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Have you ever wondered why some companies have sales teams and channel partners that are always on fire, hitting targets month after month? The secret lies in a well-designed commission plan. It's like rocket fuel for your sales force, driving performance and keeping partners engaged.

A well-structured commission plan is a powerful tool to drive performance and keep everyone engaged. In this blog, we’re diving into various sales commission plan examples for sales teams and channel partners, showing how these plans can be your secret weapon for success.

Did you know that companies with highly effective sales commission plans are 2.5 times more likely to be top performers in their industry? That’s right – a smart commission plan can make all the difference. We’ll cover everything from the basics of commission plans to real-life examples and best practices, all aimed at helping you design a plan that works for your team.

Understanding commission plans

A commission plan is a system where employees or partners earn additional compensation based on their performance, typically tied to sales or revenue goals. It’s a win-win: employees and partners get rewarded for their hard work, and companies see increased sales and engagement.

Why are commission plans so crucial? 

For starters, they align individual and organizational goals. When sales reps and partners know they’ll earn more by hitting specific targets, they’re naturally more motivated. In fact, companies with strong commission plans report up to 44% higher sales performance than those without. Plus, these plans help attract top talent who are confident in their ability to perform and earn rewards.

The role of commission plans in sales motivation

Commission plans are not just about money; they’re about motivation and morale. Sales teams with clear, attainable commission structures often experience better job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. Partners who see tangible rewards for their efforts are more likely to stay loyal and continue pushing for success.

With a clear understanding of what commission plans are and why they matter, let's dive into the key elements that make up an effective commission plan.

Key elements of a commission plan

Following are the key elements of a commission plan:

1. Base salary vs. Commission

The balance between base salary and commission is crucial. A base salary provides financial stability, while commissions drive performance. 

For example, some companies opt for a 70/30 split, where 70% is the base salary and 30% is commission-based. This balance ensures that sales reps and partners have a secure income but are still incentivized to exceed their targets.

2. Commission structures

There are various types of commission structures, each suited to different business models and goals:

  • Fixed commission: A straightforward approach where a fixed percentage is paid on every sale. For instance, a 5% commission on all sales.
  • Tiered commission: This structure increases the commission rate as sales volume or targets are met. For example, 5% for the first $50,000 in sales, 7% for the next $50,000, and 10% for any amount beyond that.
  • Revenue-based commission: Here, the commission is tied to the total revenue generated. This method is particularly effective for high-value sales environments.
  • Profit-based commission: In this structure, commissions are based on the profit margin rather than total sales, encouraging sales reps to focus on high-margin products.

3. Incentives and bonuses

Beyond regular commissions, additional sales incentives and bonuses can further boost motivation. These might include:

  • Performance bonuses: Extra payouts for exceeding targets or achieving certain milestones.
  • Spiffs: Short-term incentives to push specific products or services.
  • Non-monetary rewards: Things like trips, gadgets, or recognition awards can also be powerful motivators.

By understanding these key elements, you can create a commission plan that not only motivates your team but also aligns with your business goals.

Sales commission plans examples

Sales commission plans are vital in motivating and rewarding sales teams for their contributions to a company’s revenue growth. These plans can be tailored to suit various business models, sales strategies, and industry requirements. Here, are the sales commission plan examples with examples to illustrate how companies can effectively structure these incentives.

1. Straight commission plans

In a straight commission plan, salespeople earn a commission based solely on the sales they generate, with no fixed salary. This plan is common in real estate, where agents might earn:

  • 5% commission on the sale price of each property sold.

This structure highly motivates agents to close deals, as their income is directly tied to their performance.

2. Base salary plus commission plans

A base salary plus commission plan provides a fixed salary with additional commission based on sales performance. A software company might offer:

  • Base salary: $50,000 per year.
  • Commission: 5% on all sales above $200,000 annually.

This approach provides financial stability while still incentivizing sales growth.

Use our Salary Plus Commission Calculator to effortlessly calculate your potential income based on different commission plans. It's easy, accurate, and designed to help you maximize your earnings.

3. Tiered commission plans

Tiered commission plans offer escalating commission rates as salespeople hit higher sales targets. For example, a medical device company might use the following structure:

  • 5% commission on sales up to $500,000.
  • 7% commission on sales between $500,001 and $1,000,000.
  • 10% commission on sales exceeding $1,000,000.

