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Many sales professionals struggle with their sales conversations—often more than they realize. The difference between an average and an exceptional conversation can significantly impact results. Yet, many sellers fall into common pitfalls that hinder their success: 

  • Speaking too much, leaving prospects feeling unheard and misunderstood. 
  • Asking too many questions without adding value, making the conversation feel like an interrogation. 
  • Saying too little, allowing the buyer to dictate the conversation. 
  • Appearing overly eager, which can create a sense of desperation. 
  • Presenting products and services as mere commodities, leading to price-driven decisions. 
  • Struggling with pricing discussions, quickly resorting to discounts at the first sign of hesitation. 

There are countless ways to misstep in a prospect conversation, and even experienced sellers often make critical errors. However, by mastering key principles, you can improve sales conversations, build stronger connections, and guide buyers toward confident purchasing decisions. By the end of this blog, you will master the art of sales conversation. 

we have handpicked 10 amazing sales conversation starters to help you initiate engaging and productive discussions with your prospects. These conversation starters are designed to establish rapport, pique curiosity, and uncover valuable insights that can lead to successful sales outcomes as per industry experts. 

What is sales conversation? 

A sales conversation is a structured dialogue between a seller and a potential customer, aimed at guiding the prospect toward a purchasing decision. It involves identifying the customer’s needs, presenting the product or service as a solution, and addressing any concerns to successfully close the sale. 

While this may sound straightforward, mastering sales conversations requires more than just presenting a product. Sales professionals must know how to start a sales conversation, keep it engaging, and adapt their approach based on the prospect’s responses. Effective salesman conversations are built on trust, persuasion, and active listening, ensuring that customers feel heard and understood.  

Perché sono importanti gli antipasti delle conversazioni di vendita? 

Effective sales conversation starters play a vital role in the success of your sales efforts. Without a compelling opening line, sales reps may fail to make the right impression or simply crumble under the pressure of delivering a checklist of information that they have in mind for the meeting.  

By using a well-defined and effective sales conversation starter, you have a foolproof plan to grab attention and make things interesting and captivating for the prospective client. Therefore, you can aspire to close deals more effectively. Here are some key reasons why they are important: 

  • To capture attention. 
  • To build a rapport with the client. 
  • To overcome resistance. 
  • To qualify leads. 
  • To guide the conversation. 

Studies show that only 13% of customers feel that a sales representative truly understands their needs. This highlights a crucial challenge in sales—effective communication. 

In fact, 66% of salespeople are considered average performers, often due to ineffective prospect conversations. Whether it’s knowing the best sales conversation starters, or learning how to capture sales conversations for improvement, you must need the following 10 effective sales conversation starters.  

10 efficaci spunti di conversazione per la vendita per concludere l'affare 

By understanding and improving sales conversations, sales professionals can enhance their performance and build stronger connections with prospects, ultimately leading to better results. Here are 10 conversation starters.  

1. Asking about their line of work 

Uno dei migliori spunti di conversazione è sempre quello di iniziare con la linea di lavoro. È un ottimo modo per far parlare il cliente di sé e di ciò che fa o di come è arrivato al punto in cui si trova, in modo semplice. Utilizzando questo spunto di conversazione, è possibile navigare tra le diverse informazioni che il cliente può condividere, come ad esempio: 

  • Their day-to-day responsibilities 
  • Se sono loro a decidere per il prodotto che state offrendo 
  • Terreni comuni per interessi reciproci 
For example: “How is it being a Product Manager at XYZ company? How long have you held this position?” 

2. Asking about how they chose this field of work 

Another great way to get the client talking is to conjure up facts on how passionate they are about their field of work and how they chose this as a career path. This can help you in uncovering past companies they may have worked at etc.

You may bond over some of the employees or other counterparts that both parties know mutually which is a great ice breaker with anyone. Using this method, you may discover things like: 

  • La loro passione per il lavoro 
  • La loro conoscenza del settore 
  • La loro influenza e il loro valore sul campo 
For example: “How did you choose to become a Product Specialist? Have you always had an interest in this field of work? Were you inspired by someone?’ 

3. Asking them about their goals for the year/quarter 

This is a specific yet interesting question that can quickly transfer you into a detailed discussion that can lead to the introduction of your product or service.

