في هذه الصفحة

يُعتبر ممثلو تطوير المبيعات (SDRs) أهم ركائز فريق المبيعات. فهم مسؤولون عن إنتاج العملاء المحتملين وضمان امتلاء قائمة انتظار المبيعات دائماً. يؤدي ممثلو تطوير المبيعات دوراً حاسماً في تحويل العملاء المحتملين إلى عملاء محتملين إلى عملاء محتملين، وذلك من خلال التركيز على التواصل الأولي، والتحقق من أهلية العملاء المحتملين، والتفاعل مع العملاء في المراحل المبكرة.  

ومع ذلك، يجب على الشركات وضع خطة تعويضات مناسبة تحفز الموظفين على تحقيق أهداف الإيرادات، وبالتالي تعزيز الأداء الأمثل. وبالإضافة إلى زيادة الإنتاجية، فإن خطط التعويضات المصممة بشكل جيد تعزز أيضاً الاحتفاظ بالموظفين من خلال منحهم شعوراً بالأمان المالي والكرامة.  

The average base salary in San Francisco is $67,050, with an additional cash compensation of $26,677, bringing the total compensation to $93,727. This attractive wage structure reflects the high demand for competent SDRs fast-paced job market, providing both stability and performance-based incentives. 

In this blog post, we will learn how to create an effective compensation plan by knowing its components, performance indicators, common problems, and solutions for creating a successful SDR compensation plan.

This information will help you create an SDR comp plan that will support your organization's expansion objectives while guaranteeing equity and rewarding performance. 

فهم أدوار ومسؤوليات مراجع التنمية المستدامة 

يعد فهم الأدوار الخاصة لمخترقي المبيعات الخاصين وكيف يتناسبون مع مسار المبيعات بأكمله أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لتطوير خطة دفع فعالة حقًا. لا يغلق مسؤولو المبيعات الخاصة الصفقات، على عكس البائعين العاديين. بل يركزون على: 

  • Prospecting: The process of identifying and communicating with possible clients through research. 
  • Cold outreach: Contacting possible leads via cold calling or sending emails. 
  • Lead qualification: Assessing a lead's potential as a sales prospect. 
  • Making appointments: Scheduling meetings or product demonstrations for sales agents to attract more potential customers. 
  • Monitoring inbound leads: This involves contacting leads who have expressed interest in doing business with the organization, usually through marketing campaigns or website inquiries. 

ونظراً لطبيعة عملهم، يتولى مسؤولو علاقات العملاء المحتملين مسؤولية تأهيل العملاء المحتملين، وتلبية مؤشرات الأداء المهمة، وتطوير العلاقات مع العملاء المحتملين في المراحل الأولى من عملية البيع. 

المكونات الرئيسية لخطة تعويضات حقوق السحب الخاصة 

دعنا الآن نتعرف على المكونات الرئيسية لخطة شركات SDR التي تساعد على تحفيز الموظفين. 

  1. Base pay: This is the set portion of the compensation plan that provides the SDR with financial stability. Since SDRs typically work in entry—or mid-level positions, the base pay should be enough to cover their expenses while allowing them to concentrate on their work without interruption. Usually, between 60% and 70 % of an SDR's total income is generated by their base pay. 
  2. Pay/commission variable: The variable component needs to provide incentives based on the achievement of predetermined benchmarks, including the overall number of scheduled meetings or qualified leads produced. Numerous key performance indicators (KPIs) that support the business's overall sales strategy can be associated with variable pay. Variable compensation often accounts for 30–40% of total earnings in SDR comp plans. 
  3. On-target earnings (OTE): OTE, or expected total earnings, is a composite of base pay and variable compensation that represents what an SDR will get upon meeting all performance goals. To prevent misunderstandings and guarantee that SDRs are aware of their responsibilities to optimize their profits, OTE should be explained clearly. 
  4. Rewards and bonuses: Incentives, along with base pay and commission, can be a very effective technique for boosting SDR motivation. One-time bonuses for surpassing goals or hitting important benchmarks, like finding a high-quality lead, could fall under this category. To promote teamwork, bonuses may also be applied for team-wide accomplishments. 
  5. Ramp period: New SDRs can take some time to catch up. At this ramp-up phase, the organization can provide an assured minimum commission or incentive structure, giving SDRs time to adjust without the immediate stress of hitting large targets. 

إليك مثالاً سيساعدك على فهم جميع المكونات بوضوح. 

