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Tracking sales performance metrics is essential for understanding what’s driving revenue and where improvements are needed. Without clear insights, businesses risk relying on guesswork instead of data-driven decisions.

Sales teams juggle multiple tasks, from prospecting to closing deals, but not all efforts lead to results. That’s why focusing on the right sales rep productivity metrics helps identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and improve efficiency. Whether it's measuring deal conversion rates, sales cycle length, or quota attainment, these metrics provide a clear picture of performance.

Strong sales rep performance metrics go beyond just revenue—they assess efficiency, customer engagement, and overall sales effectiveness. 

This guide explores the key sales performance metrics that matter most, helping businesses refine strategies, boost sales productivity, and drive consistent growth.

What are sales performance metrics?

Sales performance metrics are measurable indicators that help businesses track and evaluate the effectiveness of their sales efforts. These metrics provide insights into how well sales teams, individual reps, and overall sales strategies contribute to revenue generation.

Tracking the right sales rep productivity metrics ensures that teams focus on high-impact activities, while sales rep performance metrics help identify areas for improvement, optimize sales processes, and drive better results.

Sales performance metrics typically include key indicators like conversion rates, average deal size, sales cycle length, quota attainment, and customer acquisition cost. These data points help businesses refine their strategies, allocate resources efficiently, and ensure sales teams are meeting their targets.

13 Sales performance metrics you must track

To help you decide which sales KPIs to focus on, we have put together a guide to the sales performance metrics that matter, which not only tells you what these KPIs are and elaborates on their utility but also shows you how each of them can be applied in day-to-day business situations.

1. Tempo di risposta del leader

Lead response time refers to the time sales reps take to follow up on leads. The research is unequivocal about the criticality of this sales metric when it comes to qualifying prospects. 

According to HubSpot, there is a 100x chance of qualifying a prospect if the salesperson reaches out within five lead creation minutes. Inside Sales states that the lead qualification rate increases 21 times when a lead is contacted within 5 minutes instead of after 30 minutes.

Putting it to work:

For each salesperson, this key performance metric is calculated by taking the time taken between lead creation and first response for each of the leads assigned to them and then dividing that total by the total number of leads.

2. Produttività delle vendite

Sales productivity or the time spent selling is an essential measure of sales team performance. Highly efficient teams typically spend a large proportion of their time on high-impact activities, such as prospecting and client meetings, and only a tiny proportion of it on low-impact activities, such as administrative tasks and tracking their commissions.

Another component of sales productivity is effectiveness. Two sales teams who spend the same amount of time selling may achieve different results. In such cases, the team that achieves better results is said to be the more effective one.

Putting it to work:

This metric is a product of efficiency and effectiveness. For example, touching base with 20 qualified prospects instead of using the time for accounting tasks is a case of high efficiency and high effectiveness.

Creating email templates to reach out to prospects over emailing each one individually, on the other hand, is a case of high efficiency. However, the latter method may be more effective. Here, the efficiency of the former dwarfs the effectiveness of the latter.

3. Perdita dell'imbuto di vendita

Vi siete mai chiesti in quale punto dell'imbuto i vostri prospect abbandonano e a quale tasso? È la domanda a cui risponde questa metrica. Per determinare dove il vostro processo di vendita è più debole, è necessario calcolare il tasso di conversione in ciascuna delle sue fasi. È possibile ottenere risultati di vendita migliori identificando queste aree deboli e risolvendo i problemi scoperti.

Putting it to work:

Assume that 50% of fresh leads agree to get on a call, 40% of this set agrees to a demo, and 10% of this set become customers. The high rate of drop-offs at the last stage may indicate that the demos being given are ineffective or that the leads are not being qualified enough.

The issues may be varied, but once you have identified these potential problems, it becomes easier to pinpoint the actual issue and take action.

4. Tasso di vincita

Also known as the conversion rate, this metric measures the percentage of leads that ultimately become customers. It also helps determine the number of leads you need to have in place to reach your revenue targets.