Asking them what their goals are, is an easy but direct way to know what their plans are and how your product or service can be effectively used to achieve these goals. Using this method, you can identify: 

  • Comprendere il loro obiettivo specifico 
  • I piani per l'azienda e il loro obiettivo diretto 
  • Che cosa si vuole ottenere nel lungo e nel breve termine 
For example: “What are your goals for this year? How is the current quarter looking? How is the year shaping up in the current economic scenario?” 

4. Asking about their biggest issue in achieving said goals 

This is the best follow up question to the question before this. When combined with each other, this question will bring forth all the pain points that your client is facing and the obstacles they or their team is currently facing.

This is an excellent way to introduce your product or service by positioning it in the right manner by using the same pain points. Using this method, you uncover facts such as: 

  • Punti dolenti del cliente 
  • Come li affrontano attualmente 
  • Quali modi per presentare il vostro prodotto come la soluzione perfetta? 
For example: “So based on your goals, may I ask what issues you are currently facing in achieving them? What is the biggest obstacle that you are facing to achieve those numbers/figures right now?” 

5. Quoting an industry experts blog/speech or news report 

An effective and ice breaking point of discussion is to quote a famous news article or blog or speech that an industry expert has recently made that can get your client talking.

This may require some digging up and being prepared with facts so that you can drive the conversation forward, but it is one of the best ways to engage the client from the get-go. Using this method, you will be able to achieve things like: 

  • La loro conoscenza del settore 
  • Metteteli a proprio agio fin dall'inizio 
  • Posizionarli su un riflettore 
For example: “I recently came across this news article/speech made by XYZ and it was so fascinating. What is your opinion on this?” 

6. Asking them how they are currently addressing their pain points 

Un altro metodo diretto e assertivo per incanalare i loro punti dolenti e presentare il vostro prodotto o servizio come soluzione consiste nel farli parlare ulteriormente dei loro punti dolenti e di come li stanno affrontando attualmente. Questo può aiutarvi a: 

  • Aprire il cliente ai suoi problemi 
  • Conoscere il loro attuale metodo di gestione dei problemi 
  • Capire quali strumenti o risorse utilizzano attualmente 
For example: “May I ask what tools or software's/methods you or your team is currently using to address these issues/problems/pain points? Are they helping you deal with them effectively?” 

7. Asking them about their current vendors 

This takes on talking about your competitors and therefore should be used carefully. You must be in a position to discuss neutrally about the vendors that are both in the shared field and those that are not.

Talking about vendors and business partners in the same field as both of you opening up the communication method. This method helps you in: 

  • Valutare i prodotti della concorrenza 
  • Fa capire al cliente che siete neutrali 
  • Contribuisce a promuovere la fiducia e la relazione in un settore reciproco 
For example: “How are your current vendors? I have heard the new product XYZ that they have launched is doing well, what is your opinion on this?” 

8. Asking about goals/objectives for next year/future 

Asking how the future of the client's role would be and discussing future aims and goals of the company is a great way of establishing trust, relationship and association with the client.

By knowing how they plan to move forward, their goals for the next year or the future, you can strategically insert your own product or solution and establish a business relationship. Using this method, you are able to: 

  • Creare un rapporto commerciale 
  • Discutere di un possibile futuro insieme 
  • Capire il loro punto di vista sul futuro 
For example: “As the Product manager, what are your goals for the upcoming year? How is the brand/company preparing for next year?” 

9. Asking in detail about their likes and dislikes in the current role 

Looking beyond the business and the agenda, the sales rep can instantly connect with the client by talking in depth about the roles’ responsibilities, day to day tasks, what they like about their role, what they dislike about their role.

You can ask specific questions such as the tasks in the upcoming day, the best things they love about the job etc. These questions will help you: 

  • Creare un rapporto personale 
  • Aiuto nella comprensione del punto di vista dei clienti 
  • Capacità di proporre il prodotto nel modo più adeguato 
For example: “What are the best things that you love about your job? What is the biggest challenge that comes with this role? What does a day at work look like for you?” 