Suppose, Jane, an SDR at XYZ Corp., makes up 65% of her total income from the base salary of $50,000, which gives her financial security. A commission of 35% of her earnings, or variable compensation, is available to her provided she meets certain KPIs, such as scheduling fifteen qualifying appointments in a month. If she meets her performance targets, her On-Target Earnings (OTE) will increase to $77,000 per year. 

Additionally, XYZ Corp provides incentives, including a three-month bonus for team-wide achievement milestones and an additional $1,000 for every five extra meetings beyond her objective. Jane has a ramp period for the first three months in which, even if she doesn't hit her quotas, she is assured a $5,000 commission to help her transition to the new post.


كيف تصمم خطة تعويضات متوازنة؟ 

عادةً ما تجمع خطة التعويضات المتوازنة لمندوب تطوير المبيعات (SDR) بين كل من الأجور الثابتة والمتغيرة. يرتبط الجزء المتغير بمؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية (KPIs) لضمان توافق الأداء مع أهداف الشركة. 

على سبيل المثال، يتقاضى مراجع حسابات خاص يُدعى جون راتبًا شهريًا قدره 3,000 دولار كأجر أساسي ثابت. أما أجره المتغير فهو 1500 دولار إضافي مرتبط بمؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية التالية: 

  1. Number of qualified leads: 40% of the variable pay. If John generates 20 qualified leads in a month, he earns $600. If he exceeds this target, say by generating 25 leads, he earns more, but if he only generates 15 leads, he earns less. 
  2. Call activity: 30% of the variable pay. John needs to make 100 calls a week. If he reaches this target consistently throughout the month, he earns $450. If he exceeds his call target, he can potentially earn more, but missing the target reduces his earnings. 
  3. Conversion rate: 30% of the variable pay. John is expected to convert 10% of his leads into opportunities. If he meets this goal, he earns $450. Again, exceeding this rate boosts his earnings, while underperformance lowers it. 

في خطة التعويضات هذه، يرتبط أجر جون المتغير مباشرةً بأدائه، ويضمن الراتب الثابت الاستقرار المالي. يساعد هذا التوازن في الحفاظ على تحفيزه مع مواءمة جهوده مع أهداف مبيعات الشركة. فيما يلي نموذج لهيكل العمولة في شكل جدول بناءً على مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية لمختبر المبيعات: 

مؤشر الأداء الرئيسي 



العمولة لكل مؤشر أداء رئيسي 

هيكل اللجنة 

العملاء المحتملون المؤهلون 


20 عميلاً محتملاً مؤهلاً شهرياً 


- Meets target (20 leads): $600 
- Exceeds target (25 leads): $750 
- Below target (15 leads): $450 

نشاط المكالمات 


400 مكالمة في الشهر (100/الأسبوع) 


- Meets target (400 calls): $450 
- Exceeds target (450 calls): $500 
- Below target (350 calls): $400 

معدل التحويل 


10% conversion from leads to opps 


- Meets target (10%): $450 
- Exceeds target (15%): $600 
- Below target (8%): $300 


يتم توزيع إجمالي الأجور المتغيرة لموظف المسؤول عن التطوير الذاتي، والذي يبلغ 1,500 دولار أمريكي، على ثلاثة مؤشرات أداء رئيسية: العملاء المحتملون المؤهلون ونشاط المكالمات ومعدل التحويل. لكل مؤشر من مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية وزن محدد، مما يشير إلى تأثيره على إجمالي الأجر المتغير: 

  • العملاء المحتملون المؤهلون: إذا حقق مراجع الحسابات المؤهل أو تجاوز الهدف (20 عميلاً محتملاً)، فسيحصل على العمولة المقابلة. في حالة ضعف الأداء، يحصلون على عمولة أقل. 
  • نشاط المكالمات: يؤثر عدد المكالمات بشكل مباشر على العمولة. تضمن الأهداف الأسبوعية المتسقة التقدم المطرد نحو الأهداف الشهرية. 
  • معدل التحويل: تحدد النسبة المئوية للعملاء المحتملين الذين يتم تحويلهم إلى فرص مقدار العمولة التي يكسبونها. تؤدي معدلات التحويل الأعلى إلى عمولات أعلى. 

يضمن هذا الهيكل أن تتم مكافأة كل مقياس أداء على حدة، وأن يكون لدى مراجع التنمية المستدامة حوافز مالية واضحة للأداء في جميع مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية. 