Over time, if the number of deals being closed remains the same while the win rate is rising, it indicates that your sales team’s performance is improving. On the other hand, if your sales team is closing the same or fewer deals and the win rate is also decreasing, it indicates that something about your lead generation or other sales processes isn’t working.

Putting it to work:

Suppose you can identify 600 leads in a given month, of which 120 become customers, then your win rate is said to be (600/120) = 20%.

If your win rate is 20%, your revenue target 100k, and your average deal size 10k, you need 10 deals to reach your revenue target, and (20/100) x = 10, where x is the number of leads required. Here, the number of leads required, i.e., x, is 50.

Did you know? Using a gamified approach to sales with a product with built-in game mechanics can boost sales productivity and directly grow your MRR?

Hint: You might want to see what Compass goal performance all is about.

5. Dimensione media delle transazioni

This metric tells you how direction your deal size is moving - up, down, or staying the same. Average deal size can be useful if you’re trying to move upmarket (in which case you want the metric to go up) or down-market (in which case you’re trying to land more SMB customers and want the metric to go down) from where you are currently.

Inoltre, è utile tenere d'occhio i rappresentanti per i quali questa metrica è inferiore alla media del team, perché potrebbe significare che stanno cercando di ottenere i frutti più bassi e potrebbero aver bisogno di rivolgersi a clienti più grandi. Oppure potrebbe trattarsi di uno sconto aggressivo.

Putting it to work:

Average deal size is calculated by dividing the total value of deals closed by the total number of deals. For example, if the company closed two deals worth 500k and 300k each, the average deal size is 400k. In other words, if you have a sales representative whose revenue target is 800k and the average deal size is 400k, then two deals need to be closed to meet the target.

6. Ricavi

E ora il KPI più importante per le vendite: il fatturato o reddito lordo. Sebbene possa sembrare una metrica piuttosto semplice, che comprende le vendite lorde con gli sconti e il valore dei resi, c'è molto di più di quanto non sembri.

Revenue can be broken down into three constituent components - new business, cross-sell/upsell, and renewals. You would want to track the percentage of revenue that each of these components makes up to understand whether your efforts in each of these three areas are paying off.

For instance, if you’ve been trying to ramp up customer retention, you ought to see an improvement in the business percentage coming from renewals.

È altrettanto importante esaminare le cifre assolute che ciascuna di queste componenti contribuisce al fatturato. Può darsi che, in termini di percentuale del fatturato, una componente contribuisca meno di quanto facesse in precedenza. Tuttavia, il valore assoluto dei ricavi è aumentato.

Putting it to work:

Suppose you have 10 customers, each of whom pays an average of 5k/month. Your monthly recurring revenue (MRR) - a metric commonly used by subscription businesses - which is essentially the predictable revenue you receive each month, is 50k. Your annual recurring revenue (ARR) is 50k x 12 = 600k.

8. Customer lifetime value (CLTV)

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) is a metric that represents the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account over the course of their relationship with the company.

CLTV is important for businesses as it helps in understanding the long-term value of a customer and can guide decisions related to customer acquisition and retention strategies.


CLTV = Average Purchase Value × Purchase Frequency × Average Customer Lifespan


- Average Purchase Value is the average amount a customer spends per transaction.

- Purchase Frequency is the average number of transactions per customer over a certain period.

- Average Customer Lifespan is the average length of time a customer continues to buy from the company.

Putting it to work:

Se il valore medio degli acquisti è di 50 dollari, la frequenza di acquisto è di 2 volte all'anno e la durata media della vita del cliente è di 5 anni, allora:

CLTV = $50 × 2 × 5 = $500

Ciò significa che, in media, questo cliente dovrebbe generare 500 dollari di fatturato per l'azienda nel corso dell'intero rapporto.

9. Average Deal Size

L'Average Deal Size è il valore medio di una trattativa di vendita conclusa da un addetto alle vendite. Fornisce indicazioni sulla capacità dell'addetto alle vendite di negoziare accordi vantaggiosi e di fare upselling o cross-selling di prodotti/servizi.