This encourages salespeople to aim for higher sales volumes to earn increased commissions.

Ready to see how a tiered commission plan can drive your sales performance to new heights? Try our Tiered Commission Calculator! Easily customize commission tiers, set targets, and visualize potential earnings.

4. Revenue-based commission plans

In revenue-based commission plans, salespeople earn a percentage of the revenue they generate. An advertising sales team might earn:

  • 10% commission on the total revenue from ad sales.

This aligns the salesperson’s goals with the company’s revenue objectives, ensuring a focus on high-value deals.

5. Profit-based commission plans

Profit-based commission plans reward salespeople based on the profit generated from their sales, rather than the sales amount. A manufacturing firm might implement:

  • 5% commission on the profit margin of each sale.

This encourages salespeople to focus on profitable deals and manage discounts and pricing effectively.

6. Performance-based commission plans

Performance-based commission plans reward salespeople for achieving specific performance metrics, such as new customer acquisition or customer retention. An enterprise software company might offer:

  • Base commission: 4% on all sales.
  • Performance bonus: Additional 3% for acquiring more than 10 new customers in a quarter.

This structure motivates salespeople to meet broader business goals beyond just sales volume.

7. Territory volume commission plans

Territory volume commission plans provide commissions based on the total sales volume within a salesperson’s assigned territory. A consumer goods company might offer:

  • 2% commission on total sales in the assigned region up to $1,000,000.
  • 4% commission on sales exceeding $1,000,000.

This encourages sales managers to grow their territory’s market share.

Unlock your sales potential with our Territory Volume Calculator. Optimize territory assignments, increase efficiency, and drive results with data-driven insights.

8. Draw against commission plans

Draw against commission plans provides an advance on future commissions, which is later deducted from actual commission earnings. A wholesale distributor might offer:

  • Monthly draw: $3,000.
  • Commission: 7% on all sales.

This provides financial security while allowing salespeople to earn commissions once they exceed their draw amount.

Sales commission plans are essential for driving performance and aligning sales teams with a company’s revenue goals. By choosing the right structure, businesses can effectively motivate their salesforce, drive growth, and achieve their strategic objectives.

Channel partner commission plans examples

Channel partner commission plans play a crucial role in motivating and rewarding partners who help drive sales and expand market reach. These plans can vary widely depending on the industry, product, and strategic goals of a company. Here are common channel partner commission plan examples to provide a comprehensive understanding of how businesses can structure these incentives.

1. Tiered commission plans

A tiered commission plan rewards partners based on the volume of sales they achieve. For instance, a technology company might offer the following structure:

  • Tier 1: 5% commission on sales up to $50,000.
  • Tier 2: 7% commission on sales between $50,001 and $100,000.
  • Tier 3: 10% commission on sales exceeding $100,000.

This incentivizes partners to sell more, as higher sales volumes lead to higher commission rates.

2. Performance-based commission plans

Performance-based commission plans are tailored to reward partners who meet or exceed specific targets or metrics. A SaaS company might set goals for new customer acquisition or annual recurring revenue (ARR). For example:

  • New customer acquisition: 8% commission for acquiring up to 20 new customers and 12% for more than 20 new customers.
  • ARR milestones: 6% commission on ARR up to $500,000, and 9% commission on ARR exceeding $500,000.

This structure encourages partners to focus on quality and long-term growth.

3. Revenue sharing plans

Revenue-sharing plans involve sharing a percentage of the revenue generated from sales with the channel partners. An advertising agency might implement a revenue-sharing model where:

  • Partners receive 20% of the revenue generated from the campaigns they bring in.
  • If the partner's efforts lead to additional business with the same client, they might receive an additional 5% on those sales.

This plan aligns the interests of the company and its partners, fostering a collaborative approach.

4. Product-specific commission plans

In industries with a diverse product range, companies might offer different commission rates for different products. For instance, a consumer electronics manufacturer could have the following structure:

  • High-margin products (e.g., flagship smartphones): 10% commission.
  • Mid-range products (e.g., accessories): 7% commission.
  • Low-margin products (e.g., entry-level gadgets): 5% commission.

This encourages partners to focus on selling high-margin items, benefiting both the partner and the company.