10. Asking the client to educate you on a topic 

Giving the baton to the client and asking them to steer the conversation at one point can help you give a great momentum to the meeting. This gives an illusion of shifting power when infect you are opening the client up and helping them guide you.

You can simply ask the client to elaborate on a topic that they mentioned and just let them educate you. This helps in: 

  • Apertura di un cliente 
  • Farli sentire apprezzati e importanti 
  • Connettersi genuinamente a livello reciproco 
For example: “You mentioned XYZ earlier which I am unfamiliar with, can you help me understand this? How does this impact your business?” 


Ma come si fa a garantire che una conversazione di vendita rimanga coinvolgente, pertinente e fruttuosa? In questo post esploreremo strategie efficaci e consigli pratici per aiutarvi a gestire le conversazioni di vendita con finezza. 

10 modi per mantenere una conversazione nelle vendite 

Ecco 10 modi per mantenere viva la conversazione nelle vendite. 

1. Ascolto attivo e domande aperte 

L'ascolto attivo è un'abilità fondamentale nelle conversazioni di vendita. Ascoltando attentamente il vostro interlocutore, non solo otterrete informazioni preziose, ma mostrerete anche un interesse genuino per le sue esigenze e le sue preoccupazioni. 

Per incoraggiare l'interlocutore ad aprirsi e a fornire maggiori informazioni, utilizzate domande aperte che richiedano più di una semplice risposta "sì" o "no". Queste domande favoriscono la discussione, consentendo di scoprire i punti dolenti, gli obiettivi e le motivazioni. 

Ascoltare attivamente e porre domande ponderate aiuta a stabilire un rapporto e a mantenere la conversazione fluida. 

Example: Instead of asking, "Do you need our product?" try asking, "How would solving [specific problem] impact your business?" 

2. Rispondere con empatia e affrontare le preoccupazioni. 

Nelle conversazioni di vendita spesso si affrontano obiezioni o preoccupazioni sollevate dai clienti. Piuttosto che respingere queste sfide o spingere per una rapida risoluzione, rispondete in modo empatico e affrontate ogni preoccupazione in modo ponderato. 

Riconoscete il punto di vista del potenziale cliente e dimostrate la vostra disponibilità a trovare soluzioni che soddisfino le sue esigenze. Mostrando empatia e fornendo spunti o alternative preziose, si crea fiducia e si mantiene la conversazione in carreggiata. 

Example: Instead of dismissing a concern, say, "I understand your worry. Many of our clients initially had similar concerns, but once they experienced [benefit], they found it was worth the investment." 

3. Racconto ed esempi pertinenti 

Lo storytelling è uno strumento potente nelle vendite. La condivisione di storie di successo, casi di studio o esempi rilevanti può aiutarvi a creare una narrazione avvincente che coinvolga i vostri potenziali clienti e mostri il valore del vostro prodotto o servizio. 

Adattate le vostre storie per affrontare i punti dolenti o gli obiettivi specifici espressi dal potenziale cliente, dimostrando come altri hanno superato sfide simili e ottenuto risultati positivi. 

Le storie catturano l'attenzione, accendono la curiosità e mantengono la conversazione vivace e focalizzata sui vantaggi che potete offrire. 

Example: "We recently worked with a client in your industry who was struggling with [specific issue]. By implementing our solution, they saw a significant increase in [relevant metric], resulting in a 30% boost in revenue within just three months." 

4. Basarsi su interessi e intuizioni condivise 

Per creare un legame più forte con il vostro prospect, cercate interessi o intuizioni comuni durante la conversazione. Questi punti in comune possono andare dagli hobby personali alle tendenze o alle sfide del settore. 

Evidenziare queste connessioni non solo crea un rapporto, ma anche un'atmosfera di collaborazione e comprensione reciproca. 

Facendo leva sugli interessi condivisi, si mantiene il coinvolgimento e si crea un'esperienza più memorabile e piacevole per il prospect. 

Example: If you discover that you and your prospect both share a passion for a particular sports team, you could say, "I noticed you're a fan of [team]. I'm a huge fan too! Did you catch their recent game? It was incredible." 

5. Follow-up e costruzione di relazioni continue: 

Il mantenimento di una conversazione non si esaurisce con la conclusione dell'interazione iniziale. Una parte cruciale del successo nelle vendite è seguire i clienti potenziali e coltivare la relazione nel tempo. 

