make the forecast.

7. Verify and implement the result.

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