5. Spiff programs

Spiff programs offer short-term incentives or bonuses for achieving specific sales targets. A retailer might run a spiff program during the holiday season:

  • Bonus for selling 50 units of a specific product: $200.
  • Additional bonus for exceeding 100 units: $500.

These temporary incentives boost sales during critical periods.

6. Hybrid commission plans

A hybrid commission plan combines elements from different commission structures to suit complex sales environments. An industrial equipment distributor might use a combination of tiered and performance-based plans:

  • Base commission: 5% on all sales.
  • Tiered bonus: Additional 3% for sales exceeding $100,000 in a quarter.
  • Performance bonus: Extra 2% for meeting customer satisfaction targets.

This provides a balanced approach, rewarding both sales volume and customer satisfaction.

Channel partner commission plans are essential tools for motivating partners and aligning their efforts with the company’s strategic goals. By choosing the right structure, businesses can incentivize performance, drive sales growth, and build strong, lasting relationships with their channel partners. 

How Compass automates and enhances commission management to maximize sales performance


Compass, a sales commission automation platform, helps businesses run effective sales compensation programs by automating and simplifying the management of incentive programs and compensation calculations. This automation drives top-line revenue by ensuring sales teams are motivated and compensated accurately and efficiently.

Here’s how Compass can help streamline your sales compensation:

➡️Automation of incentive calculations: Compass automates the complex process of calculating sales commissions, ensuring accuracy and eliminating errors associated with manual calculations.

➡️Real-time visibility: Sales teams have real-time access to their earnings and performance metrics, which enhances transparency and motivation.

➡️Customization of compensation plans: The platform supports various compensation structures, making it flexible to cater to different sales roles and business needs.

➡️Integration with CRM Systems: Compass integrates with existing CRM systems, allowing for seamless data flow and reducing administrative overhead.

➡️Performance analytics: The platform provides detailed analytics on sales performance, which helps users make informed decisions to optimize their sales strategies.

➡️Scalability: Compass can scale with your business, supporting everything from small sales teams to large enterprises.

By leveraging Compass for sales compensation management, companies can ensure that their sales teams are focused on driving sales and achieving business goals rather than being bogged down by the intricacies of commission calculations.

Ready to simplify your sales compensation process and motivate your team like never before? Book a demo with our sales compensation experts to learn more and optimize your sales incentive programs today!

Études de cas

Here are 2 case studies of businesses that have successfully used the above commission and have seen significant results.

1. German luxury auto brand boosts sales with Compass commission management

A prestigious German luxury auto brand faced challenges in maintaining a competitive edge in the highly saturated luxury automotive market. Their primary goal was to enhance their top-line sales and improve the efficiency and motivation of their sales team.


The luxury auto brand's sales figures stagnated, and its sales teams struggled with low engagement. The primary challenges were outdated sales incentives and a lack of transparent communication regarding performance metrics and compensation. This led to decreased motivation among sales representatives, directly impacting their sales performance and, consequently, the company's overall revenue growth.


To address these challenges, the brand partnered with Compass to implement a comprehensive sales enhancement strategy that included:

  1. Sales commission management software: Introduction of Compass's sales commission management software to automate commission calculations and streamline payout processes.
  2. Sales gamification techniques: Implementation of sales gamification to boost sales team engagement and competition.
  3. Real-time sales analytics: Integration of advanced analytics tools that provided real-time insights into sales trends and individual performance metrics.


Within just 90 days of implementing the new sales incentive program through Compass, the German luxury auto brand saw significant improvements in several key performance indicators:

  • Top-line sales grew by 11%, directly attributable to increased sales activity and higher closing rates among the sales team.
  • Sales team engagement soared, with a notable increase in sales reps' active participation in pursuing higher sales targets.
  • Payout accuracy reached 96.2%, ensuring that sales reps were compensated correctly and promptly, boosting morale and trust in the system.

2. Sales compensation redesign at a leading food and beverage company

A distinguished food and beverage industry company boasting a 120-year legacy of market leadership encountered growth stagnation. Despite several attempts by the internal team to address the issues, no effective solutions were found, prompting the need for external expertise. 

Empirical Consulting Solutions was engaged to uncover the root problems and devise a strategic response to revamp the sales compensation framework to stimulate growth and enhance results.