Inviate e-mail di follow-up personalizzate, condividete risorse o articoli rilevanti o anche connettetevi su piattaforme di social media professionali. 

Mantenendo una comunicazione coerente e dimostrando il vostro impegno costante per il loro successo, potete continuare la conversazione e posizionarvi come partner di fiducia nel percorso del potenziale cliente. 

Example: After a productive conversation, follow up with an email summarizing the key points discussed, expressing gratitude for their time, and offering additional resources or assistance. 

Use humor and wit 

Incorporare l'umorismo e l'arguzia nelle vostre conversazioni di vendita può contribuire ad alleggerire l'atmosfera e a creare un'esperienza più piacevole sia per voi che per il potenziale cliente. 

Una battuta o un'osservazione spiritosa ben calibrata possono rompere il ghiaccio, alleviare la tensione e mantenere la conversazione coinvolgente. Tuttavia, è bene tenere conto della personalità del potenziale cliente e del contesto per assicurarsi che l'umorismo sia appropriato e ben accolto. 

Example: If there's a lighthearted moment during the conversation, you can say, "Well, they say laughter is the best medicine, and I'm here to prescribe some smiles along with our solution!"

7. personalize and demonstrate knowledge 

Mostrare la propria conoscenza del settore, dell'azienda o delle sfide specifiche del potenziale cliente può avere un impatto significativo. Prendetevi il tempo necessario per fare ricerche e comprendere le loro peculiarità prima della conversazione. 

Fare riferimento a dettagli specifici o ad approfondimenti del settore può aiutare il potenziale cliente a dimostrare la propria competenza e a stabilire la propria credibilità, portando a un dialogo più significativo e continuo. 

Example: "I read your recent article on [topic] and found it fascinating. How has [specific trend] impacted your organization's approach to [relevant issue]?" 

 8. Seek input and opinions 

Le persone apprezzano di essere ascoltate e apprezzate per le loro opinioni. Cercare input e invitare i potenziali clienti a condividere i loro pensieri con voi non solo incoraggia la partecipazione attiva, ma aiuta anche a ottenere preziose intuizioni. 

Questo approccio favorisce un senso di collaborazione e crea una dinamica di conversazione in cui entrambe le parti contribuiscono, portando a una discussione più produttiva e interattiva. 

Example: "Based on your experience in the industry, I'd love to hear your thoughts on [specific topic]. How do you see this trend evolving in the next few years?" 

As a salesperson, it’s not easy to keep the conversation going when it comes to objections and rejections. Having said that, learn how you can handle objections and rejections with our comprehensive guides. 

9. Provide relevant insights and value 

Posizionatevi come consulenti di fiducia fornendo preziose intuizioni, suggerimenti o informazioni relative al settore durante la conversazione. 

Condividete risorse, articoli o rapporti pertinenti che possano aiutare il potenziale cliente a comprendere meglio le sue sfide o opportunità. Offrendo un valore autentico, vi affermate come fonte affidabile di informazioni e mantenete il loro interesse a continuare la conversazione. 

Example: "I came across this recent study that highlights the impact of [specific issue] on businesses like yours. I thought you might find it insightful in shaping your strategy moving forward." 

10. Utilize visual aids and demonstrations 

In alcune conversazioni di vendita, gli aiuti visivi o le dimostrazioni possono essere molto efficaci per mantenere la discussione coinvolgente e interattiva. Che si tratti di una demo di un prodotto, di una presentazione o di una rappresentazione visiva di dati, l'inserimento di elementi visivi può catturare l'attenzione, chiarire concetti complessi e stimolare ulteriori discussioni. Le immagini sono spesso più memorabili e possono lasciare un'impressione duratura sul potenziale cliente. 

Example: "Let me walk you through a quick demo to show you how our software streamlines your workflow. It's easier to understand when you see it in action." 

Tips: The key to keeping a conversation going in sales is to establish a genuine connection, provide value, and adapt to the prospect's needs and preferences. By combining these additional strategies with the ones mentioned earlier, you can navigate through conversations more effectively and increase your chances of achieving your sales objectives. 