بالإضافة إلى مكافأة الإنجازات الفردية، يجب أن تعزز خطط مكافآت التطوير الوظيفي الذاتي المصممة بشكل جيد التقدم الوظيفي على المدى الطويل. ألقِ نظرة على هذه الخطوات لوضع خطة تحقق النتائج المرجوة: 

1. Start with SDR on-target earnings 

On-target earnings (OTE) refer to the total expected earnings of an SDR if they meet 100% of their performance targets. It includes both base salary and variable pay. Companies use this metric to communicate salary expectations for roles with a commission component. 

When structuring an SDR compensation plan, begin by defining the OTE. This approach ensures fairness, competitiveness, and budget alignment. Setting OTE first allows you to work backward to create a sustainable pay structure. 

Key metrics to consider: 

  • Average contract value: How much is an average customer worth to your business? Consider deal size and contract length to determine a reasonable budget for acquiring new customers. 
  • Expected outcomes and conversion rates: If you have an SDR team, analyze their historical performance to estimate how many deals they generate annually and the activities needed to reach that goal. 
  • Revenue targets: What is your leadership team’s revenue expectation from the SDR team? 

In many companies, SDRs contribute 30% to 40% of new business revenue. For example, if your company aims to generate $12 million in new revenue, SDRs should bring in about $3.6 million. If you have 12 SDRs, each will need to generate approximately $300,000 annually. 

A typical quota-to-OTE ratio falls between 5:1 and 8:1. Using this guideline, an SDR's OTE should range between $37,500 and $60,000, aligning with industry standards. However, these numbers should be adjusted based on company size, team structure, product pricing, and other relevant factors. 

2. Define the pay mix 

For entry-level sales roles, base salary typically makes up a larger portion of the compensation structure. A higher base salary provides stability while SDRs develop their skills. The most common base-to-variable pay mix for SDRs ranges between 50/50 and 70/30. 

The best SDR comp plans strike a balance—allowing SDRs to sustain themselves on their base salary while ensuring that commissions remain a motivating factor. If the base salary is too high, SDRs may lack the drive to hit their targets. If it’s too low, retention can become a challenge. 

3. Choose commission structure: Activities vs. outcomes 

SDRs typically earn commissions based on either activities or outcomes. A well-balanced plan often incorporates both. 

  • Activity-based compensation: SDRs receive a set amount for specific tasks such as calls made, meetings booked, or inbound lead response times. This model works well since SDRs do not close deals directly. 
  • Outcome-based compensation: SDRs earn a percentage of sales from deals they originated. This encourages them to focus on high-quality leads but can be frustrating when closing power is out of their hands. 

A hybrid approach prevents extreme scenarios where SDRs focus only on volume (if paid on activities) or get discouraged by uncontrollable factors (if paid solely on outcomes). The key is to align incentives with behaviors that drive revenue. 

4. Different compensation for outbound vs. inbound SDRs 

Outbound and inbound SDRs perform different roles and should have compensation structures that reflect their responsibilities. 

  • Outbound SDRs: Their focus is cold outreach, so key performance indicators (KPIs) may include the number of cold calls, meetings booked, or personalized emails sent. 
  • Inbound SDRs: Since they qualify and manage leads from marketing efforts, their KPIs may include response time or the number of qualified meetings booked. 

A strong SDR compensation plan should map out the sales process from the first touchpoint to a closed deal. By understanding how many activities lead to a single sale, you can create a plan that motivates and rewards SDRs effectively. 

Any organization can notice a streamlined payout in their comp plan if done well.  

Take this lending tech firm as an example. A lending tech firm faced challenges with manual commission tracking and transparency as it expanded.

They implemented Compass to automate commission processes, provide real-time visibility, and boost sales rep engagement through gamification. 

In less than 90 days, the firm saw 68% adoption of Compass, a 36% increase in payouts, and a 34% rise in incentive qualifiers as implementing Compass streamlined their compensation and helped in: 

- Implementation of a centralized platform: Compass provided a centralized platform that automated many aspects of the compensation planning process. 

- Data integration: The platform integrated various data sources, ensuring that all relevant information was readily available and accurate. 

A good SDR compensation plan should benefit both the individual SDR and the company. It's important to design a plan that is both realistic and easy to understand to keep morale high and ensure more deals are closed. Most companies use a variable compensation SDR plan, which includes a base salary plus commission based on how well the SDR performs. 

SDR comp plans examples 

Here are a couple of SDR comp plans to show the differences between inbound and outbound SDR roles. 