Average Deal Size = Total Sales Value / Number of Deals Closed

Putting it to work:

Se un addetto alle vendite chiude 5 affari con un valore di vendita totale di 10.000 dollari, la dimensione media dell'affare sarà:

Dimensione media dell'affare = 10.000 dollari / 5 = 2.000 dollari

Ciò significa che, in media, ogni affare chiuso dal rappresentante vale 2.000 dollari.

10. Sales pipeline velocity

La Sales Pipeline Velocity misura la velocità con cui le opportunità si muovono nella pipeline di vendita. Aiuta a capire la velocità con cui si chiudono le trattative e si generano i ricavi.


Sales Pipeline Velocity = (Number of Deals / Average Sales Cycle Length) x Win Rate


- Number of Deals is the total number of deals in the pipeline.

- Average Sales Cycle Length is the average time it takes to close a deal.

- Win Rate is the percentage of deals that are won.

Ad esempio:

Se un team di vendita ha 50 contratti in pipeline, una durata media del ciclo di vendita di 60 giorni e un tasso di vincita del 25%, allora:

Velocità della pipeline di vendita = (50 / 60) x 0,25 = 0,21 operazioni al giorno

Ciò significa che, in media, il team di vendita chiude 0,21 affari al giorno.

11. Customer retention rate

Il tasso di fidelizzazione dei clienti misura la percentuale di clienti che un'azienda mantiene in un determinato periodo. È una metrica importante per valutare la fedeltà dei clienti e l'efficacia delle strategie di fidelizzazione.


Customer Retention Rate = ((E - N) / S) x 100


- E is the number of customers at the end of the period.

- N is the number of new customers acquired during the period.

- S is the number of customers at the start of the period.

Putting it to work:

Se un'azienda ha 100 clienti all'inizio dell'anno, acquisisce 20 nuovi clienti e ne mantiene 80 alla fine dell'anno, allora:

Tasso di fidelizzazione dei clienti = ((80 - 20) / 100) x 100 = 60%

Ciò significa che l'azienda ha mantenuto il 60% dei suoi clienti nel corso dell'anno.

12. Lead response time

Il tempo di risposta dei lead misura il tempo medio impiegato da un addetto alle vendite per rispondere a un nuovo lead o a una nuova richiesta. Un tempo di risposta più rapido è associato a tassi di conversione più elevati e alla soddisfazione dei clienti.

Putting it to work:

Se un team di vendita ha un tempo medio di risposta ai lead di 1 ora, il tempo di risposta ai lead sarà di 1 ora.

13. Activity metrics (Calls, Meetings, Emails):

Activity Metrics track the number of calls made, meetings scheduled, and emails sent by a sales representative. These metrics help understand the level of activity and engagement with prospects and customers.

Putting it to work:

Se un addetto alle vendite effettua 20 chiamate, pianifica 5 riunioni e invia 15 e-mail in una settimana, le metriche di attività per quella settimana saranno 20 chiamate, 5 riunioni e 15 e-mail.

Factors affecting sales performance

The sales function and its performance are crucial to any business. One would do well to identify, sooner than later, the factors affecting their sales team’s performance positively and negatively. This will allow the company to focus on winning areas and course-correct appropriately before it’s too late. The factors affecting sales performance can be divided broadly into internal and external categories.

1. Fattori interni

These are factors that originate within the organization and can be controlled by it. The first and most important of these is the product's merit. If customers like and want the product, the sales team will perform better than otherwise.

Another critical factor that affects sales volumes is the marketing strategy the company has in place. Collaboration with performance marketing agencies can help accurately understand key sales performance metrics and refine strategies to boost sales effectiveness. A well-defined and well-targeted marketing strategy means better sales performance. 

Other internal factors that affect sales performance include the availability of adequate finance to compete in the market, access to the latest technological tools needed for sales, and the business to thrive.