The primary challenge was the existing compensation structure, which was not effectively driving the sales team towards achieving business objectives. This misalignment resulted in stagnated growth and decreased motivation among experienced sales personnel. Additionally, the company faced pressure to retain existing market share and expand into new, emerging markets.


Empirical Consulting Solutions adopted a comprehensive approach to address these challenges:

  • Evaluation and gap identification: The initial commission structures were thoroughly assessed to identify weaknesses and immediate opportunities for improvement.
  • Alignment of sales goals: Collaboration with the executive team helped align sales objectives with both short-term and long-term strategic business goals, focusing on account expansion and market penetration.
  • Development of new compensation plans: Targets and incentive plans were benchmarked against those of high-performing organizations to ensure competitiveness and effectiveness.
  • Implementation and communication: A new incentive plan was rolled out, accompanied by extensive training and coaching to ensure salespeople were well-prepared and informed.
  • Tools for performance tracking: Empirical provided advanced tools for planning, measuring, and reporting performance to facilitate ongoing adjustments and improvements.


The restructuring of the sales compensation plan yielded significant improvements in the first year:

  • The client saw a 10% increase in gross profit.
  • There was a $500K reduction in the costs associated with the sales plan.
  • The new plan improved pay alignment with business priorities and helped retain top sales talent.


A well-structured commission plan is vital. They not only motivate sales teams and partners but also align their efforts with the company’s strategic goals. By understanding the different types of commission plans and incorporating best practices, businesses can create effective incentives that drive performance and growth.

Whether you opt for a flat commission, tiered structure, or performance-based rewards, the key is to design a plan that is clear, fair, and aligned with your business objectives. Real-life examples from companies like Salesforce, Cisco, HubSpot, Microsoft, and Dell highlight how tailored commission plans can lead to significant improvements in sales performance and partner engagement.

As you consider implementing or revamping your commission plans, remember to communicate transparently, review regularly, and leverage technology to manage and track performance. By doing so, you can unlock the full potential of your sales and channel partners, driving success and achieving your business goals.

FAQs: Commission Plan Examples

What is the difference between a sales commission plan and a channel partner commission plan?

Sales commission plans are designed to incentivize a company's internal sales team, while channel partner commission plans reward external partners for promoting and selling the company's products or services.

How often should commission plans be reviewed and updated?

Commission plans should be reviewed at least annually to ensure they remain aligned with business goals and market conditions. However, more frequent reviews may be necessary if there are significant changes in the business environment.

What are common pitfalls to avoid when designing commission plans?

Common pitfalls include setting unclear or unattainable goals, lack of transparency, neglecting regular reviews, and failing to align the plan with business objectives. Avoiding these pitfalls ensures the commission plan is effective and motivating.

How can technology help in managing commission plans?

Commission management software can automate calculations, track performance in real-time, and provide clear reports. This reduces administrative burden, ensures accuracy, and enhances transparency.

Why is transparency important in commission plans?

Transparency builds trust and ensures that sales teams and partners understand how the plan works and how they can achieve their goals. Clear communication prevents misunderstandings and fosters a positive work environment.

Can non-monetary rewards be effective in commission plans?

Yes, non-monetary rewards like recognition awards, trips, or gadgets can be powerful motivators. These rewards can complement monetary commissions and help create a more engaging and motivating incentive program.

How do I determine the right commission percentage for my sales team?

The right commission percentage depends on various factors, including your industry, sales cycle, profit margins, and overall compensation strategy. Conducting market research, analyzing competitor plans, and considering your company's financial goals can help you determine a competitive and motivating commission rate.

What role do base salaries play in commission plans?

Base salaries provide financial stability and security for sales reps, ensuring they have a reliable income regardless of sales performance. Combining base salaries with commissions creates a balanced compensation plan that motivates reps to exceed their targets while providing a safety net.

How can I ensure that my commission plan is fair and motivates my team?

To ensure fairness and motivation, set clear, attainable goals and maintain open communication. Regularly review and adjust the plan based on feedback and performance data. Additionally, consider incorporating a mix of individual and team-based incentives to promote collaboration and a healthy competitive spirit.

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Karishma Bhatnagar

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Karishma est une blogueuse passionnée qui a une connaissance approfondie des tactiques de référencement. Lorsqu'elle ne travaille pas, vous la trouverez dans les montagnes, profitant de la brise fraîche et du chant des oiseaux.