1. Outbound sales development rep 




Base Compensation 

Base Salary 

$32,500 per year 

On-Target Earnings 

OTE (Base + Commission) 

$65,000 per year 

Activity Volume 

Meaningful Touches (1000+) 


Meaningful Touches (750+) 


Meaningful Touches (Under 750) 


Meeting Quality 

Accepted Meetings (6+) 

$100 per accepted meeting 

Accepted Meetings (11+) 

$250 per accepted meeting 

Revenue Impact 

Closed-Won Revenue Generated 

2% of all closed-won revenue booked by the SDR 

Overall Goals 

Monthly Meaningful Touches 


Monthly Accepted Meetings 


Monthly Closed-Won Revenue Target 



2. Inbound sales development rep 





Base Compensation 

Base Salary 

$39,000 per year 

On-Target Earnings 

OTE (Base + Commission) 

$65,000 per year 

Lead Response 

Response Time (Under 5 minutes) 

$500 per lead 

Response Time (Under 10 minutes) 

$250 per lead 

Response Time (Over 10 minutes) 


Opportunity Quality 

Qualified Opportunities (5+) 

$150 per qualified opportunity 

Qualified Opportunities (9+) 

$250 per qualified opportunity 

Revenue Impact 

Closed-Won Revenue Generated 

1% of all closed-won revenue booked by the SDR 

Overall Goals 

Monthly Qualified Opportunities 


Monthly Closed-Won Revenue Target 



Ace creating SDR compensation plan with Compass 


An SDR comp plan that integrates individual objectives with corporate objectives and strikes a balance between base pay and performance-based incentives is considered efficient.

Businesses can design a system that fosters business expansion by establishing clear goals, providing competitive remuneration, and routinely assessing the strategy. 

Keep in mind that maintaining a comp plan that produces results while your company grows requires transparency and adaptability. This is where Compass can help you. Here are some key ways Compass can assist with SDR compensation plans: 

  • Compass يتيح لك تصميم خطط عمولة لأي مؤشر أداء رئيسي أو مقياس ببضع نقرات بسيطة. يمكنك بسهولة التعامل مع المُسرِّعات والمستويات ومحفزات سير العمل دون كتابة أي كود برمجي. 
  • تعمل المنصة على أتمتة حسابات العمولات للوصول إلى مدفوعات خالية من الأخطاء لمُخصّصي العمولات الخاصة بك. فهي تلغي العمل اليدوي وتضمن دقة العمولات في كل مرة. 
  • Compass يوفر لمسؤولي SDR رؤية في الوقت الفعلي لخطوط الأنابيب والعمولات المتراكمة والتنبؤات والمزيد. كما تحصل فرق القيادة أيضًا على رؤية كاملة للأداء والمدفوعات في جميع أنحاء المؤسسة. 

Schedule a call with the experts at Compass to learn how Compass can streamline your business. 

الأسئلة الشائعة 

1. What does OTE mean in terms of SDR pay? 

تُعرف المكافأة الإجمالية التي يمكن أن يتوقعها ممثلو التنمية المستدامة إذا حققوا جميع أهداف أدائهم باسم الأرباح المستهدفة (OTE). ويتكون عادةً من الأجر الأساسي بالإضافة إلى العمولة. 

2. How is the SDR commission calculated? 

كثيرًا ما تحدد مؤشرات مثل الاجتماعات المجدولة أو العملاء المحتملين المؤهلين عمولة لمختبري البيانات الخاصة. تتمثل إحدى الصيغ الشائعة التي تضيف إلى الأجر المتغير في منح معدل عمولة على كل عميل محتمل أو اجتماع مؤهل. 

3. What proportion of base salary should make up SDR compensation? 

في متوسط خطة تعويضات حقوق السحب الخاصة، يشكل الأجر الأساسي 60-70% من إجمالي الأجور، بينما يمثل الأجر المتغير القائم على الأداء نسبة 30-40% المتبقية. 

4. How should SDRs be compensated? 

SDRs should have a mix of base salary and variable compensation. A typical SDR compensation plan includes a base salary (around 50-70% of total earnings) and performance-based incentives tied to key metrics like qualified opportunities, meetings set and closed-won revenue. 

5. What is the compensation plan for SDR managers? 

SDR managers usually have a higher base salary than SDRs, with on-target earnings (OTE) ranging between $90,000 to $140,000. Their variable compensation is often based on team performance, including quota attainment, revenue impact, and SDR retention. 

6. What is the average commission structure for SDRs? 

The SDR commission structure varies but typically includes: 

  • A base salary of $40,000 to $60,000 
  • Commission based on meetings booked, opportunities created, or revenue closed 
  • Percentage-based commission (e.g., 1-3% of closed-won revenue) 




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