2. Fattori esterni

I fattori esterni che influenzano le performance di vendita sono essenzialmente una funzione dell'ambiente in cui l'azienda opera. Sebbene l'azienda di solito non abbia un controllo significativo su di essi, può rispondere ad essi in modo strategico.

Ad esempio, la fase del ciclo economico - cioè crescita, recessione, ecc. - in cui si trova il Paese in quel momento può influenzare la domanda di prodotti e quindi i volumi di vendita. Un altro fattore che influisce sulle vendite è la concorrenza. Più alta è la concorrenza, più bassi sono i risultati di vendita. Anche le leggi e i regolamenti influiscono sui volumi di vendita sotto forma di requisiti minimi di prezzo, tasse, ecc.

Aumentate le prestazioni dei team di vendita con Compass


Compass's sales performance management software enhances sales rep performance by providing a comprehensive platform to streamline and optimize various aspects of sales operations. Here’s how Compass can help improve sales rep performance:

  • Gestione dei compensi incentivanti

Compass provides tools to create effective incentive programs that align with company goals. By clearly defining incentives, sales reps are motivated to meet and exceed their sales targets, directly impacting their performance and the company's overall revenue.

  • Sales commission management

The software automates the calculation of sales commissions, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. This automation reduces errors and disputes, allowing sales reps to focus on selling rather than administrative tasks. It also enhances transparency in calculating commissions, boosting rep trust and satisfaction.

  • Gamification delle vendite

Compass includes gamification elements that make the sales process more engaging for reps. Introducing leaderboards, badges, and rewards it fosters a healthy, competitive environment that encourages reps to perform better.

  • Revenue intelligence

The platform provides analytics and insights into sales data, helping sales reps understand market trends, customer behavior, and potential opportunities for upselling or cross-selling. This intelligence allows reps to make data-driven decisions that enhance their sales strategies.

  • Gestione del territorio e delle quote

Compass helps define and manage sales territories and quotas. This ensures that sales efforts are strategically aligned with market opportunities and that reps are held accountable to realistic, data-backed goals.

  • Integrations and partner ecosystem

With extensive integration capabilities, Compass connects with other enterprise tools like CRM systems, ERP, and HR software. This connectivity lets sales reps have all the necessary information, enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness.

Compass fornisce una struttura solida che motiva i rappresentanti di vendita attraverso incentivi diretti e li dota degli strumenti e degli approfondimenti necessari per eccellere nel loro ruolo. In definitiva, questo porta a un miglioramento delle prestazioni e a un aumento della produttività delle vendite.

How Compass helped a digital automotive platform boosts sales reps’ performance with incentives

A leading digital automotive solutions provider, Asia’s most prominent, connects car buyers with OEMs, dealers, and sellers. Operating in over 30 countries, the company offers a diverse portfolio of auto and non-auto solutions.


For 15 years, sales incentives were manually calculated and communicated via email, leading to inefficiencies. As the company scaled, managing commission data in real-time became increasingly complex, reducing transparency for sales teams.


The company implemented Compass' Sales Performance Management Solution, automating commission calculations and providing real-time visibility into targets vs. achievements.

Key Features:

  • Leaderboards for performance tracking and ranking.
  • Regional and designation-based insights for business heads.


  • 20% increase in incentive program adoption within 100 days.
  • 18% rise in agents qualifying for incentives.
  • 25% growth in incentive payouts, boosting performance.

Want to see same results? Try Compass today and streamline your commission process effortlessly.


Tracking the right sales performance metrics helps evaluate each stage of the sales process, ensuring teams stay on track to meet their goals. Understanding both internal and external factors affecting sales allows businesses to anticipate challenges and capitalize on opportunities, ultimately improving sales rep productivity metrics and overall performance.

At Compass, we’ve designed a powerful solution to enhance sales efforts and keep teams motivated. Our gamified platform, equipped with leaderboards, scorecards, nudges, and real-time notifications, drives engagement and performance. Businesses using Compass have reported significant growth in sales performance metrics, from higher revenue to a more productive and motivated sales force.

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