Padroneggiare l'arte di mantenere una conversazione nelle vendite è un'abilità preziosa che può avere un impatto significativo sul vostro successo. 

Ascoltando attivamente, ponendo domande aperte, affrontando le preoccupazioni in modo empatico, condividendo storie rilevanti e coltivando il rapporto oltre la conversazione iniziale, è possibile coinvolgere i potenziali clienti in modo efficace, costruire la fiducia e aumentare le possibilità di concludere accordi. 

Ricordate che una conversazione non è solo un mezzo per raggiungere un fine, ma un'opportunità per creare connessioni significative che portino a partnership commerciali a lungo termine. 

Domande frequenti 

1. What is an example of a sales conversation? 

In a SaaS B2B setting, a strong sales conversation example involves educating the prospect while addressing their specific pain points. 

Salesperson: "Hi [Prospect’s Name], I came across your company and noticed that you manage a large sales team. How do you currently handle incentive compensation and commission tracking?" 
Prospect: "We rely on spreadsheets, but it's becoming a nightmare to manage." 
Salesperson: "That’s a common challenge. Many of our clients faced similar inefficiencies before switching to Compass. With our ICM software, companies automate commission calculations, eliminate errors, and improve sales team motivation. Would you be open to a quick demo to see how it could work for you?" 

This conversation keeps the focus on the prospect’s needs while positioning Compass as the ideal solution. 

2. What are the 5 steps to a conversation in sales? 

In B2B SaaS sales, structuring conversations effectively is key to closing deals. Here’s how: 

  1. Introduction & Rapport Building – Use personalized sales conversation starters like: 
  • "I noticed your company has been scaling quickly. How are you managing incentive compensation as you grow?"
  1. Understanding Pain Points – Ask qualifying questions to learn their challenges. 
  2. Presenting Compass as the Solution – Explain how Compass streamlines ICM processes, ensuring accurate commission payouts and reducing administrative workload. 
  3. Handling Objections – Address concerns like cost, implementation time, or integration with existing CRM/ERP systems. 
  4. Closing with a Call to Action – Encourage them to take the next step, such as a free trial or product demo. 

A structured approach like this helps improve sales conversations and guides prospects toward a decision. 

3. How to talk like a salesman? 

In SaaS B2B sales, talking like a salesman isn’t about being pushy—it’s about educating and adding value. Here’s how to sound consultative rather than salesy: 

  • Start strong with conversation selling product techniques, e.g., "Many SaaS companies struggle with commission disputes. How are you currently handling this?"
  • Keep the conversation going by listening actively and responding with tailored insights. 
  • Use data and case studies to back up claims, e.g., "One of our clients reduced commission errors by 90% after switching to Compass."
  • Avoid jargon and explain features in a way that resonates with the prospect’s role. 

A compelling and engaging salesman conversation makes it easier to position Compass as the best choice. 

4. What is pitching in sales? 

Pitching in sales is about presenting the product as the right solution in a concise, persuasive manner. Let’s imagine the product here is Compass. A winning pitch should include: 

  • A strong hook: "Manually calculating commissions leads to errors and disputes. Compass automates everything, ensuring accuracy and transparency."
  • Pain points & solution: "Without automation, sales teams waste hours reconciling payments. Compass integrates seamlessly with your CRM, eliminating errors and saving time."
  • Customer success proof: "One of our clients saw a 40% increase in sales team productivity after implementing Compass."
  • Call to action: "Let’s set up a quick demo to show you how Compass can help you scale efficiently."

A well-crafted pitch ensures you capture sales conversations effectively and drive interest in Compass. 

5. What is a good sales message? 

A strong sales message should be concise, problem-focused, and benefit-driven. 

Example Sales Message: 
"Managing incentive compensation manually leads to errors, disputes, and wasted hours. Compass automates commission calculations, ensures transparency, and integrates seamlessly with your CRM—eliminating inefficiencies and motivating your sales team. Let’s schedule a quick demo to see how it works for your company!"

By leveraging the right retail sales conversation starters and tailoring messages to different stakeholders (finance, sales ops, leadership), you can ensure that Compass stands out as the go-to ICM solution. 

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